Jonathan Haidt


Social psychologist @nyustern 📕 “Coddling of the American Mind” 📙 #TheAnxiousGeneration #1 NYT bestseller Join the movement ✊
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il y a 2 mois
Rates of depression, anxiety and suicide among young people have risen dramatically in the last decade. Author Jonathan Haidt says we have overprotected kids in the real world and underprotected them online. Brook Silva-Braga spoke to @jonathanhaidt about his new book that looks at possible causes and solutions.
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il y a 3 mois
THANK YOU, all of you, for making #TheAnxiousGeneration an instant, #1 @nytimes bestseller. We can do this if we work together. We can institute new, sane norms around smartphones and social media for kids and teenagers, so they’re no longer spending 5-9 hours a day on screens. They will no longer have to sacrifice sleep, exercise and in-person friendships to follow their popularity and build their brands online. Along with the book, we’re launching a movement. If enough of us start delaying smartphones and social media, it will be easier for other parents to say no. Join us at (link in bio) and let’s #freetheanxiousgeneration 🙅‍♀️📵🤸 #anxiousgeneration #theanxiousgeneration #GenZ #smartphonefreechildhood #phonefreechildhood #GenZmentalhealth #GenAlpha #parenting #mentalhealth #kidsmentalhealth #teenagersmentalhealth #anxiety #depression #kidswithanxiety #phonebasedchildhood #anxietysupport #anxietyawareness #smartphones #socialmedia #Instagram #JonathanHaidt #JonathanHaidtbooks
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il y a 11 heures
I often get the counterpoint that it’s parents’ job to teach their children how to use social media responsibly. But this expectation doesn’t account for the fact that social media platforms are designed to be addictive. It’s like saying, “parents should teach their children not to be addicted to cigarettes.” Or “parents should teach their children to watch pornography responsibly.” Some substances and experiences are too powerful for the adolescent brain, and we should insist that tech companies adjust their practices to that biological reality. Quote from Sean Parker in 2017 via @axios #anxiousgeneration #theanxiousgeneration #freetheanxiousgeneration #GenZ #smartphonefreechildhood #phonefreeschools #phonefreechildhood #GenZmentalhealth #GenAlpha #parenting #mentalhealth #kidsmentalhealth #teenagersmentalhealth #anxiety #depression #kidswithanxiety #phonebasedchildhood #anxietysupport #anxietyawareness #smartphones #socialmedia #SeanParker #JonathanHaidt #JonathanHaidtbooks
3,004 36
il y a 1 jour
In fact social media apps exist in order to sell access to your attention, and they know more about their users than their immediate family members know. Meta’s internal documents reveal that it’s an open secret that there are millions of under-13 accounts. Congress must force social media companies to enforce their own age limits, and raise the minimum age to 16. #anxiousgeneration #theanxiousgeneration #freetheanxiousgeneration #GenZ #smartphonefreechildhood #phonefreeschools #phonefreechildhood #GenZmentalhealth #GenAlpha #parenting #mentalhealth #kidsmentalhealth #teenagersmentalhealth #anxiety #depression #kidswithanxiety #phonebasedchildhood #anxietysupport #anxietyawareness #smartphones #socialmedia #agegating #JonathanHaidt #JonathanHaidtbooks
1,005 21
il y a 2 jours
“Age-gating social media is hugely popular. Over 80% of adults believe parental consent should be required for social media, and almost 70% want platforms to limit the time minors spend on them.“ Thank you @profgalloway for a thoughtful post about age-gating. “Arguments [against age-gating] boil down to the assertion that these multibillion-dollar organizations, who’ve assembled vast pools of human capital that wield godlike technology, can’t figure out how to build effective, efficient, constitutionally compliant age-verification systems to protect children. If this sounds like bullshit, trust your instincts.” “The platforms could design technology that reliably collects sufficient information to confirm a user’s age, then wipes the information from its servers. They could create a private or public entity that processes age verification anonymously. Remember the blockchain? Isn’t this exactly the kind of problem it was supposed to solve? They could deploy AI to estimate when a user is likely underage based on their online behaviors, and seek age verification from at-risk people. If device manufacturers (or just the device OS duopoly of Apple and Alphabet) were properly incentivized, they could implement age verification on the device itself.”
