4 bulan yang lalu
Meet #3 for KK - Chris Walker’s Heart of a Champion Floor 8.550 Vault 8.4 Bars 9.0 Beam 8.625 w/fall AA 34.575 Came home with no hardware for this first time this season but came home with PB for vault, bars and AA for Xcel Gold Next up cleaning up my routines for State in April! #ChrisWaller #HeartOfChampion #HOC2024 #Competition #Meet #CompSeason #MeetSeason #Vault #Bars #Beam #Floor #AllAround #PersonalBests #ProgressionOverPerfection #Gymnastics #Teammates #Sisters #Family #ForTheLoveOfGymnastics #Instagram #InstaKid #Strong #StrongKids
Nice job beautiful… way to go x
4 bulan yang lalu
Way to go! You did an amazing job
4 bulan yang lalu
All the best girlie!
4 bulan yang lalu
Amazing work my friend!!👏
4 bulan yang lalu