
mqt, mi band & collage
Every man is surrounded by a neighborhood of voluntary spies
49 2
il y a 3 mois
Generally speaking, espionage offers each spy an opportunity to go crazy in a way he finds irresistible
35 0
il y a 3 mois
When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions
31 1
il y a 3 mois
revenge proves its own executioner
37 0
il y a 3 mois
put to shame and blinded
22 0
il y a 3 mois
while my lute gently sneaks
54 0
il y a 3 mois
we forge the chains we wear in life $ $ $ $ $ $ $ #art #collage #collageart #digitalcollage #medieval #medievalart #xerox
48 1
il y a 6 mois
even violence gets boring $ $ $ $ $ $ $ #art #collage #collageart #digitalcollage #medieval #medievalart #xerox
44 1
il y a 6 mois
this foul dead shall smell above the earth with carrion men groaning for burial $ $ $ $ $ $ $ #art #collage #collageart #digitalcollage #medieval #medievalart #xerox
51 1
il y a 6 mois
a stare that bleeds through $ $ $ $ $ $ #art #collage #collageart #digitalcollage #medieval #medievalart #xerox
48 1
il y a 7 mois
ghosts in a circle passing through one another $ $ $ $ $ $ #art #collage #collageart #digitalcollage #medieval #medievalart #xerox
32 1
il y a 7 mois
on the edge of a sleeping sword $ $ $ $ $ $ #art #collage #collageart #digitalcollage #medieval #medievalart #xerox
66 3
il y a 7 mois