
@_konstant_konstant @groupenous Gūsū - Ɖἷἔ Ȓἔвἔłłἷὄᾗ ʛἔʛἔᾗ ḋἷἔ ғᾄłṩƈђἔᾗ Vἔʀṩῥʀἔƈђἔᾗ ἔἷᾗἔʀ vἔʀғᾄłłἔᾗἔᾗ Ẃἔłҭ.
Long time no see, dear fella! Good to have you back @angelorepetto_music Konstant! SO | 18:00 @hund_bar Photocredit: @johnpatrickwalder @_konstant_konstant
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3 bulan yang lalu
Last one 😥😥😥 Playing as Konstant! Sunday 18:00 ❤️
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3 bulan yang lalu
What a shitty year! Fuck off 2023 😂 Thanks for all the support, listen and and for all the loves in my life! 🖤
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6 bulan yang lalu
Konstant! Sonntag 03.09 | 20:30 Zentralbühne @theaterspektakel Danach verziehen wir uns ins Studio für eine Weile! Wir freuen uns auf nächsten Frühling mit euch! Danke für all den Support und die Liebe! 🖤🖤🖤
124 9
10 bulan yang lalu
Konstant! SA 18:00 @ambach_festival Der Abstieg in ein verdrehtes Reich. Die düstere Rebellion gegen die falschen Versprechen einer verfallenden Welt.
51 5
11 bulan yang lalu
Cosmic means being free in between the genres of psychedelic music. Being free to change things within a second. Going places beyond. Never sure where you are. Let`s gather. KW-Cosmic 07 | 01 22:00 w/ Alicia Carrera, Dâdalus & Bikarus Live, Hing, Nico Sun It is established by evidence that there exists beyond the world a void without a terminal limit (khala' la nihayata laha), and it is established as well by evidence that God Most High has power over all contingent beings (al-mumkinat). Therefore He the Most High has the power (qadir) to create millions of worlds (alfa alfi 'awalim) beyond this world such that each one of those worlds be bigger and more massive than this world. Fakhr al-Din al-Razi.
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1 tahun lalu
For me personally, Ambassade was a big influence in the way I see and experience music the last few months. I'm very excited to support the band this Friday together with Angelo. We found a musical language together that always brings me to the new. Rounded will this very nice evening from PAX who bring his fine collection of music to the table. Door 21:00 Ticket Link in Bio.
138 13
1 tahun lalu
EIN THEATERPROJEKT IN DREI TEILEN mit Texten von Bonn Park, Kathrin Röggla und Wolfram Lotz MIT Ursula Reiter, John Wesley Zielmann, Patrick Slanzi, Hans-Caspar Gattiker UND DEN STIMMEN VON Jürgen Herold, Lara Stoll und Jonathan Bruckmeier INSZENIERUNG Udo van Ooyen, NORMAN SPENZER, GROUPE NOUS AUSSTATTUNG Benjamin Burgunder MUSIK UND AUDIODESIGN Nicolas Balmer & Markus Kenel MUSIK Philipp Wiechert KÜNSTLERISCHE MITARBEIT Melanie Jovanovski Ticket Link in Bio
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1 tahun lalu
Immersive festival starting today @zentralwaescherei . Im very stocked to be present with two projects im involved. First we present Kassandras Baby as Groupe @groupenous today and tomorrow, and on friday Im playing live with @angelorepetto_music among amazing artists I adore since long time @abdullahminiawyofficial @evageist & @carl_gari ❤️🌞
89 9
2 tahun yang lalu
Wir sind der Verein Zentralwäscherei. Wir eröffnen einen unkommerziellen Kulturbetrieb in dem alle mitwirken können. Kommt ans Eröffnungsfestival und wieder zurück. We are Verein Zentralwäscherei. We are opening a non-commercial cultural space im Kreis 5 for everyone to participate. Join us for the opening festival and beyond.
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2 tahun yang lalu
Big moment! First tab @zentralwaescherei ! Still a lot of work to do, expect the unexpected in november… love & many thanks to @amboss_bier and the whole team ❤️
87 12
2 tahun yang lalu
Pigeon Funk May in better shape this SA @kauzzuerich Get your daily whisky action upstairs in the garage along @regula.rec & @oysterkitchen Zzzupport your local culture space #pursuedbybirds
40 5
2 tahun yang lalu