Avaloch Farm Music Institute


A Creative Residency Program for Musicians in Boscawen, NH
You are not separate from the vision of yourself that you see. You already ARE that. What energy needs to move (energy in motion? Emotion?) so that you can see you already are fully complete in yourself? I am reminded over and over that the healing is the music is the healing, for me, because I am a musician healer, and that is how creator expresses itself in me. How does creator express itself in you? What is your greatest joy? And what, if anything, is in the way of that? Is there a belief of being separate in some way from that essential nature? That is the illusion, the veil, that we put up through the human experience. The experience of this, the suffering or pain, can show us to the place that wants to move, so that we can be more of ourself, and experience inner acceptance, joy, self love and appreciation, and connection to purpose. Sounds pretty good, eh? Summertime is such a beautiful time to do this work! Hopefully a time when you can slow a bit, breathe a bit deeper, find deeper gratitude for what is residing naturally in you. What is that deepest most natural essence that you can celebrate today? #authenticselfexpression #completeauthenticselfexpression #completeness #completeselflove #completeselfacceptance #healingjourney
il y a 1 jour
When was your last time hearing your own voice? My first time doing #RoundRobin . Watching my fellow artists improvise was mesmerizing, but stepping into that circle was a leap into the unknown. So, as I got inside the circle, I closed my eyes for a moment. Observing the tone like a surfer watching the waves and then letting my voice ride 🌊🏄🏻‍♀️ Sometimes she felt playful and released some textured character, sometimes playing with hometown tonal, sometimes even hitting some range I haven’t heard so often.  It was liberating to hear my own voice doing what it could do. It’s not every day I get to voice out tonalities and textures that were unexpected, unwelcomed, and haven’t been given a chance to exist for no reason.  Funny enough, after that session ended, I asked myself, “Am I still a vocalist? Or am I just a Music Producer?”🤔 I have been working on my producing muscle, I felt like it’s time to go back to working on that singing muscle again! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 #RoundRobin #videodump #carousel #culturediplomacy #improv #jazzimprovisation #OneBeat13 #MusicJourney #artresidency #vocalist #blessed #fellowship #instatravel
il y a 1 jour
Deeply grateful for the time shared with @themoaninfrogs at @avalochfarmmusicinstitute From intimate chamber music duos to 8PM techno raves and delicious meals to choreography sessions, this artist residency was an absolute blast! Many thanks to the staff and gracious hosts here at Avaloch, and BRAVO to the collective of artists gathered here this week. Y'all have inspired us in your own ways during the share sessions, mealtime conversations, and action-packed showcases. 🎷🐸 aren't done yet... fun times ahead at UMass Amherst 👀 #avaloch #avalochfarmmusicinstitute #themoaninfrogs #saxophone #summer
il y a 4 jours
Unbelievably lucky to make music with my @pghnewmusic family at @avalochfarmmusicinstitute this week. They make me better in every way 💚 #hereticsguidetomusicianship #limegreendreamteam #theatreofmusic #pnme
il y a 11 jours
Heretic’s Guide Day 4 with the Lime Green Dream Team 🔥💚 Thankful for this time together, the music, and the growing, stretching and learning happening for all of us. @avalochfarmmusicinstitute @erikaboysen @gohwi85 @nathalie_shaw @amandagookin @oscar.micaelsson @kesselmanlindsay #theatreofmusic #hereticsguide #conductorsworkshop #scorestudy #interpretation #leadership #vulnerability #connection #communication
il y a 11 jours
So happy to be with my @pghnewmusic fam @avalochfarmmusicinstitute this week for the Heretic’s Guide to Musicianship. Great music with a beautiful community 💚
il y a 14 jours
Day 2 : Joy, laughter, hard work. Rhythm boot camp, score study, learning from our incredible composer-in-residence Ivette Herryman Rodríguez, discussions about life and music, conducting rounds and coachings. Our brains and hearts are full 💚. @avalochfarmmusicinstitute @erikaboysen @kesselmanlindsay @gohwi85 @oscar.micaelsson @amandagookin @nathalie_shaw #theatreofmusic #hereticsguide #conductorsworkshop #leadership #scorestudy #interpretation
il y a 14 jours
can’t believe I get to work here
il y a 14 jours
Thank you @avalochfarmmusicinstitute for an unforgettable week of music making, exploration, friendship, excellent food and a whole lot of shenanigans. A few more memories from the week! We are excited about the future of our collaboration with the incomparable @msalkindpearl ! We'll be back in July for @composers_conference and we cannot wait!! See you soon, Avaloch! 😎🎷🎻
il y a 15 jours
A little #throwback to this moment in @1beatmusic where we immerse in one of the many radical #sonicmeditation practices from Pauline Oliveros, this is “Teach Yourself to Fly” 🦋 This was a turning point for me. I practice meditation daily but this connected me deeply with others and the space around me. Suddenly, I felt like I merged with everything that ever existed. Floating and expanding in spaces, realizing that we are only our consciousness 🌌 Before I knew it, the morning’s frustration and all the real troubles seemed like a distant memory, until we effortlessly found our way back to the barn💫 I’d love to do this myself any day, but to be able to do this in a group setting was such a privilege✨ #PaulineOliveros #Mindfulness #Presence #OneBeat #MusicJourney #Connected #Consciousness
il y a 15 jours
Safely back in NYC after an incredible week at @avalochfarmmusicinstitute with trio mates @silvan.joray & @kroljeff We tracked an entire album in 4 hours, ate so much food and reconnected with the nature of New England🌲☀️🌅 I genuinely hope to return to this special place soon!🙏 . #avalochfarmmusicinstitute #avalochfarm #residency #album #originalmusic #guitartrio #guitar #bass #drums #bassistsofinstagram #musician
il y a 16 jours