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il y a 3 jours
Many schools are contemplating going phone free, a policy I highly encourage as one of the #fournorms I propose in #TheAnxiousGeneration to tackle the youth mental health crisis. Caroline Bryk runs the Jewish Parents Forum, which has embraced the opportunity for collective action around #phonefreeschools . Caroline wrote a post for #AfterBabel that’s a guide for schools on how to go #phonefree . (link in bio) #anxiousgeneration #theanxiousgeneration #freetheanxiousgeneration #GenZ #smartphonefreechildhood #phonefreeschools #phonefreechildhood #GenZmentalhealth #GenAlpha #parenting #mentalhealth #kidsmentalhealth #teenagersmentalhealth #anxiety #depression #kidswithanxiety #phonebasedchildhood #anxietysupport #anxietyawareness #smartphones #socialmedia #JonathanHaidt #JonathanHaidtbooks
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il y a 5 jours
Join us for #PhoneFreeFriday . We’re using our smartphones as little as possible today and reconnecting with friends and family IRL. We appreciate the many alternatives to smartphones — @getbrick , basic phones, flip phones, and just the good-old taking a walk and leaving your phone at home. Join us and share how it went for you. Did you feel the “missing limb”? Did you have the impulse to take a picture, to check messages, many times an hour? You’re not alone — that’s why we’re doing these brief detoxes, to lessen the dependence on smartphones and their addictive features. Sign up at (link in bio) and share how it went! #anxiousgeneration #theanxiousgeneration #freetheanxiousgeneration #GenZ #smartphonefreechildhood #phonefreeschools #phonefreechildhood #GenZmentalhealth #GenAlpha #parenting #mentalhealth #kidsmentalhealth #teenagersmentalhealth #anxiety #depression #kidswithanxiety #phonebasedchildhood #anxietysupport #anxietyawareness #smartphones #socialmedia #JonathanHaidt #JonathanHaidtbooks
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il y a 5 jours
Amazing to see @govcox invite Utahns to do #PhoneFreeFriday . Thank you, Governor Cox, for mirroring our challenge and spreading the word to your state. We invite everyone to join us in #PhoneFreeFriday — a day to go without a smartphone, or minimize use. Whether you do it on a Friday or another day, give yourself a break from endless scroll and continuous notifications. We invite you to reconnect with the people in your life, in real life, and to enjoy time in nature. We welcome you to join our challenge at (link in bio) — you can share your discoveries and the revelations that are sure to come your way. #anxiousgeneration #theanxiousgeneration #freetheanxiousgeneration #GenZ #smartphonefreechildhood #phonefreeschools #phonefreechildhood #GenZmentalhealth #GenAlpha #parenting #mentalhealth #kidsmentalhealth #teenagersmentalhealth #anxiety #depression #kidswithanxiety #phonebasedchildhood #anxietysupport #anxietyawareness #smartphones #socialmedia #JonathanHaidt #JonathanHaidtbooks
1,029 15
il y a 6 jours
In today’s world, where technology pervades every aspect of our lives, it’s easy to forget the simple joys of childhood: the spontaneous laughter, the imaginative games, and pure, unstructured play. The summer holidays present a golden opportunity to rekindle these joys and to remind our children of the wonders of real-world connections and adventures. Inspired by @JonathanHaidt ’s insights in “The Anxious Generation,” it’s clear that the key to a memorable summer lies far from the screens that dominate our children’s lives. Remember the days of the flip phone? Those basic devices did little more than facilitate direct communication with friends and family. There was no constant stream of notifications, no endless scroll of social media feeds. Instead, our connections were more meaningful, and our time was spent engaging with the world around us. This era of simpler technology fostered genuine interactions leaving room for play. We know the mental health of young people has sharply declined with the rise of smartphones and social media. A constant barrage of curated content and the pressure to maintain an online prescense have displaced crucial real-world interactions. This summer, let’s prioritise play and connection over screens. By doing so, we can give our children the chance to experience the true joys of childhood and build the skills they need for a happy, healthy future. Change has to happen but requires a collective effort. At Safe Screens, we’re committed to raising awareness and advocating for safer smartphone usage among children. If you want to help join our movement for a safer and healthier digital future. 👉 Learn more about our impactful initiatives by clicking the link in our bio. Let’s build a safer digital world for our children 🫶 Together, we can create a summer filled with real-world adventures and lasting memories.
2,989 27
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