il y a 1 mois
🙇‍♂️IT'S JUST ABOUT TIME🙇‍♂️ For Diet Lite to hit the road once again! We're kicking things off on home turf THIS FRIDAY at our favorite place in the whole wide world @cactusclubmke . Would love to see as many MKE pals as we can squeeze into Cactus there that night. Then WE'RE OUTTA HERE! Your favorite boys of summer are covering as much of the Eastern US as we can in two weeks. It's our longest run yet, and we're bringing Mr. @mic1park along to keep us in line. Gonna be a hoot and a half, I tell ya. If you're in any of these cities, come catch a show, yeah? • • • • • @dietlitemusic Posters and pics by @whatisavisual