Noria Lilt


booking & request: norialilt[at] @kapitelbollwerk resident @smemmusic event curator @trnstnradio co-founder
🚨Noria Lilt’s UK debut this Saturday @ MOT🚨 As a co-founder of TRNSTN Radio and resident DJ at Kapitel Bollwerk, Noria Lilt is an important figure in Switzerland’s bubbling nightlife scene. She merges acousmatic sound design with beats that meld firmly to the dancefloor. As a producer, she has demonstrated her vision of textural bass-weight on labels such as Strecke records, with remixes from Ilian Tape’s Atrice and Femme bass Mafia’s MSJY. Her packed touring schedule speaks to an artist that is onto something remarkable. Venue MOT || July 6th 2024 || Tickets on RA
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1 hari yang lalu
My broken internet is making my facetime calls complicated and a little bit cool too. • NEXT STOPS • 02.05 @radio_bollwerk • terrain 03.05 @dachstock_reitschule b2b w/ Erna 19.05 @kapitelbollwerk b2b w/ @rtk.555 23.05 @femmage.festival@lagraviereliveclub 24.05 @ignmbern@prozess_kultur_bar 25.05 @kapitelbollwerk b2b w/ 400jasa 08.06 @fri_son b2b w/ @onefootstep 09.06 @kapitelbollwerk 06.07 @venuemot @secondborn___ 18.07 @gurtenfestival_official
151 7
2 bulan yang lalu
• after all • From tiniest cells to evil creatures craving ambitions yearning connections like pawns on somebody’s boards forwards, towards, backwards. some rise, some fall, those shine, those crawl is this connected after all? in this grand ecocis*tem, we navigate this world, dazzled by digital (de)light while lifes’ threats intertwine 
 we are lost in a virtual dream like leftover fragments in this world made of noise and chaos are we connected, after all? 25.01.24 @dampfzentrale_bern lights by Alina Moser nobodyisfreeuntileverybodyisfree weareallresponsableforchange
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4 bulan yang lalu
Two last stops this year, and I couldn’t be more happy to spend them like dat. @kapitelbollwerk is a second home to me as well as for many other passionated humans. I feel lucky and grateful to be able to share music, dancefloor moments, laughs, tears, joy and pain in this place full of love, passion and care, for music, nightlife, community, humanity. Tomorrow night, I’ll play a warm up set on the klubfloor for the first time since a long long time. I am excited to share and spend the night with my residents fellows and friends @beliawinnewisser & @nacht_zum_tag we are excited all together to welcome @lisam.o.r.e @astrangewedding @antoinnnnnnnne 🥹 It’s been a harsh year, the last months have been heavy, chaotic, disturbing and rainy on the inside and the outside. I’m glad to see the end of it and to bury it. I’ll team up on the space floor with some of my Bern scene idols since a long time, nowadays also beloved friends @phrexbass @grauekreide @trillion_tapeman 💞 We all need more spaces like @kapitelbollwerk We all need more caring human beings around. It’s never too late. Go get it and be it, for yourself and for others. 💫
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6 bulan yang lalu
Swiss sound artist, DJ and producer Noria Lilt takes care of the 133th instalment of the Rhythmic Culture podcast. Heavily influenced by dance music and rave culture, Noria puts together a bursting mix of the most heterogeneous electronic inspirations in her mixes. From clubs to art centers and other live scenes, her practice oscillates between DJing, live, composition and production, audiovisual installations, and multichannel pieces. Her production and composition process tends towards acousmatic and experimental music, with a delicate and unique sound design. Over the course of 65 minutes, Noria takes us on a fast-paced ride this week with atmospheric sounds, stripped-back drum & bass rhythms and warm sub basses. Listen via the link in bio.
