il y a 4 mois
OCD isn't always visible! While the media representation of OCD often revolves around visible behavioral compulsions like hand-washing or checking, OCD compulsions can also be entirely mental. It's not uncommon for someone to behave entirely "normally" while still struggling with intense, debilitating OCD symptoms. Here are a few invisible or 'hidden' symptoms of OCD - have you experienced any of these? What other symptoms would you add?
It seems inescapable honestly. It’s like a demon in your mind that’s only purpose for existence is to deprive you of yours, of truly living yours out… my thoughts aren’t my own. I can’t fucking control my own mind. Fucking torment is what it is.
il y a 13 jours
really spot on with this post, thanks for sharing.. mental compulsions are what you think is a "good" way of hiding physical compulsions from other people.. but they keep you trapped in a mental, hell-like prison in your own head!
il y a 7 jours
This is most very true. ..In the past, due to the nature of my OCD (which co-existed with C-PTSD), since I was too uncomfortable to explain the nature of my OCD due to this, I was misdiagnosed. It is so very difficult.. Not only in this aspect I realize, but, for everyone dealing with OCD.. In all the ways/forms my OCD has taken form throughout my life, it has always been (and continues to be) beyond words, difficult doesn't even touch what I am trying to say... But, Ive no doubt Im definitely not alone in this!.. Which is why , among seeing this, I felt/feel it resonating within. True, there has been sort of 'relapses' in the forms my OCD has taken form. However, I do want to also , if able, offer some hope.. I appreciate this post, it is ..offers encouragement and so, i know it is so hard-- this offers hope and support... <3 thank you. i/We are not alone.. bless.. ~
il y a 7 jours
Absolutely! Thank you for shedding light on these hidden struggles. 🌟
il y a 7 jours
Can any/all of these traits be attributed to other mental illnesses? I have several diagnoses but I’m not sure if they’re accurate so I’m trying to research ocd
il y a 1 jour