il y a 6 mois
We would like to share some of our recent successes with you, we are happy that Evacuation is doing well! 1) @dicetower - Top 10 games of 2023 with Wendy, Roy and Joey - 1st place /watch?v=wCzBOqLGSKA&t=1358s 2) Le Diamant d'Or - Sélection Finale Diamant d'Or 2024 /lediamantdor/status/1736449036784132131?t=8ek0hF-x6cSm5McE22BoGQ&s=19 3) @boardgamingramblings - Top 10 board games of 2023 - 1st place /watch?v=ZMMSQB5i8rU 4) @thinkerthemer - Top 10 big box/euro board games of 2023 - 2nd place /watch?v=WmDMxooHhQU #deliciousgamesboard #deliciousgames #evacuation #VladimirSuchy #dicetower #lediamantdor #selectionfinale #boardgamingramblings #thinkerthemer #top10 #1stplace #boardgame #boardgames #awards #succes
Thank you so much for all the fun! We are already excited for next year 🤩 Congratulations!
il y a 6 mois
Well deserved!
il y a 6 mois
Awesome, more reasons to get it! ❤️
il y a 6 mois