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I AM JÓNSI ⚫️ Obsidian my new album out now ⚫️
Verkið SAD (Skammdegisþunglyndi) frá 2024 er á sýningunni Jónsi: Flóð í Hafnarhúsi. Áhorfendum er boðið að ganga inn í hringlaga, umlykjandi skjá. Þúsundir örsmárra ljósgjafa tengjast hljóðverki og bregðast við fjölbreytilegri samfellu söngs, hljóða og tóna. // The artwork SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) from 2024 is on view in the exhibition Jónsi: Flóð at Hafnarhús. The audience is invited to enter a circular, enveloping screen. Thousands of tiny light sources connect to a sequence of sound and respond to a diverse continuum of singing, ambience and harmony. #listasafnreykjavikur #reykjavikartmuseum @reykjavikurborg #reykjavik @visitreykjavik #visitreykjavik @borgin.okkar #borginokkar @menningarkort #menningarkort #myndlist #icelandicart #icelandicartist
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5 hari yang lalu
Frá opnun sýningarinnar Jónsi: Flóð í Hafnarhúsi. Hafnarhús er opið alla daga kl. 10-17.00, fimmtudaga kl. 10-22.00. // From the opening of the exhibition Jónsi: Flóð at Reykjavík Art Museum - Hafnarhús. Hafnarhús is open all days 10-17h00, Thursdays 10-22.00. 🎬 Hildur Inga Björnsdóttir
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28 hari yang lalu
Fáni dreginn að húni fyrir sýninguna Jónsi: Flóð sem verður opnuð laugardaginn 1. júní kl. 14.00 í Hafnarhúsi. // A flag raised for the exhibition Jónsi: Flóð, which opens on Saturday, 1 June 14h00 at Hafnarhús. #listasafnreykjavikur #reykjavikartmuseum @reykjavikurborg #reykjavik @visitreykjavik #visitreykjavik @borgin.okkar #borginokkar @menningarkort #menningarkort #myndlist #icelandicart #icelandicartist #durabjorns @iamjonsi
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1 bulan lalu
Undirbúningur sýningarinnar Jónsi: Flóð sem verður opnuð laugardaginn 1. júní kl. 14.00 í Hafnarhúsi. // Preparation of the exhibition Jónsi: Flóð, which opens on Saturday, 1 June at 14h00 Hafnarhús. #listasafnreykjavikur #reykjavikartmuseum @reykjavikurborg #reykjavik @visitreykjavik #visitreykjavik @borgin.okkar #borginokkar @menningarkort #menningarkort #myndlist #icelandicart #icelandicartist #durabjorns #iamjonsi
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1 bulan lalu
Listamaðurinn Jónsi (Jón Þór Birgisson) og sýningarstjórinn Markús Þór Andrésson bjóða gestum upp á opið samtal í Hafnarhúsi, sunnudaginn 2. júní kl. 13.00 í tengslum við sýninguna Flóð sem verður opnuð laugardag 1. júní í Hafnarhúsi. Sýningin er hluti af Listahátíð í Reykjavík. Jónsi og Markús munu ræða samstarfið í aðdraganda sýningarinnar og feril Jónsa í myndlistarheiminum. Gestir geta tekið þátt í samtalinu með spurningum og vangaveltum úr sal og því einstakt tækifæri til að fá innsýn í list og listsköpun eins okkar þekktasta listamanns. Aðgöngumiði á safnið gildir. Frítt fyrir árskortshafa og handhafa Menningarkortsins. Takmarkaður sætafjöldi og gestir eru beðnir um að skrá sig á vefsíðu safnsins ( sjá bio). // Artist Jónsi (Jón Þór Birgisson) and curator Markús Þór Andrésson invite visitors to an open conversation at Reykjavík Art Museum – Hafnarhús on Sunday, June 2 at 13h00 in connection with the exhibition Flood which will be opened on Saturday 1 June in Hafnarhús. The exhibition is part of the Art Festival in Reykjavík. In Icelandic. Jónsi and Markús will discuss the collaboration in the run-up to the exhibition and Jónsi's career in the art world. Guests can participate in the conversation with questions and speculations from the audience. It is a unique opportunity to get an insight into the art and creativity of one of our most well-known artists. Admission with a museum ticket. Free entry for Culture and Museum Card holders. Seating is limited and guests are asked to register on the museum‘s website (in bio). #listasafnreykjavikur #reykjavikartmuseum @reykjavikurborg #reykjavik @visitreykjavik #visitreykjavik @borgin.okkar #borginokkar @menningarkort #menningarkort #myndlist #icelandicart #icelandicartist #iamjonsi
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1 bulan lalu
