Dr. Michaela Musilova


👽 #Astrobiologist | #AnalogAstronaut | #Speaker | #Author | #ScienceCommunicator | #Explorer President of XtremeFrontiers & Faculty @spaceuniversity
Presenting Hakuna Matata Kilimanjaro! This is a teaser trailer for the first documentary film that I've directed and produced. It's about my team's expedition to Kilimanjaro, as part of my Astro Seven Summits project 😊. I hope to see you at the movie premiere at 18:00 on May 31st, in the new food hall in Eurovea 😊. . . . Predstavujeme Hakuna Matata Kilimanjaro! Toto je upútavka na prvý dokumentárny film, pre ktorý som bola režisérkou aj producentkou. Ide o expedíciu môjho tímu na Kilimandžáro, v rámci môjho projektu Astro Koruna Zeme. Dúfam, že sa vidíme na premiére filmu 31. mája o 18:00 v novej jedálni v Eurovei 😊. @Eurovea @Euroveacity @ArtisOmnis   #trailer #moviepremiere #filmpremiere #HakunaMatataKilimanjaro #beseda #presentation #autogramiada #ZenaZMarsu #AWomanFromMars #MichaelaMusilova #AstroSevenSummits #AstroKorunaZeme #Eurovea #Bratislava #Slovakia
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I'm very grateful that I was able to make it amongst the Top 100 Aerospace & Aviation Professionals to Follow on LinkedIn yet again, this time for the year 2022 😊. What a great way to start this year! Congratulations to all of the awesome people that made this list! Many thanks for this recognition and to you all for your support, I really appreciate it 😊. A huge thanks belongs to Matt Higa for this initiative and for bringing the aerospace & aviation community together in this way 😊. Please have a look at this article for more information and so that you can get to know the other awardees 😊 (you can find the link in my bio as well): /pulse/congratulations-top-100-aerospace-aviation-follow-linkedin-matt-higa . . . Som veľmi vďačná, že sa mi opäť podarilo dostať sa medzi 100 najlepších odborníkov v oblasti letectva a kozmonautiky na "sledovanie" cez LinkedIn, tentoraz za rok 2022 😊. Aký skvelý spôsob, ako začať tento rok! Gratulujem všetkým úžasným ľuďom, ktorí sa dostali do tohto zoznamu! Veľká vďaka za toto uznanie a vám všetkým za podporu, veľmi si to vážim 😊. Obrovské poďakovanie patrí Mattovi Higovi za túto iniciatívu a za to, že takýmto spôsobom spojil leteckú a kozmonautickú komunitu 😊. Prosím pozrite si tento článok pre viac informácií a aby ste sa mohli zoznámiť s ostatnými ocenenými 😊 (odkaz nájdete aj v mojej bio): /pulse/congratulations-top-100-aerospace-aviation-follow-linkedin-matt-higa #recognition #top100 #aerospace #aviation #LinkedIn  #AWomanFromMars  #MichaelaMusilova #womeninstem #womeninspace #astrobiologist #honored #gratitude
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Do you know what I have in common with awesome Slovaks like Ľudovít Štúr, Milan Rastislav Štefánik and @petravlhova13 ? I'm very honored to not only be featured in the same book "Super Slovaks" as them, but also to be on the cover of the book with them as well 😊. Many thanks to the team behind the book @globalslovakia for including me in your very nice book and for this great honor! 😊 This book is about 50 Slovaks who, according to the authors, have changed Slovakia, and I am very happy to be included among them. Who knows what it would have been like had we all been able to meet at some point 😊. In this way, at least our stories "met" in one book, which is also a bit of a guide to Slovakia's history. I would love to hear what you thought of the book if you have a chance to read it 😊. You can find it on Amazon and link in my bio: https://amzn.to/3KiGBFm . . . Viete, čo mám spoločné s úžasnými Slovákmi ako Ľudovít Štúr, Milan Rastislav Štefánik a Petra Vlhova? Som veľmi poctená, že som s nimi nielen v tej istej knihe "Super Slováci", ale som s nimi aj na obálke knihy 😊. Veľká vďaka tímu, ktorý stojí za knihou, že ste ma zaradil do vašej veľmi peknej knihy a za túto veľkú poctu! 😊 Táto kniha je o 50tich Slovákoch, ktorí podľa autorov zmenili Slovensko a ja som nesmierne rada, že môžem byť medzi nimi. Kto vie, aké by to bolo, keby sme sa mohli všetci stretnúť naraz pri nejakej príležitosti 😊. Takto sa stretli aspoň naše príbehy v jednej knihe, ktorá je zároveň tak trochu sprievodcom históriou Slovenska. Budem veľmi rada, ak mi po jej prečítaní dáte vedieť, či sa vám páčila 😊. Môžete ju nájsť na Amazon a link aj v mojom bio: https://amzn.to/3KiGBFm #SuperSlovaks #SuperSlovaci #book #bookcover #feature #MichaelaMusilova #analogastronaut #astronaut #space #scientist #womeninstem #womeninspace #NASA #astrobiology #astrobiologist #Slovak #Slovakia #greathonor #gratitude
