1 bulan lalu
New Article Published on Why You Shouldn’t Quit Photography? Read to discover other opportunities within the industry. Link is in Bio or Visit Written by - @dimpy.bhalotia #purestreetphotography #photography #streetphotography
but I already have 😢
1 bulan lalu
Thanks Dimpy! Well said and motivating! Many people think that photography is easy and just fun work, but when you start getting into the process you realize it's not that easy. Sometimes it takes so long to capture the perfect shot and you think you never will it won't work, Sometimes it works the first time and that's very encouraging. It's a fact that nowadays we all want things to happen very quickly, people don't have time to improve and often give up on fast. Thank you that creators like you motivate and inspire.❤️❤️👏
1 bulan lalu
I was strugling with "what to photograph", "how to make money out of it" and "why to photograph" for 3 years. In the end, I found it appealing to treat photography as personal journaling. It becomes a safe space where there is no more feeling of urgency to answer any questions or proving your worth to anyone
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1 bulan lalu