Yoga therapist for chronic pain


Yoga&massage I help people get out of pain &get back the things they love. 1:1 Yoga Coaching online &offline D.M for a free consultation
I offer a private yoga program that helps you to get out of pain. Yoga Bliss is an 8 week 1:1 coaching. I design the program based on your pain and problem.I am by your side to coach you through the 8 weeks and support you in achieving your goals. I 've helped countless clients here in Oslo and around the globe break free from the pain's grip ,and now, I am honored to extend that same feeling to you. D.M. here or send me an email to Looking forward to hearing from you 😀 #yogaheals #yogaforpain #yogaforbackpain #fasciarelease #chronicpainsolutions #painfreeliving #happyyou #startlivingagain
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il y a 1 mois
Last day of @ogccamp ! Grateful for the memories made, amazing coaching, making new friends and time with old friends! These days were unforgettable! #ogccamp #usagymnastics #gymnasticscamp #gymnasticslevel7 #gymnast #level7gymnast #cocovida #usagymnastics @ogccamp
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il y a 7 jours
*Happy International Yoga Day! 🧘‍♀️🌟** Today, I am filled with immense gratitude as I reflect on my journey with yoga. It was 6 years ago when I first stepped onto the mat, not knowing that this practice would transform my life in such profound ways. Yoga has been a guiding light, helping me become a better person, a happier individual, and a calmer soul. Through the ups and downs of life, it has been my constant companion, teaching me to breathe through challenges and find peace within myself. One of the most significant changes yoga brought into my life was the relief from chronic back pain and body stiffness. Before yoga, I struggled daily with pain and discomfort that affected my mood and overall well-being. But with consistent practice, I noticed my back softening and the pain gradually fading away. The gentle stretches and mindful movements worked wonders, allowing my body to heal and regain its strength and flexibility. Beyond the physical benefits, yoga has enriched my mental and emotional health. It taught me the importance of mindfulness and being present in the moment. The stress and anxiety that once clouded my mind began to dissipate, replaced by a sense of calm and inner peace. I learned to listen to my body, respect its limits, and nurture it with kindness and compassion. As I celebrate International Yoga Day, I am reminded of the incredible journey I've been on and the community of fellow yogis who have inspired and supported me along the way. Yoga is more than just a practice; it is a way of life that promotes harmony, balance, and self-love. To anyone considering starting yoga, I encourage you to take that first step. The path may not always be easy, but the rewards are immeasurable. Yoga has the power to heal, transform, and uplift you in ways you never thought possible. Here's to the healing power of yoga and the endless benefits it brings. Happy International Yoga Day to all! May we continue to find strength, peace, and joy through this beautiful practice. 🌼💪❤️ Please share how yoga helped you or/ and transformed your life 🙏 😊 #InternationalYogaDay #YogaLife #Grateful #HealingJourney #Mindfulness #WellBeing #yogaforpain
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il y a 12 jours
When you commit to moving your body daily in a therapeutic way, everything begins to change. Your body finally thanks you and starts the healing process. Your stiff back softenes, and the pain begins to fade away. Slowly but surely, you start to enjoy life again. It happened to me and for my clients. Send me a D.M. let's chat. #yogaforpain #painfreeliving #healingispossible #chronicpainmanagement #backpainmanagement #backpainremedy #yogaforbackpain
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il y a 15 jours
Yoga and meditation don't have to be difficult! 🧘‍♀️ If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the thought of starting, remember that every journey begins with a single step. Start slowly with short sessions—just a few minutes a day. The key is to take it one step at a time, allowing yourself to ease into the practice without pressure. 🕰️ At first, it might seem challenging to quiet your mind or get into the poses, but that's completely normal. As you continue, you'll find that it becomes more natural and enjoyable. The benefits will start to become evident: you'll feel less stressed, more relaxed, and even notice a reduction in physical pain. 🌿 Consistency is your best friend on this journey. By making yoga and meditation a regular part of your routine, you'll begin to see significant improvements in your overall well-being. Your mind will become calmer, your body will feel more flexible and strong, and you'll find a sense of peace and balance in your daily life. What’s wonderful about this practice is that, over time, you’ll start to crave it. You'll look forward to those moments of calm and clarity, and you'll cherish the way it makes you feel. It becomes a sanctuary in your day, a time just for you to reconnect with yourself. So, don’t worry about being perfect or having to commit to long sessions right away. Start small, stay consistent, and allow yourself to grow at your own pace. You'll be amazed at the transformation you'll experience. What is your experience? Share them in the comments below! Let’s inspire and support each other! 💬👇✨ #yogajourney #yogaismagic #meditationforpain #meditationtime #yogaforpain #chronicpainmanagement #quiteyourmind
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il y a 22 jours
Here is a quick story about my client Kim. Kim was very stiff when she started with me. She had pain in her back, neck, shoulder, and hip due to sitting motionless all day in front of the computer.   After her first yoga session she immediately felt some release. As Kim started practicing more regularly she began understanding how to connect her mind and breath with the movements. This connection is the key to unlocking the true healing benefits of yoga.  With consistency of movement and practice her body   loosened up and became less and less painful. I helped her learn how to integrate yoga into her daily life instead of sitting still.  Here are 3 exercises you can do daily that don’t require a lot of time: Exercise 1, Inhale bring your arms up and exhale move to the right side. ( Right arm down on your side and left arm up end over) Inhale bring your arms up and exhale move to the left. Do it 5 times each side. Exercise 2, Cat & Cow As you Inhale, drop your belly towards the floor,reach your chest forward through your arms an tip your lower back up to the sky. As you exhale,press through your hands look towards your belly,and round your spine upwards. Do it 5 -8 times. Exercise 3, Supine twist Bring your right knee to your chest ( left leg straight and stays down) to inhale and exhale move to the left. If your knee can't touch the ground don't worry just make sure you feel the stretch. Your left hand on the side of your right knee and your right arm stays out down the floor. No worries your arm might not able to stay down and it's fine. Take five deep inhales and exhales. Repeat to the other side. Save this exercise and start doing them daily. You can also do them more during the day. Remember breathe and let the body unwind. Let me know how do you feel after. If you need help I have a great program that guide you to get rid off stiffness and pain. D.M for details. Enjoy your weekend 😘 #moveyourbodytoday #dailyyoga #yogaforstiffbodies #yogaforbackpain #yogaforpain #painfreemovement #chronicpainsolutions #chronicbackpain