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Biosphere 2 is an almost surreal place created from ambitious dreams and determination. To this day, it's a site for scientific research and inspiration, for instance for the analog astronaut community. Recently, I had the honor of being a keynote speaker at the Analog Astronaut Conference (AAC) @analogastronautconference , which was held at Biosphere 2. I was also part of a "Rockstar panel" on performing research in extreme environments with Dr. Sian Proctor @drsianproctor , Dr. Mason Robbins @straightredcard , Dr. Shawna Pandya @shawnapandya and Olivia Drayson @starlit_livs , which was moderated by Terry Trevino @planeterryspace 😊. Here is a mix of some pictures I took from the inside of Biosphere 2 @biosphere2 and others from the AAC. I'll share a couple of reels with you over the coming week with more information about the amazing facility of Biosphere 2 and the new analog research station SAM @simoc_sam . Many thanks to the whole AAC team and particularly to Dr. Brandy Nunez @space_racer_ for making it happen for me! Thank you as well to AAC's official photographer and other AAC participants for the pictures of me during my keynote presentation, the panel I was on and during some of our group activities 😊. #keynotespeaker #AAC24 #analogastronautconference #Biosphere2 #MichaelaMusilova #AWomanFromMars #ZenaZMarsu #AstroSevenSummits #AstroKorunaZeme #analogastronaut #astronaut #space #Moon #Mars #Arizona
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Čo rada pozerá “Žena z Marsu”? 🌌 🤔 Opýtali sme sa @astro_michaela na jej obľúbený vesmírny film. Máte rovnaký filmový vkus ako ona? 😉
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Donate now for the final day of our birthday fundraiser for Cameron! Every contribution helps us to continue to inspire the current and future generations to appreciate and learn more about the world they live on. Donate through Facebook: /donate/411616945200661/ Donate through Venmo: /u/XtremeFrontiers_ #donate #birthday #thankyou #Giving #charity
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We're in the final two days of our XtremeFrontiers fundraiser for Cameron's birthday! He made a quick, exciting video to share our approach to teaching others by sharing our experiences. Please consider a donation of any size to support our new 501(c)3 non-profit! Donate through Facebook: /donate/411616945200661/ Donate through Venmo: /u/XtremeFrontiers_ #Giving #teaching #mountainclimbing #adventure
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Over the past few years, it has been my pleasure to be working as the Head of Research for the Slovak space company Needronix. Needronix is a space technology designer, manufacturer and integrator of high quality components for CubeSats (nanosatellites). These types of components include sun sensors, Earth sensors and transceivers, which we pride ourselves on producing in the most reliable and easy to integrate fashion. Our CubeSat sun sensors are some of the smallest in the world! I first got involved in the space satellite world during the project of the first Slovak satellite skCUBE, which was successfully launched into space in 2017. Needronix was one of Slovakia's first upstream space technology companies and it was an important part of the skCUBE project. Since then, we have been working on three ESA projects, 7 missions on top of skCUBE and we have 5 more space missions coming up 😊. We also just launched our new website! Please check it out if you would like to know more: ➡️ https://needronix.eu/ . . . Počas posledných rokov mi bolo potešením pracovať ako vedúca výskumu pre slovenskú vesmírnu spoločnosť Needronix. Needronix je dizajnér kozmických technológií, výrobca a integrátor vysoko kvalitných komponentov pre CubeSats (nanosatelity). Tieto typy komponentov zahŕňajú slnečné senzory, zemské senzory a transceivery, ktoré sa snažíme vyrábať najspoľahlivejším a najľahšie integrovateľným