2 bulan yang lalu
Most of you know, that Delicious Games was established about 6 years ago by Katka and Vladimir Suchý. However, have you ever heard their story? This year, they celebrated 20 years of their marriage. So how it all started? In 2001 Katka and Vladimir met each other and in the same year they set out on their first travel together. They landed in Damascus and had a wonderful time discovering Syria and Jordan. Katka and Vladimir have deep memories from these travels so Vladimir used them as an inspiration for his new game even after all this time.  Be ready, we are going to reveal more details about the game soon! #deliciousgamesboard #deliciousgames #newgame #newgame2024 #syria #jordan #newboardgame #boardgame
Wish them many more years of good times and good games! 🙂
2 bulan yang lalu