Food Photographer & Director, AI Artist


We create images and films that help brands share their story. Clients - Kraft-Heinz, Burger King, KFC, Kellogg's, Coca-Cola, Maker's Mark and more.
The Future of Studio Photography is... Gray? 📸 Imagine capturing ONE single image with a neutral gray background and then transforming it endlessly with AI. That's the potential of Magnific’s new Relight feature, blending traditional photography with cutting-edge AI enhancements. Nearly a decade ago, I shot an image for Long John Silver's menu that I recently revisited using AI. By relighting the image and swapping in various backgrounds, I could tailor the scene for different applications —sports arenas, casinos, or any venue with shared kitchen facilities and similar menus, across multiple restaurant brands could easily use this process. This approach also allows for rapid conceptual testing and adaptation without the need for multiple shoots. This could revolutionize not just how we think about commercial photography, but also how brands manage their visual content production. 🔍 The takeaway? The photography studio of the future might just be a simple gray space, serving as a canvas for our digital creativity. A place where possibilities are as limitless as the technology we use. #gray #photostudio #teristudios #aiartist #thefuture #qsr #concept #longjohnsilvers
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il y a 1 jour
From props to pixels: How AI is refining my creative process. A year ago, I took a bold step and fully embraced AI in my workflow, leading to a significant shift in my business approach. I decided to part with the majority of the props I had spent over 30 years collecting! Styles have evolved, and many of these items were no longer relevant. More importantly, our food photography had become simpler, often not requiring the extensive array of plates and surfaces I had accumulated. Anything I needed could be created with AI. This image is a testament to that change. The liquor bottle was shot on a gray background, with the table and wall created using AI. It’s fascinating to see how technology is allowing us to adapt and create with such flexibility. I find myself wondering: What does the studio of the future look like? Is it a gray surface with an LED volume, similar to the innovative filming techniques used in The Mandalorian? #teristudios #advertising #ai #futureofstudios #propstopixels
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il y a 7 jours
I love shooting for packaging! As a food photographer, it presents a unique challenge—capturing the essence of a product through a two-dimensional image, knowing that most buying decisions are made at the point of purchase. It’s all about making that visual connection. That’s the thrill and the art of what we do. #teristudios #advertising #foodphotography #hersheys #packaging
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il y a 11 jours
Despite not being included in the final selection for my upcoming AI art show in Detroit, this is still one of my favorite images in the series. You can see the rest of my work, along with eight other AI artist next month at Hatch Art, as we explore the potential of text-to-image based artwork. Hatch Art - May 4-26 #aiartist #teristudios #isitart #hatch #detroit
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il y a 2 mois
Excited to share our latest collaboration with LPK for Pillsbury! With a significant part of the purchase decision happening at the grocery shelf, the real joy of packaging work comes from forging that tangible connection between brands and consumers. It's this direct impact on the buying experience that makes our work in packaging so rewarding. Check it out on a grocery shelf near you! #pillsbury #LPK #teristudios #packagingphotography #foodphotography
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il y a 4 mois
I’ve been a contributor to Adobe Premium Stock for quite a while now, focusing mainly on photography. But recently I’ve begun uploading some of my AI-generated images. Now, I’m venturing into something completely new - and beginning to introduce my AI-generated artwork. Up until now, my contributions have been photos or AI images that mimic photographic realism. This move marks an exhilarating shift in my work as an AI artist, a whole new territory for me. These images will be my first “illustration” submissions. #adobepremiumstock #teristudios #aiartist #midjourney #advertising
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il y a 5 mois
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il y a 5 mois
I’ve always been drawn to the fusion of photography and art. But in the past, my ability to bring these visions to life was limited by my skills in painting or drawing, requiring collaboration with other artists to realize these concepts. However, with AI, I’ve found a new creative partner. In this piece, I used AI to craft the initial image, then integrated a photograph of a bottle that I shot myself. The result is a blend of AI innovation and my photographic expertise. #crownroyal #teristudios #aiartist #midjourney #advertising
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il y a 5 mois
All this week, I’ve been sharing a series of “flavor cues” created not with my camera, but through the lens of AI – blending my years of experience with tools like MidJourney,, and a little bit of Photoshop.  My purpose in this exploration was to highlight how AI might change the way we, as commercial photographers, work with our clients. Similar to the shift to digital photography two decades ago, we are at a crossroads. A year from now, will I still be asked to shoot ancillary images like flavor cues using traditional means, or will I create them using AI?  The pace of change is fast, and we as creative professionals must stay abreast of these developments and be open to where they might lead us. The potential here is immense, and being part of this evolution is both exciting and essential. Today’s image celebrates the holidays and highlights MidJourney’s latest release, Version 6. (I had another image of cinnamon sticks ready to go, but when Version 6 was released on Wednesday night - I decided to rerun the prompt using the new version).  #flavorcues #teristudios #aiartist #packagingphotography #advertising
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il y a 6 mois
All this week, I’m sharing a series of flavor cues created not with my camera, but through the lens of AI – blending my years of experience with tools like MidJourney,, and a little bit of Photoshop.  Today’s lemon flavor proved challenging for the AI – numerous iterations were needed to reach this stage, and while it’s still not perfect, it might already be more than enough for certain applications. Just think where we could be in 6 months, or perhaps even in 6 weeks. With MidJourney Version 6 on the horizon, set for release any day now, the possibilities are bound to expand even further. #flavorcues #teristudios #aiartist #packagingphotography #advertising
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il y a 6 mois