Sienna Rane | Neuro-integrative Mindset Coach


Get out of your brain & into your mind 🕊️ Personal Growth + Mindset + Neuro Health ☤ | Neuroscience BSc ❥ | Positive Apparel
I refuse to be “healthy” 100% of the time. 🤯 And it’s the healthiest choice I’ve ever made. Yep, I said it. Because it’s true. If I stuck to my grain bowls for every meal, I’d probably last a week. Before dying of boredom and lack of tantalizing my taste buds. To me “health” is balance. I do prioritize a nutritious relationship with food. But pizza, burgers, fries, and ice cream? Oh my. We also chat on the side. Why do I do this? Well, it’s partially because I used to have multiple eating disorders and would fall to the binge, restrict cycle. Which taught me that balance truly is key. It’s also because I know that life is meant to be enjoyed. “Health” is different for everyone. My own definition of health changed when I changed my mind. My old mindset was conditional and rigid. My current mindset is flexible and adaptive. Now I know the importance of nutrition and the direct relationship between food and wellbeing. Things I often keep in mind that keep me healthy AND happy: 1️⃣ MOVE - daily and often 2️⃣ Stick to 80/20 - it’ll keep you balanced 3️⃣ All things in moderation - enjoy but don’t emotionally attach 4️⃣ Your gut is linked directly to your brain - it plays a big role in happiness Learning the reward pathways of the brain allowed me to see the true nature of how someone’s relationship with food can be destroyed. (me, I was that someone for a bit, lol) Understand how your brain/mind operate → the power to change them. Check the comments if you’re interested in learning how to do this! ____________________ What does “health” look like in your life? I’d love to hear! ⬇️
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il y a 6 jours
Are you brain biased? The way your brain is trained affects how you see the world. Negativity bias could be why you see negative things more often. If you are actively looking for something, like yellow, that is what your brain will show you. If you change what you are looking for, to red, you will SEE differently. The same thing goes for emotions as it does for colors. If you’re looking for negativity, your brain is going to show it to you. If you begin to look for positivity, your brain is going to show that to you instead. It takes time and techniques to truly change your brain bias. It’ll change how you see yourself, and the world. Worth it? I think so! If you wanna change how you see the world, book a free call in my bio.
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il y a 8 jours
Life is not meant to be a highlight reel, it’s behind the scenes Here’s my behind the scenes (what most people hide): → sometimes I lose all motivation, and question my purpose → sometimes I feel disconnected from myself and everything else → sometimes I get so overwhelmed/anxious I just want to run away and hide → sometimes my confidence goes out the window, and I struggle with self image Sometimes. But I have found tools/techniques that help me get back up. That is what matters. Everyone gets low, but it’s how you pick yourself back up that determines how you grow. I used to have 0 methods for personal growth, and when I got too stressed/self-destructive I would spiral into dark phases. Now, I use my knowledge of brain/body health, mindset shifting, and personal development to pick myself up and be even stronger than before. The methods for these are the “highlight reel”. The “this is how to help yourself” tools. But what people don’t see is that I use them too! Every. Day. So that the bad days are less frequent. And the good days get better. Your behind the scenes should NOT make you feel shameful. They should empower you to put in more effort for yourself, and to pick yourself back up. For help on how to do this, my DM’s are open, and I am here to help pick you up :)
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il y a 13 jours
Your mind can reverse the effects of aging. I’m talking memory, physical abilities, and appearance. Think I’m crazy? 🤪 Fair. I’ll explain. Dr. Ellen Langer performed the “counter-clockwise study”: People: men in their 70s Place: immersed them in a Monastery where everything was exactly how it was in 1959 → vintage radios, black and white TVs, books/magazines → old photos of themselves → no mirrors/modern clothes Task: she told 1 group to BEHAVE like it was 1959 → discuss historic events from 1959 like they were currently happening → total time immersion Results after 1 week: insane Improved taste, vision, and hearing Improved memory/cognition Improved physical strength Improved manual dexterity Improved gait 63% had better intelligence test scores. Plus, random volunteers assessed photos of them before and after the experiment and… They were perceived to be at least 2 years younger in the after photo! The men were so energized by the experiment, by the end of it they were playing an impromptu game of touch football in the lawn of the facility. Your mind has an insane power over your body. Now think: how are your thoughts and environment changing you and your body? Change your mind → change your body → change your life. What are your thoughts on this? 💭
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il y a 15 jours
Ok, in all seriousness, this one thing changed my entire perspective on food/health. The fact that what you THINK about what you are consuming actually changes the way your body processes it. Not kidding here. Research published in Health Psychology Journal went like this: Two groups were given the identical milkshake, same calories (380), same fat content, same everything Group 1 was informed that the milkshake was 620 calories and “indulgent” Group 2 was informed that the milkshake was 140 calories and “sensible” Results: the “indulgent” mindset Group 1 had a significantly steeper decrease in ghrelin levels compared to the “sensible” mindset Group 2 Ghrelin is known as the “hunger hormone” 😫 it is produced by the body (primarily the stomach) to say “I’m hungry” 🍭 it plays a role in insulin release (for sugar processing) 🧬 it helps trigger pituitary gland to release growth hormones The simple idea: how we think about what we eat affects the chemical processing in our body WILD, right? My takeaway for this was not “ok, cool I’m going to eat the worst food I can with a positive mindset and everything will be fine” That is not the takeaway I want for you either, lol. My takeaway is: if our mindset has a role in how we process food, how beneficial would it be to truly understand the benefits of what we put into our bodies? Freedom lies in education. If we educate ourselves on health, nutrition, and how the food we consume affects our brain, body, and mind, it has the potential to have an even GREATER effect. Education is the first step to true understanding and growth. Understanding how important the mind is for health is essential. Change your mind → change your life. You can always change your mind.
