il y a 2 mois
reflections on the first video I've ever filmed. you'll have to excuse me if they're intimate; I desperately wish to craft stories, to tell them in a compelling way. I believe this is the drive for many artists, of various mediums, so you (yes, you. we are all artists in some way) will likely understand what I mean by this I've got a pretty good track record of artistic hobbies that center story-telling; from writing, to running tabletop, to photography, to improv comedy.. the list goes on and will continue to meander if I age I've been studying filmmaking at a distance for some time now. while I am confident in treading my path of creative direction as a photographer, an attempt to create video felt like a leap of faith I did not have the courage to take which leads me to be endlessly grateful of @harpbyvictoria for placing her trust in me to bring her vision to life. her confidence in my abilities and playful excitement encouraged me to lock the fear in a box, just for a bit, and jump headfirst. thank you, victoria, for being such an incredibly creative partner throughout the creation of your video this project has bruised my ego in a really lovely way. I don't often become frustrated, however I have felt nothing but gut wrenching failure despite the positive feedback throughout my life, I have refrained from sharing my other forms of art until I've hit a certain skill level, until I've felt satisfied, until I've felt they were "good enough" I wanted to hide this video, lock it in my archive folders littered with the skeletal systems of art thrown aside, and wipe my hands clean before anyone was the wiser. it would be a shame for someone to see me at anything other than my best, huh? I am struggling to fight this urge. it is a good struggle, one I am proud of myself for giving. I've bared my teeth to this unrelenting insecurity and not only spoken of the project to everyone I can, but shown it off as well. because I love this art and I've loved the process of creating it. I may instinctually see this as a failure, but. failure is exciting. there is so much to improve upon. what a thrilling feeling.
You’re literally the coolest person I know. Seeing you constantly try new things and take chances and put yourself out there in vulnerable and scary ways inspires me so much. All the creative work you do is so reflective of who you are, whether it be photography or writing or DnD. I’m proud of you for sharing your work even when you have your doubts. I can’t wait to see what you do next!!!!
il y a 2 mois
I loved working with you on creating a visual for Avril 14th sooo much! I hope we can do more silly art fun together! I love your eye and style and love learning together 🫶🏼
il y a 2 mois
also! this video made my dad cry so hard he could barely see it! you made something so beautifully movin n now u got my dad in the feels🥲 in the best way
il y a 2 mois
Ren. So much love and WOW and words that I can't put together to form the coherent sentence of my feelings after reading this. Thank you for sharing.
il y a 2 mois