spôsobom. Naše slnečné senzory CubeSat sú jedny z najmenších na svete! Do sveta vesmírnych družíc som sa prvýkrát dostala pri projekte prvej slovenskej družice skCUBE, ktorá bola úspešne vypustená do vesmíru v roku 2017. Needronix bola jednou z prvých slovenských spoločností zaoberajúcich sa upstream vesmírnymi technológiami a bola dôležitou súčasťou projektu skCUBE. Odvtedy pracujeme na troch projektoch ESA, 7 misiách okrem skCUBE a čaká nás ďalších 5 vesmírnych misií 😊. Práve sme spustili aj našu novú webovú stránku! Ak sa chcete dozvedieť viac, prosím pozrite si stránku tu: ➡️ https://needronix.eu/ #NEEDRONIX #spacecompany #satellite #cubesat #designer #manufacturer #integrator #spacetech #ZenaZMarsu #AWomanFromMars #MichaelaMusilova #research #Slovakia
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We at XtremeFrontiers are so thankful for all the many people in our lives who have supported us with donations or other assistance throughout these past 3 years! This work could not be accomplished without all of you who bought perks, attended events, followed/shared on social media, and even opened up their homes to us. So THANK YOU all again for your help and support, and for others who wish to support us please consider donating to our cause! Donate through Facebook: /donate/411616945200661/ Donate through Venmo: /u/XtremeFrontiers_ #fundraiser #Giving #charity #thankyou
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Part of the mission of XtremeFrontiers is to inspire wonder about the planet we currently live on, and to do that we train ourselves to safely travel to the most beautiful and remote locations on Earth to document what it is like there. Your donation will help us continue in this mission and continue these activities to share what we learn with people all around the world! Donate through Facebook: /donate/411616945200661/ Donate through Venmo: /u/XtremeFrontiers_ #fundraiser #Giving #donate #outreach
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Why do I like extreme life so much? That's because these so-called extremophiles are super versatile and they can help us learn so much about life on Earth and beyond 😊. Many thanks to @celestronuniverse for these microscopes that make a difference in my research and educational work 😊. . . . Prečo mám tak rada extrémny život? Je to preto, že títo takzvaní extrémofily sú mimoriadne všestranní a môžu nám pomôcť naučiť sa veľa o živote na Zemi aj mimo nej 😊. Veľká vďaka @celestronuniverse za tieto mikroskopy, ktoré nesmierne pomáhajú mojej výskumnej a vzdelávacej práci 😊. #aliens #extreme #life #astrobiologist #ZenaZMarsu #AWomanFromMars #MichaelaMusilova #space #astronaut #NASA #Mars #AstroSevenSummits #AstroKorunaZeme #biotechnology #medicine #biomining #biofuels #celestron
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I have the pleasure of being part of @u.s.soy_ !!re!!_039;s documentary Groundbreaking: A Story of Innovation, which premieres today on @aetv 😊. The documentary is about how versatile and sustainable soy is, and it includes a segment about soy's great potential in future space exploration missions. I'm grateful for the opportunity to have explored that topic in the context of simulated missions to Mars 😊. Here are some pictures from behind the scenes during the filming of Groundbreaking at HI-SEAS @hi_seas_official . You can find the trailer for the movie here (the link is in my bio too): ➡️https://bit.ly/Michaela_Groundbreaking . . . Je mi potešením, že môžem byť súčasťou dokumentu od @u.s.soy Groundbreaking: A Story of Innovation, ktorý má dnes premiéru na @aetv 😊. Dokument je o tom, aká všestranná a udržateľná je sója, a obsahuje časť o veľkom potenciáli sóje v budúcich vesmírnych misiách. Som vďačná za príležitosť preskúmať túto tému v kontexte simulovaných marťanských misií 😊. Tu je niekoľko obrázkov zo zákulisia natáčania filmu Groundbreaking na stanici HI-SEAS @hi_seas_official .   Trailer k filmu nájdete tu (odkaz je aj v mojej bio): ➡️https://bit.ly/Michaela_Groundbreaking #GroundBreaking #soy #documentary #premiere #AETV #MichaelaMusilova #AWomanFromMars #ZenaZMarsu #analogastronaut #astronaut #astrobiologist #NASA #aliens #womeninstem #womeninspace #space #Moon #Mars
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il y a 11 jours