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il y a 20 jours
Wherever you are in your personal development journey, it’s exactly where you’re supposed to be. The action that you take to get better, now that’s up to you. But being able to appreciate the present moment, and the progress you’ve made so far, is essential to living a fulfilled life. There will always be something bigger to work towards, another thing to achieve, but there will only ever be the present moment. So honor where you are today, and work towards who you can be tomorrow. While in this place, ask yourself: What have I already accomplished? If this was my last day, is this how I’d treat myself? What’s one thing I can do today to work towards a better me tomorrow? Know that progress takes time. That doesn’t mean that the process can’t be enjoyable. Honor who you are today WHILE working towards who you want to be tomorrow. It’s all in your mindset & how you look at it. How do you appreciate the present moment? ______________ Hi!! I’m Sienna, a Neuro-Integrative Mindset & Wellness Coach. I help women understand and improve their mind/brain to live a more fulfilling and purposeful life. 💛
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il y a 22 jours
Your brain chemistry changes your mood. When you learn how to naturally change your brain, you gain more control over how you feel! There are many simple ways to amp up your dopamine (internal reward system). Staying in tune with how you feel & having techniques to improve your mood in the moment is incredibly powerful. Here are 4 super simple ways to boost that dopamine and get those happy chemicals going. 😄
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il y a 27 jours
Get out of your brain and into your mind. 🧠🤯 What does that mean? This video explains this concept. It is ESSENTIAL to be able to break the repetitive circuits in our brains that are not good for our growth. This is possible by breaking into the mind, changing it, and altering the brain by doing so. It’s easy to get stuck in your brain, but the key to getting out is in your mind. Message me to learn how. 💗
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il y a 29 jours
Take time today to set your focus for the week. It is essential to focus on things that promote growth and fulfillment in your life. The other things? Let them go as best you can. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead 🤗
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il y a 1 mois
Content creation was never something I thought I’d get into. And to me, it’s not about the amount of followers I have. It’s about adding value to the lives of others. Even if that’s just 1 person, it’s worth it to me. My goal here is to help others with mindset, brain health, and personal development. And I LOVE to help others. I’m passionate about mindset, neuroscience, health, fitness & personal growth. I’m happy to be here to provide information/motivation to add value to your life. Lemme know what content you like the best here, so I can make more of it! I appreciate each and every one of you here & thank you for wanting to better yourself. 💗 We could all use more support, and I’m here to make a community to do that. 🫶
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il y a 1 mois
Mindset work is great, but it does nothing unless paired with one thing. Inspired action! You could think all the positive thoughts you want, but if you lay in bed all day, you’re not going to grow. I want to emphasize the “inspired” before action. To get in a state where you feel like you are aligning with your vision, have the abilities and energy to pursue your goals, and passion in your heart, you must do the mind work. The mind work charges you up, shifts your perspective, and sets up your brain/mind to become something more than you are now. As your mind/brain are prepared for your growth, you have to act in alignment with your new mind. The best way to become something bigger than you are now, is to ACT as the person you want to become. This is not faking it til you make it. This is simply creating it. It takes a leap to act in alignment with who you want to become, because it’s completely new and out of your comfort zone. Do the mind work, and ACT alongside it. This is a transformative combo that you will grow tremendously from. If you want help on this type of work, DM me “shift” and I’d be happy to talk you through it. * * #mindsettransformation #mindsetcoach #personaldevelopment #mindsetforsuccess #selfgrowthtips
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il y a 1 mois
Having mental reminders will change your mindset. These are some mental reminders that really helped me on my journey of shifting my mind/creating a new sense of life. Your mindset is in your own hands. The thoughts we feed our mind change our brain. Change your mind -> change your brain -> change your reality. Having just a couple mental reminders that help you through the day can improve your life greatly! Message me to walk through finding your own reminders that will shift your mind, alter your brain, and change your life ✨🧠🫶
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il y a 1 mois