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il y a 25 jours
Use this weekly plan to become the version that you want to be. Imagine,in just one week, you 'll feel hopeful. And the best part? Once you have the momentum and a routing, getting less pain in your body will become much easier. D.M. and I will get you my free 5 minutes yoga video. # recoverypossible #yogaforpain #painfreeliving #workoutplan #yogaforlife #chronicbackpain #chronicpainmanagement
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il y a 27 jours
I saw this brilliant book in Vienna, Austria, and I really wanted to share it with you. It's smart and funny at the same time. I will definitely order it in English. It can be easy to cultivate yoga in your everyday life..... This book really inspired me, so while I was on the train, I was doing some yoga🧘‍♀️.You can see it in my precious video. Be creative , start practicing instead of focusing on, "I don't have time"! Yes, you do have time 😍You can always make time for yoga. Remember, my Yoga Bliss program can also help you with that🤗 Reach out if you need help. D.M. me. #yogawhileyouwait #yogaanywhere #yogaanytime #yogaforanybody #yogaforstress #yogaforpain #yogatopreventinjury #injuryprevention #feelgood #yogaheals #yogaforhappiness
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il y a 29 jours
🌿✨ Slowing Down to Heal: The Power of Pace, Peace, and Clarity ✨🌿 If you're struggling with chronic pain, the journey to recovery can seem endless. But what if the key to healing lies in something as simple as slowing down? 🧘‍♀️✨ When you slow down, you create moments of pace, stillness, peace, and clarity. This calmness helps regulate your nervous system, fostering an environment where your body can start to heal more effectively. 🌸💖 I experienced this transformation firsthand. The moment I embraced a slower, more mindful approach, my healing journey accelerated. And that’s exactly what I want for you too! 🙌✨ That's why I created the Yoga Bliss Program—to guide you towards a pain-free life through the power of mindfulness and gentle movement. Recovery is possible, and it’s about doing it the right way. 🌼💪 Don’t be afraid to DM me. I’m here to help you every step of the way. Let’s embark on this healing journey together! 💌💕 #ChronicPain #HealingJourney #Mindfulness #YogaBlissProgram #PaceAndPeace #HealYourBody #WellnessJourney #SupportAndHealing
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il y a 1 mois
Yoga is brilliant because you can do it anytime and anywhere! Me,doing yoga on the train from Bratislava to Vienna .... As soon as you understand that yoga can be done anytime, anywhere, and start doing it, you will begin feeling the amazing benefits.... Less stiffness, pain, stress, and feeling overwhelmed.... Breathe, enjoy moving your body, and magic will happen! It happened for me. I wish I knew this when I was a professional gymnast because I could have saved my body from so much tightness and pain. I also could have better managed pressure and stress during the Olympics, World Championships, and Europeans. I could have enjoyed competing much more instead of stressing out. 🙃 Anyway, I am happy I found yoga in my 40s and recovered from chronic back pain. It has helped me become a much better person and gymnastics coach. The results were so inspiring that I decided to become a yoga teacher to help you and others to recover from pain like I did. D.M., if you would like to know about my 1:1 coaching program. #yogaforpain #yogaheals ##yogaforbackpain #chronicbackpain #chronichpainsolution
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il y a 1 mois
If I wanted to enjoy summer vacation without pain by July ,I would start with: Step One : Make a decision and start working with a private yoga teacher Step Two : Show up for my sessions Step Three: Be patient and keep practicing yoga This is meant for you. I am a former Olympics gymnast and I know way to well what does it mean being in pain. Yoga helped me to get out of pain so it can help you as well. DM me and you’ll get my freebie to start becoming pain free. #yogaheals #yogaforpain #yogaforbackpain #painfreemovement #meditation  #startmoving #backpainremedy #chronicpainmanagement #itispossible #changeyourmindset #chronicpainsolutions #healyourlife #healyourbody
10 1
il y a 1 mois
When you learn how to calm down your nervous system, that's when healing will happen. How do I know? Because I have been there. I used to think meditation and breathing exercises were silly and definitely not for me. I was so WRONG!!! When I was dealing with chronic back pain, stress, and depression meditation and breathing exercises helped me so much to get better faster. I was doing yoga, of course, but when I spent time on meditation, even 5 minutes a day made a big difference in my pain and stress management. I also learned how to connect the exercises with my breath and mind that was also a game changer. I just want the same for you! I want you to get out of pain just like I did! I also helped many of my student students to live without pain and stress. Is it possible for YOU as well! Here are my 5 steps process : 1,I will teach you how to calm down your nervous system. 2, I will teach you all the therputic exercises you need for your pain and problems. 3,I will help you to get your core ( body) strong. 4 ,I will help you with how to release nerve, fascia, and muscle tension. 5 ,At end you will have all the tools to stay healthy D.M., if you are ready to enjoy your life again and get out of pain. #painfreemovement #painfreeliving #yogaheals #yogaforpain #backpainremedy #chronicbackpain #chronicpainsolutions #meditationforpain #meditationiskey #breathworkhealing
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il y a 1 mois