Adam Krause


Check it out, I did primary source archival research for this new essay and discovered some fresh facts I’ve never seen anywhere else… like the fact that fully one quarter of the people present at the founding of the Republican Party were former members of a Fourierist socialist community. (People knew there were Fourierists there already, but no one had taken the time to do a headcount before.) Link is in the linktree, just go to the one that says “substack” or whatever. It’s not on bandcamp, pal. Also, be warned: it’s about 6000 words. 20,000 words typeset in a book is usually about 100 pages, so think of this as being about 26 book pages. Oh, put the sound on for this post. I made a weird thing here. The bigger guy is Warren Chase, the president of the Wisconsin Phalanx. The little guy on his shoulder is Charles Fourier. Warren Chase is singing one of the dumbest Misfits songs.
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il y a 23 jours
Had a nice time at @canni_cafe_mke playing 5/6ths brand-new-never-before-performed tunes with @golden_bookay @njheuer snapped the first two photos, @djerinwolf shot the video two swipes in, and the incredible final photo is the only one I took all night and it’s @vernal_gas tuning their guitar at soundcheck. Loved their set quite a bit. Also blown away by @dannyhornsby and the cool chat we had later about the odd euphoria of finding unknown factoids while doing archival research. Big ups to @worldwidedirt for putting this together and insisting that Lomira is a band that exists in the way that bands typically exist and is not some abstract idea of a band that only exists as unmastered home recordings available for free on the Internet. We’re thinking about making some more of those but maybe mastering them this time.
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il y a 1 mois
To fulfill a request for my esteemed colleague @ian_olvera here is me, not so much doing a handstand, but hanging from the ceiling in my Halloween costume (the ghost of J. Robert Oppenheimer). All this in an effort to get all you nerds to come to @cactusclubmke on Sunday to see @hellodeath and @codenoirband play music. If we sell out before doors, I will perform as the late Mr. Oppenheimer. My promise to you. (Social Media 101: leave them with an action item and a challenge.)
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il y a 4 mois
Hey check it out, many of you may know me as a hack musician or semiprofessional writer or whatever, but a little-known fact about me is that I’m also one of the greatest living photographers. EXHIBIT A: This band photo of @hellodeath I took after practice on Monday to help promote our show THIS SUNDAY MARCH 3 at @cactusclubmke alongside @codenoirband It’s going to be incredible. If you would like me to take your band photos, I would encourage you to get in touch. Except with someone else. Not me. I would also encourage you to come see (and hear) the show on Sunday. It will be at least 1000x better than this photo.
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il y a 4 mois
I had put these very convincing photo editing experiments in a story to promote the upcoming @hellodeath performance at @cactusclubmke with @codenoirband on March 3rd, but the thought of these incredible pictures going off view in a mere 24 hours was making me sad, especially since I had put at least three minutes of work into them. So here they are in post form. There are no Hello Death band photos that include me (I am a recent addition, having only played two (?) shows and on an unreleased album) so I tried to remedy that the best I could. Interesting details: 1) The photos I cropped myself from were taken over a year apart but I’m wearing basically the same outfit. 2) I made myself a little taller than I actually am because I’m self-conscious about my height.
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il y a 5 mois
Just a coupla dudes who ripped off Duchamp in a similar way to try to hypnotize you from the stage.
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il y a 6 mois
Marielle kept telling that guy in the first picture that she loved him, so I challenged him to a fight and then he broke my jaw.
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il y a 6 mois
I challenged these bunnies to a game of basketball and totally destroyed them.
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il y a 9 mois
Here’s the vineyard @collectionsbees played in front of last night. Swipe to see the being that emerged from it and swindled me out of my soul.
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il y a 10 mois
Maybe it’s the lowered oxygen levels in my bloodstream from all the wildfire air making me engage in activities like this, but Marielle (@golden_bookay ) sat behind me and we pulled some of her hair onto my bald head, thus transforming me into this guy. Everyone down at the pool hall calls him “Stank.” In fact, no one seems quite sure what his real name is or if he even has one. Hobbies include stealing catalytic converters and knife throwing. Get in touch if you need your engine rebuilt. He’ll gladly accept the down payment, but you will never see him again, which honestly sounds like the best thing that could happen when dealing with Stank.
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il y a 1 an
I already put this silly “band photo” in a story, but I got such a kick out of it I decided to make it a proper post. These four knuckleheads are gonna be playing Visitations songs sans drumbs at Rushmor tonight at 6pm, and definitely all four songs off “Somewhere to Swim” alongside @_maeve_the_wave_ showing her glorious photos, some of which adorned that 10” ep. You can buy records and prints and hang out and say hi and watch us play songs. I’m so sleepy my eyelids are twitching and I feel less than smart so we’ll see if I remember what end of the guitar you blow into to make it work. Please bring espresso. #BVGN
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il y a 1 an
There was a big hail storm and then a rainbow. (I put the rainbow as the first slide and the hail as the second but it happened in the other order.)
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