Samantha Gambino | Stephane Caraguel


🎯 Helping you find wellness from the inside out and outside in 🧠 Psychologist/Wellness Expert 📊 Data Scientist/ Personal Trainer/ Health Coach
Hi! I’m Samantha, and I’m a psychologist in NYC. I’m also a fitness lover and enjoy trying new workouts and activities that challenge me both mentally and physically. I grew up playing every sport under the sun and, at an early age, saw the value in using physical activity to balance mood and big feelings. In college, I played competitive tennis and was trained to be aggressive, win, and have no mercy for opponents. All of this felt so disconnected to me because I grew up playing tennis for fun and, in the meantime, got really good at the sport. I had a losing record in college because I could not reconcile the aggressive mindset with the joy of tennis and the mood boost it gave me. It wasn’t until my doctorate training in psychology that I made the bigger connections between how our thoughts shape how we feel and the importance of our internal dialogues. I learned through experience that our self-talk shapes our belief in ourselves and, therefore, how we navigate the world. I also realized that I had to learn to use sports to manage mental health without a fuller understanding of what was causing some of my internal challenges. Today, I strive to really integrate physical and mental health and am excited to shift this page to focus on mental, physical, and general health and wellness. #StrongandMindgulNYC #HealthyLiving #WellnessJourney #MindBodyBalance #FitLife #NutritionMatters #HolisticHealth #MentalWellbeing #ActiveLifestyle #CleanEating #FitnessMotivation #WellnessWarrior #Mindfulness #BodyPositivity #HolisticLiving #HealthyHabits #WellnessGoals #StayFitStayHealthy #MindfulEating #InnerPeace #HealthyChoices #ExerciseForLife #WellnessWednesday #NourishYourBody #MindBodySoul #HealthyMindset #FitnessJourney #BalancedLife #WholeHealth #WellnessInspiration
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The mission of Strong + Mindful is to promote mental health and general wellness so people can feel good and reach their full potential in the face of stress and challenges. Strong + Mindful is led by Samantha Gambino, PsyD, a licensed psychologist and wellness expert with over 20 years of experience. She brings a mental health lens to her approach and focuses on internal dialogues that shape how people feel about themselves. People’s self-talk influences how they present themselves in the world, their choices, and how they navigate the world. Stephane Caraguel is a data scientist, health and wellness coach, personal trainer, and running coach. He brings a wealth of knowledge, a focus on evidence-based research, and a personal interest in running, research, and data to measure your progress. #StrongandMindgulNYC #HealthyLiving #WellnessJourney #MindBodyBalance #FitLife #NutritionMatters #HolisticHealth #MentalWellbeing #ActiveLifestyle #CleanEating #FitnessMotivation #WellnessWarrior #Mindfulness #BodyPositivity #HolisticLiving #HealthyHabits #WellnessGoals #StayFitStayHealthy #MindfulEating #InnerPeace #HealthyChoices #ExerciseForLife #WellnessWednesday #NourishYourBody #MindBodySoul #HealthyMindset #FitnessJourney #BalancedLife #WholeHealth #WellnessInspiration
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Hi!! I am Stephane. Trained as a scientist, I developed a strong interest in health & wellness, and became a certified health coach. Over the years, I added more certifications: personal training, running coach, and exercise nutrition. I enjoy helping people get healthier. Check out this post to learn a little more about me. The cost of chronic disease in the US is extremely high: 90% of the nation’s $4.1 trillion in annual healthcare expenditures are for people with chronic and mental health conditions. Most of these conditions can be prevented, and in some cases even reversed, by changing our lifestyle: the largest risk factors for these conditions are smoking, drinking too much alcohol, a poor diet, and physical inactivity. I hope I can help you in your journey to better health. #StrongandMindgulNYC #HealthyLiving #WellnessJourney #MindBodyBalance #FitLife #NutritionMatters #HolisticHealth #MentalWellbeing #ActiveLifestyle #CleanEating #FitnessMotivation #WellnessWarrior #Mindfulness #BodyPositivity #HolisticLiving #HealthyHabits #WellnessGoals #StayFitStayHealthy #MindfulEating #InnerPeace #HealthyChoices #ExerciseForLife #WellnessWednesday #NourishYourBody #MindBodySoul #HealthyMindset #FitnessJourney #BalancedLife #WholeHealth #wellnessinspiration
