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/ El mundo no es algo que esté allá afuera The world Is not something that’s out there - Ana Paula Santana “Chicago, May 31, 2024* — Ana Paula Santana and Kikù Hibino, renowned for their contributions to sound art, announce the release of their live recording work, “Aquas de León Azul,” on May 31, 2024, from SN, an independent platform for avant-garde music, noise, and video art. Listening to “Aquas de León Azul” is an experience of seeing the world differently through the artists’ poetic language and minimalist, primordial soundscapes that are both cosmic and earthy. Kikù Hibino’s synthesizers create an anti-gravitational space, generating monolithic forms, while Ana Paula Santana’s faint vocals and the sound of ceramics pull these forms back to the ground. This tension maintains a mysterious balance throughout the music. Transparent yet opaque, like light yet like rock, this unique art form transcends traditional boundaries, offering an unparalleled auditory journey. Design: Joe Gilmore Link in bio. @anafauna @kiku.hibino @bemiscenter @esschicago @eegijlmoor777 @kethro #rocjimenezdecisneros #sn #signalnoise
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/ Ana Paula Santana by Alexia Jacobmeier @anafauna
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design: joe gilmore @eegijlmoor777 new albums are coming in 2024.
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