Velkomin á opnun sýningarinnar Jónsi: Flóð sem jafnframt er opnunarhátíð Listahátíðar Reykjavíkur í ár, laugardaginn 1. júní kl. 14-17.00 í Hafnarhúsi. Sýningin verður opnuð við hátíðlega athöfn í Hafnarhúsi. Ávörp flytja Lilja Dögg Alfreðsdóttir, menningar og viðskiptaráðherra, Vigdís Jakobsdóttir, listrænn stjórnandi Listahátíðar í Reykjavík, og Ólöf Kristín Sigurðardóttir, safnstjóri Listasafns Reykjavíkur. Einnig koma fram: Hljómsveitin DAGADANA, danspör úr verkinu Dúettar eftir Ásrúnu Magnúsdóttur og Íslenski dansflokkurinn með dönsurum frá Brynju Péturs. Verk Jónsa eru hvert um sig heill heimur þar sem rými, hljóð, ljós og ilmur mynda órofa heild. Jónsi, Jón Þór Birgisson (f. 1975), hlaut í upphafi ferils síns alþjóðlega viðurkenningu sem forsprakki hljómsveitarinnar Sigur Rósar. Hann hefur undanfarna tvo áratugi unnið með tónlistarmönnum, myndlistarmönnum og kvikmyndagerðarmönnum að verkum þvert á listmiðla. // Welcome to the opening of the exhibition Jónsi: Flóð, which is the opening ceremony of the Reykjavík Arts Festival this year, on Saturday, 1 June 14-17h00 at Reykjavík Art Museum - Hafnarhús. Also: The band DAGADANA, dancers performe Duets by Ásrún Magnúsdóttir and the Icelandic Dance Company with dancers from Brynja Péturs. Each of Jónsi's works is a comprehensive world where space, sound, light and aroma form an unbroken whole. Jónsi, Jón Þór Birgisson (b. 1975), received international recognition at the beginning of his career as the frontman of the band Sigur Rós. For the past two decades, he has worked with musicians, visual artists and filmmakers on works across art media. Vídeó/Video: Rafael Soldi. Með leyfi frá National Nordic Museum, Seattle. #iamjonsi
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1 bulan lalu
Obsidian, Jónsi’s third studio album, originally released to coincide with his installation of the same name at the Tanya Bonakdar Gallery in NYC, is now available on vinyl for the first time. This is a limited edition of 2000 units in black/gold galaxy colour vinyl. Pre-order today on Bandcamp, or via your local record store. Released 24th May. link in bio.
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2 bulan yang lalu
Another short volcanic eruption happened in iceland🌋 This volcanic energy release inspired my 2021 installation Obsidian (Hrafntinna) when Fagradalsfjall erupted. On the opposite side of earth, in tasmania, you can experince being inside a volcano where Obsidian (Hrafntinna) is currently being shown at the incredible MONA museum. @monamuseum @tanyabonakdargallery
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6 bulan yang lalu
Silent Sigh (Dark) is a standing speaker matrix consisting of more than 100 speakers that uses direct currents to change the physical state of the speakers. Normally, speakers are supplied with alternating currents to create sound, but in Silent sigh (dark), the direct currents allow for sustained states of each speaker face. Different channels control the outward rippling of the speakers, which begins at the center and then gently radiates outward and then back in again, mimicking a wavelike pattern. Emanating from the speakers are the sounds of the direct current, and small vibrations still present in the current create the subtle breath-like sounds.
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7 bulan yang lalu
VAR In the front gallery space, a blanket of speakers is suspended in the air, under which viewers can walk and become enveloped in ASMR-like sounds. Titled Var, the Icelandic word for shelter, the installation creates a momentary respite from the outside world. The canopy-like space is combined with calming sounds and the scent of cis-3-hexenol, one of the main components in freshly cut grass. Drawing inspiration from the term “safe space”, which originated in LGBTQ+ culture, Var evokes a sense of tranquility and is a place to seek shelter.
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7 bulan yang lalu
VOX Upon entering the main gallery, visitors encounter a sound and light installation that visualizes the human voice, the universally unifying instrument that predates speech and has existed throughout history, in celebration and in mourning. Vox translates the sound of Jónsi’s voice to light frequency as it triggers four LED screens that surround the viewer. Sound and light move together in harmony, one reacting to the other. Every sound is comprised solely of the artist’s natural voice, which is mixed with computerized and AI-generated voices, further mangled and distorted. This hybridization of the human and the machine manufactures new and otherworldly sounds. In an age where it is nearly impossible to discern real from fake audio, Vox asks us to ponder the idea of voice, a beautiful and ancient unifier, and its unlimited and unknowing potential to evolve. Considered the original musical instrument, the human voice connects us to our roots on a spiritual and innate level. The room is scented with the grounding roots of earthy vetiver grass and other root-based essential oils, as well as synthesized aroma molecules.
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7 bulan yang lalu
“FLÓД Sound, scent, and light installation commissioned by the National Nordic Museum Seattle. 36 speakers. 75ft LED screen. Fog. Briny oceanic apocalyptic scent Electronics.
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1 tahun lalu