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In our social media, ever connected, always available world, more and more people are feeling disconnected and alone. And it is because they are addicted to their phone. But being on a phone does not always feel good. Yes, it brings connection but it also triggers so many less conscious thoughts and feelings. It’s easy to get caught in the comparison trap, or feeling like you should be doing more, or being more. It can leave you feeling quite disconnected. Here are some ways to connect back to yourself: Spend some time without your phone or without looking at your phone Be in your body by noticing how it feels to be in your skin Smell the air around you See your surroundings, notice the colors, works of art, and things right in front of you Observe how you feel about yourself, are you walking with your head held high, do you feel confident and present? Keep practicing these skills over the course of the week to see what shifts and what else you notice #phoneaddiction #phoneaddict #phone #addiction #lonelywife #phoneaddicts #livelife #screentime #mobileaddiction #lookup #digitaldetox #socialmedia #mentalhealth #missedmemories #socialmediaaddict #justbe #mobile #meme #putitdown #telugumemes #lonelyhusband #mobilephone #mentalhealthblogger #mentalhealthtips #mentalhealthwarrior #slowdowntime #slowdownsummer #slowdownsunday #anxietymanagement
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il y a 1 jour
There are so many different types of breathing and the trick is to find which type works for you. The important thing to remember is there is no “right” or “wrong” way to breathe. Two things that seem to make a difference with breathe work are: 1.Depth of breath (aim for 80%) 2.Rate of breath (aim for 6 breaths/ minute or less) Is there a particular breathing exercise that works for you? #StrongAndMindfulNYC #BreatheWork #MindfulBreathing #BreathAwareness #BreatheInBreatheOut #BreatheWorkPractice #BreatheWorkHealing #BreathWorkJourney #BreathingExercises #BreathControl #DeepBreathing #TransformationalBreathing #BreatheWorkCommunity #BreatheWorkForHealing #ConsciousBreatheWork #JustBreathe #Breathing #BreathAwareness #InhaleExhale #EveryBreathCounts #BreatheThroughIt #BreatheWithMe #FocusedBreathing #BreathingPractice #RelaxAndBreathe #GiveThisATry #DoItForYou #StressReliever #BenefitsOfBreatheWork #BenefitYourBody
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il y a 15 jours
Need help managing stress? One way to do this is through breathing. There are countless breathing techniques out there, which can be overwhelming in itself. The two most important things to remember about breathing, according to the research, is breathing depth and rate. For breathing depth, try to breathe in to 80% capacity and for breathing rate, try to lower your breathing to about 6 breaths per minute. This big picture idea takes practice and of course there are techniques that you can use, but just remember, as long as you are focusing on elongating and deepening your breathing, you are doing a good job! What are your thoughts? #stressmanagement #stressrelief #stress #mentalhealth #selfcare #anxiety #mindfulness #stressfree #wellness #mentalhealthawareness #meditation #anxietyrelief #stressless #stressreduction #stressreliever #health #mentalhealthmatters #stressedout #selflove #healthylifestyle #motivation #depression #wellbeing #stressbuster #mindset #burnout #coaching #yoga #relaxerfree #anxietysupport
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Deep breathing is a tool we always have in our back pocket to help lower stress and anxiety. But like any other tool or strategy, we need to practice it so that we can apply it under stress. When our bodies go into fight or flight, we are no longer thinking with our rational brain. Our emotional brain takes over. You cannot “think” your way out of these stressful moments. But, applying a skill that is well practiced, is possible. What are your thoughts? #StrongAndMindfulNYC #BreatheWork #MindfulBreathing #BreathAwareness #BreatheInBreatheOut #BreatheWorkPractice #BreatheWorkHealing #BreathWorkJourney #BreathingExercises #BreathControl #DeepBreathing #TransformationalBreathing #BreatheWorkCommunity #BreatheWorkForHealing #ConsciousBreatheWork #JustBreathe #Breathing #BreathAwareness #InhaleExhale #EveryBreathCounts #BreatheThroughIt #BreatheWithMe #FocusedBreathing #BreathingPractice #RelaxAndBreathe #GiveThisATry #DoItForYou #StressReliever #BenefitsOfBreatheWork #BenefitYourBody
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Do you practice breath work?
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