1 tahun lalu
All your life you've put our needs and wants ahead of your very own. We're what we are today, only because you were there for us all these years. We wouldn't be half the person we're today if you had not showered us with your wise advice and love. I love you my teacher, our very own doctor, our prayer warrior, adviser, and best friend. We love you a lot mum and this day we say may God give you good health, and the grace to to sustain the superb blessing coming your way. Amen. Happy Birthday Nnem Oma ❤️
Happy birthday to her ❤️
1 tahun lalu
Happy Birthday our mama. Mama Val onyema .. may you live long to continue enjoying the fruits of your labor ma'am ❤️ 🎉
1 tahun lalu
Happy birthday to your mom! God bless her plenty
1 tahun lalu
She’s cute❤️
1 tahun lalu
1 tahun lalu