il y a 1 mois
SURPRISE!!! TWO SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS! DIME PIECE IS OUT NOW ON APPLE MUSIC AND SPOTIFY AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BEST FRIEND IN THE WORLD 🩵🩵 so a while back a wrote this song about my best friend because I wanted her to know no matter what she’s an absolute DIME PIECE. No matter what some shitty ex boyfriend said to her or how she felt about her self, I always looked at this girl as absolutely perfect❤️ She’s been with me basically my whole childhood and I couldn’t imagine my life without her. So as a special Bday surprise I’m releasing this on her 25th bday and the cover art of this new song is of courseeee me and her, sending a big ole fuck you to anyone who’s doesn’t see us as the Dime Pieces we are 😘 Love you Shay
Omg🥹🩷 you both are wonderful!! Congrats Lu and happy birthday Shayla!!
il y a 1 mois
Dope, you finally released it 🔥🔥🔥
il y a 1 mois
😍this is too cute 😍
il y a 1 mois
hii check ur dms ❤️
il y a 1 mois
il y a 1 mois
Ready for you to come back to of
il y a 19 jours
hii check ur dms ❤️
il y a 6 jours