Hard Nocks South


I am Rob MacIntyre. I help people get strong and get sweet looking muscles. Here you will see a few of those people. Hardnockssouth.com.
An art piece I call @therealec3 doing chest stuff.
176 4
il y a 9 mois
So @paulwight came in a month ago and said he didn't think he could bench ever again because of his shoulders. Then he discovered a modern miracle of science called Hard Work. And triceps. He also discovered his triceps.
711 10
il y a 9 mois
Slow motion of a log press. Interesting to see the amount of muscle besides the shoulders involved in pressing and stabilizing. Note the comparative lack of tension on the rear deltoids highlighting how they are not stimulated like the other two heads in pressing motions.
269 5
il y a 11 mois
A muscle man.
197 4
il y a 11 mois
Its been a long time. Here is a deadlift over 650lbs but under 700lbs. You do the math.
468 12
il y a 11 mois
Sorry to those who sent me messages on here. Haven't been on in months. Here is one by request @dirtydangocurty with a 500lbs squat a few hundred days ago.
712 15
il y a 1 an
When you have the gym spirit but forget to use your words.
1,057 13
il y a 1 an
78 4
il y a 1 an
A man. A plan. A bench press.
93 0
il y a 1 an
Oops. I deleted this. Now it's back.
277 1
il y a 1 an
I'm lazy so here is an old one.
1,342 31
il y a 2 ans
Gym frog. I call him Jim.
48 2
il y a 2 ans