Eric Barnhart


The next ork has a big shoota! Not many regular footslogging boys get the chance to have a big shoota, but this one's lucky enough to have one. The big shoota is just a bigger, shootier version of a regular shoota. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
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Here he is! Ork society is often described as anarchic, but that often isn't true. "Might makes right", as far as your average ork is concerned. This is a nob, short for nobility. He's bigger, has better weapons, and has flashier bits than other boys, and reminds them of that at every available opportunity. Mostly by yelling at them, but sometimes youz gotta krump a git to teach da rest o' da boys that youz the biggest, so youz in charge. They are easily seen by the boss pole they have on their backs. It is both a rallying point for orks on the field and a warning that the nob is coming, so you best not be muckin' about!
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The fifth boy is here, and he's got a chainsword! The sign of an ork that really likes to get stuck in and get to choppin'! With this many boyz, things are bound to get rowdy. We'll need to find someone to keep these orks in line until it's time to stomp some faces. I wonder who that'll be...?
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Orks have two commonly held combat doctrines: "choppy", where you run up and hit the first git you see as 'ard as you kan, or "shooty", where you get a big, loud, really killy shoota and dakka dakka dakka until youz hit somfing (probly). The newest ork boy in the front has decided an ironsight will help him aim better. It may work. Probably not, though.
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The next Ork is here! His choppa? Ready. His slugga? Ready. The git about to be krumped into next week? Not so much.
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The first of many.
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Thats how the boys roll
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