Kt Eichhorn


Lady Crux Mother to eleven 🤹 wife of an amazing home builder👷 and loving my hobbies of climbing and Aerials⛰️🎪
Excited to add a swinging neck hang into my skill set:)
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20th anniversary formal climb night:) thanks for the dress Katie (not myself in third person), and thanks for the picture Nicholas! Such a fun night with friends♥️
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Find a strong friend to do this with:) this was from a couple months ago but I am missing @emmalee.o !
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Thanks for taking me to the Red @lbrueggeman and thanks for being an amazing tour guide, safety captain, and photographer @elaine_ebrain grateful to have some safe falls to clear my lead head block up a bit:)
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What I chose to work on this ladies night:)
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il y a 7 mois
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Had a blast today in this perfect fall weather! Climbing with a blast of a friend, I so cherish this friendship where we crush with a side of goofiness:) and meeting up with more friends down there, love our community! the last two slides are Witness the Citrus…a route that I tried and will have some sweet bruises tomorrow to show for it:)
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Prepping for the Crux bouldering comp! Starts Sunday 10/29 at 8am runs to 11/3 at 11pm! Come as often as you want:)
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il y a 8 mois
Yesterday my back had some nerves firing so much pain I had to keep reminding my body how to properly sit and walk. Last night I attended a core class with @create_your_own_finish_line which relieved all of that pinched nerve by using the correct muscles and alignment to support my movement and so I got to play with @lbrueggeman and @thecruxsanctuary (we did way more tricks than this one, but didn’t take other videos:). So grateful to have that pain reset!!
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Gregg was honored to be the officiant at our dear friend’s wedding this weekend! And they chose the RRG to be the backdrop to their beautiful ceremony. Crying happy tears over the two of them committing their forevers to each other:) And Because we were there this weekend I got Gregg to get on ropes with me (it had probably been about four years since he had lead), so we did Indy wall one day and the next did some awesome bouldery 11a’s at Coyote Cliff. If you like bouldering then these are the routes for you;)
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Sometimes you think you can do something…and you can at least somewhat:) but this audio cracks me up because just as @moiracalli tells me it’s looking good I fall apart!
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