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8 bulan yang lalu
Still digesting @berlinatonal and dropping some nice captured moments in the slides. Coming back on track with a big, bass and glitch mood for the next ones! 🫶🏻 Tonight @dreamsonic @pascalehi @honeydrippp @tinatornade @mez.zza @kapitelbollwerk Next Saturday 30.09 #sosogeburi B2b w/ dearest @ina.valeska and so many other beautiful humans and artists around. 📌 I still have a lot of free weekends in the next months, and I’d be more than happy to play some more. I have some fresh live material still unreleased waiting to see the world, and I’d love to play some cute/cozy or bassy/sweaty dj sets for you ! Hmu per email for bookings! 6.10, 12.10, 2.11, 3.11, 4.11, 17.11, 18.11, 30.11, 1.12, 7.12, 8.12, 9.12, 22.12, 23.12 💌
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9 bulan yang lalu
Hello internet! I hope you got the best out of this summer! Here some insights through my summer break camera roll. Lot of walks, pocket pics, blue skies, trees, reflections, cute dog content… (and making music! :)) I feel really energized and excited to be back in the booth and on stage starting from this weekend. I’m so looking forward to share some new goldies I found and play loud some new unreleased material. 👀 hmu if you wanna meet, here is where to catch me next! 26.08 @kapitelbollwerk • Live + DJ Set. 02.09 @yingyangminiclub 08.09 @fri_son 22.09 @kapitelbollwerk 30.09 @kapitelbollwerk 13.10 @iscbern b2b w/ @rtk.555 14.10 live @kindundkegelbahn@radio3fach 10.11 live Atomic Café Biel See you around and stay soft! 🫰🏼
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10 bulan yang lalu
IPANEMA | 15.07.23 | @montreuxjazzfestival w/ the best support team 🫰🏼 Thx @p.a.s.t.r.a.m for having us 💫
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11 bulan yang lalu
My summer gigs ride is over. I had such a blast playing in those wonderful events and festivals, and am so grateful for being surrounded by so many beautiful souls! Thank you for having me or being here with me, for giving me the opportunity to share my music. <3 I wish you all a lovely, growing, relaxing and caring summer. @badbonnkilbi @parkplatzfest_ka @openair_wipkingen @ambach_festival @montreuxjazzfestival __________ Those pictures have been taken by Julien Chavaillaz @julien_chavaillaz and appeared with a few lines about me in @zeit Thank you so much!
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11 bulan yang lalu
I had some precious time and a productive week working on my live set and next releases here. Cima Città is one really inspiring, rejuvenating and resourcing piece of paradise. Special thanks to Double Pop for making this possible. 🥹💫
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1 tahun lalu
Hi Internet, it was time for new press shots. (s/o+thx @maxfiles_ 💥) ✨extra slides: I received a lot of support, reactions and answers to this story I wrote lately about my burn out experience and I just felt like posting this somewhere, to remind myself and others: you can do this. Little update: I am feeling better, even tho still on really low energy level, focus and social capacity. I still feel on a quest and in the need of quiet spaces and minds. I sometimes might even enjoy listening, making and even playing music again. This is an amazing and relieving feeling. I started to work a little bit again, but I still spend most of my time trying to actively heal and let go, and implement my process of the last months in my daily routine. Slowly but surely is probably my moto for next year. My 2022 was made of processes of learning, accepting, experimenting, negotiating or collaborating; with others and with myself. It felt like an high speed rollercoaster full of loopings, creating mixed feelings switching constantly from really exciting and full filling to scary, doubtful and hopeless experiences. As cheesy as new year new me can sounds, I might finally be able to relate to this one I could not even hear without laughing before. For the first time this resonates a bit, and I wish to anyone who might feel the need for a reset, to take the time to consciously consider what/who helps you and makes you feel better, and create in yourself a bigger space to make this can happen. Stay gentle and trustful with yourself! A fresh start isn’t a place, it’s a mindset! Share and spread love, inside and all around you! Thank you so much and a lot of love to anyone involved in the funny and fulfilling loopings parts of that year. 🤍 —— 31.12 @case_a_chocs w/ @septentri.0 & Mona 06.01 @le_bourg_ Lausanne 13.01 @kapitelbollwerk Bern 21.01 @zentralwaescherei Zürich 11.02 @kauzzuerich 25.02 @trnstnradio 25.02 @kapitelbollwerk 02.03 @spectres_concerts 03.03 @neubadluzern @bsidesfestival 01.04 @kapitelbollwerk 09.04 @kapitelbollwerk b2b w/ @rtk.555 21.04 @iscbern w/ @atrice_miras & 11.05 TBA 12.05 TBA 13.05 TBA 01.06 @badbonnkilbi live! +++ 🤫🥴🥹🫠
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1 tahun lalu
Gonna play a live set for the first time in Bern this friday. ☝🏼See you in the one and only @kapitelbollwerk for the 1year of beloved sosospace! Looking forward to share the stage and spend the night with so many talented artists and friends! @chewliea @lil.kasma @lauredounia @yotahmusic @ka_raba @phrexbass @nacht_zum_tag 🫶🏻 📹 tbt @les.digitales.fribourg
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1 tahun lalu