Ian Cone


Last year Carbonas reunited for one evening to play a benefit for the Erv, a local gem and former @badearl employee. Filming came together in a moments notice. This is the first song from the set. The plan is to print some limited VHS copies of the full set and release it on the YouTube soon as well. 👊🏽⛓️👊🏽⛓️👊🏽⛓️👊🏽⛓️ 👊🏽⛓️👊🏽⛓️ @kinggoatravishingnightmare @gentleman_jesse @claykilbourne @jarshmartian And Frank (drums) Thanks @badearl and @tripledsucks for making it happen. As always, @thomas__martino killed it on the sound mix. 💥 🎥 @mikeymorgz 🎥 @tripledoubleflip
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il y a 29 jours
A 35mm photograph of @frankhurricane in Philadelphia, December of 2023.
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il y a 2 mois
Saved this 35mm point ‘n shoot fun for too long. Well actually just got it developed. Halloween was how many months ago? 👻
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il y a 2 mois
BTS from top secret undisclosed Roswell, NM project. Met some Aliens and took off in a dust storm last week. Repeated mission this week then got marooned in Memphis after heading east to go west. Thunder storms caused gridlock on flight control centers in Dallas, TX. 👽 🛸 💫
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il y a 3 mois
Zorbaz: Part II The conclusion. ⚔️
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il y a 4 mois
Zorbaz: Part I @vdubb6 and I made this mooosic video in 2016 with help from @immaculatepossession (who thankfully agreed to acting in it) and @sylturner , who plays the villain. The general idea was to (activate British accent) “take a piss at the concept of chivalry and poke fun at the male hero archetype.” It is also heavily influenced by the Turkish remakes of Hollywood films, especially the Turkish Star Wars movie trailer. Fascinating how they were attempting to recreate multi-million dollar films on a shoestring budget. The video was commissioned by a friend for a song by a band he was playing in at the time. The band ended up splitting and it didn’t get released so the song got switched out for something else that seemed to fit quite well. Also, it seems like there are some pretty good guidelines here for building strength and endurance without paying for a gym membership… if you are looking to build a good exercise regimen on a budget!
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il y a 4 mois
True story… When I was about 17 years of age, my friend invited me to a talk or “conference about aliens, extraterrestrials… etc.” and I was immediately interested. The following week we showed up to the community theater on Euclid Ave. in L5P, in Atlanta, arriving moments before the event started. As it began we were both a little concerned about the imagery and logo they were projecting. It was unforgettable, two diametrically opposing symbols combined as their logo on an illustration of a UFO. About 30 minutes into the talk we realized were at a recruiting event for a cult. We came up with a plan and casually left the event, as soon as we could, even though they were emphasizing not leaving in the middle of it. Years later, on the topic of spooky situations, I explained my memory of that event to a friend who studied cults as a hobby. I was still mistaking it for something else but my friend identified the cult as Raelian based on the details. Seeing the “Rael: The Alien Prophet” documentary on Netflix recently confirmed to me 1000% that was definitely the case.
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il y a 4 mois
A recently found picture of my Mom and Dad back in the day. They were at my dad’s best friend’s wedding. Love makes the world go ‘round. ❤️
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Trailer by @morningjazz69
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il y a 5 mois
Released 1 year ago today: The Difference Machine - ‘Atlantis’ taken from the album, ‘Unmasking the Spirit Fakers’ ⚡️ Full video on our YouTube channel, put it in your eyeballs. 👁️ #TheDifferenceMachine #UnmaskingTheSpiritFakers #FullPlateFam
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il y a 5 mois