Thanks! I Hate It


Midwest-coast emo @takethistoheartrecords Hollister, CA
We all knew TGZ 16 would be special but boy howdy was this show something else. From being a live debut for one band, to a return trip to Michigan for another, to a full circle moment for some, this show meant a lot to all of the bands involved so thank you to everyone who came for making it so special for them. Also a major thanks to those bands @no_problemo_band @saintjudasband @fullblownmeltdown @thanksihateitca Bringing bands from all over the country together is one of the coolest feelings and we really went all out on this show, thanks 2 all of these ppl 4 traveling yall rule <3 And thanks 2 @angeline.png 4 the amazing pics as always :) We have a few weeks before TGZ 17, Bet I announce a show this week to compensate :)
il y a 9 jours
Today I’m covering Nobody Actually Likes The Tamborine by @thanksihateitca to promote our upcoming show with them. #livemusic #cover #thanksihateit #petaluma #legaldisaster #emo #westcoast #thephoenixtheater
il y a 10 jours
I know it doesn’t make sense to post two videos in one day BUT this cover of Best of Me by @thanksihateitca is too good to sit on. So enjoy this bonus video from me to you. #thanksihateit #poppynk #emo #thestartingline #cincypunk #canonshooter #r5c #c200 #livemusic #concertvideo
il y a 14 jours
fauxchella pt 2 #fauxchella #fauxchella7
il y a 14 jours
tgz 16 was magic. this is very long (i apologize!! however,) i had the time of my life last week and i am SO grateful i was able to go. just days before i thought i wouldn't be able to make it, but i did everything in my power so i could go and it was so worth it. before the show, my day was insane. i went to work, then i was doordashing, and my breaks started squeaking.👍🏼 took my car in etc etc i was very stressed and emotional (kyra? emotional? no way!). i found out i needed new brakes and decided to wait for my bf to get off work so we could take his car, plus that made it so he could come with! unfortunately the chaos and the time it took for him to meet my friend and i from work put us over an hour behind and we missed the first set, Saint Judas :( next time. on the upside, after the very chaotic day i'd had, i got in there close to start of no problemo!'s set, had a great time dancin to their mom jeans cover and to their recently released song, r/Emo Drive! tgz 16 was Full Blown Meltdown's first performance as a band! you never would have guessed it. they put on an amazing show and i CANT WAIT to see them again as soon as possible. listen to Mollify!!! then i got to see Thanks! I Hate It, who has become one of my favorite bands very quickly. i'm even more obsessed after seeing them live (they are so good. they don't have a single song that i don't thoroughly enjoy and their lyrics hit so close to home). to end the night, Tequila Mockingbird rocked my fucking socks off. i mic grabbed?? WHO IS SHE? such a blast. ❗️GO LISTEN TO TITIANIA BY TEQUILA MOCKINGBIRD❗️(OR ELSE) i left full of love, joy, and appreciation. happy crying the whole hour drive home. 🥹<- this is literally me then on sunday, things happened to align and james and i went to see Clipboards!! they killed it. this was my 3rd time seeing them and i've had an absolute blast each time. rockstars fr. my desire to dance and sing and jump around to music in room full of people i have something in common with is never quite fulfilled and i don't think it ever will be. i love music, this community, and just getting to experience it all. i am so beyond grateful. all love :) 💜
il y a 15 jours
i have been SLACKING on posting on here so get ready for my little catch up posts :)
il y a 15 jours
there is no order to this chaos
il y a 16 jours
Getting back to it ✨ June is barely halfway over but I had to do a show dump because they’ve all been so fun!!! Shout out to the homies especially Also ignore my screaming along I’m aware it’s horrendous 😂
il y a 16 jours
should’ve never smoked that shit now i’m in ohio
il y a 17 jours
XLNC 2024 👑 August 3rd 👑 Veterans Memorial Park in Bay City, MI 👑
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