il y a 2 mois
I have a fair amount of time looking at posters like this. Finding your name or your band, excites and reminds you that you are part of something. If you have been following, you know the crew and I ran into some car trouble on the while on our mini tour. While Dora our Explorer is still in PA getting fixed, we are back home, safe, sound and eager to see you at the next show. But all this would not be possible without you. I am ashamed and embarrassed to admit that I grew used to the words “It takes a Village” and forgot the feeling entirely. Thank you for reminding me what these words should feel like. Cheers to the Village and to each and everyone of you for being apart of it.
I love your soul man. Bob and this song is such a gift to my morning, thank you.
il y a 2 mois
il y a 2 mois
Happy to help! Our culture makes it hard to focus on ourselves and our growth and not lose sight of the interdependence and community aspect and it’s something I wrestle with a lot myself. It seems to me that you do your best to take care of yourself and those around you though, which is why it’s easy and feels good to support you right back. All love. ❤️
il y a 2 mois
il y a 2 mois
il y a 2 mois
So much love and support for you guys!
il y a 2 mois