il y a 1 mois
Feeling stuck where you're at? Not sure how to move forward? Here are 5 truths to help you get unstuck and keep progressing 👇🏻 1. Flexibility is a strength. ✨ Difficulty being flexible may be linked to other things like a need for control, fear, struggle with adaptability, lack of resilience, etc... 👉🏻 If you have trouble being flexible, ask yourself what’s really going on? What happens when you go with the flow? How do you benefit when you're flexible? What about when you’re not? 2. Feeling unsure or uncomfortable about a change doesn't mean it's a bad one. ✨ Change and the unknown may stir up uneasy feelings but the change itself could still be positive. 👉🏻 Ask yourself what you’re really scared of. Remind yourself of the resources and help you have to tackle the change. Recall previous times of transition and what worked for you. 3. Don't forget to look at the impact of your choices. ✨ The decision you made - what came out of it? The words you said to someone - what was the impact? Pay attention to the results of the choices you make and the impact of your behaviour and words. 👉🏻 Is it leading to peace in your life or is it contributing to drama? 4. Daily habits and small steps DO make a difference ✨ These small actions are building momentum and consistency over time, increasing motivation, reinforcing positive behaviors and leading to long lasting change. 👉🏻 Are there goals you can break down into smaller more manageable steps that will make things more achievable and less overwhelming? 5. It's ok to change your mind and find appropriate help! ✨ It's a sign of self-awareness and self-care to get help that is a good fit for your needs, preferences, goals, personality and comfort level. Don't be afraid to keep looking until you find what works for you. 👉🏻 Remember, what helped in one season might not apply currently. And, also, every individual is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. As May unfolds hope these takeaways help propel you forward! 👉 Don't forget to share and encourage someone else too ❤
These are amazing truths to keep in mind when you're feeling stuck. I love how you point out that flexibility is a strength and that small steps can make a big difference.
il y a 1 mois
Thank you!
il y a 1 mois
il y a 1 mois