Roman Khropko


💽 Mixing & Mastering Engineer 💿 @criminal_practice 📀Music Production Mentor ✉️ DM for collaboration
A rare moment when I am satisfied with the result of my work and inviting everyone to check out my mix for @guerrillabizarre . @victoriarobu @_giroscopio_ thank you for the opportunity!
275 14
1 tahun lalu
Meet my very first record this year. You will find the works from pretty different periods - that’s why this EP bears the name “Time Frame”… The vinyl was released at first days of May and during a month after I have received so many inspiring comments and very warm feedback from amazing artists. Thank you all! Sending special thanks to @simonj832 for making this happen and becoming a reality. Thanks @drakeyboy for putting proper EQs and limiter during mastering. I like your part of work! And thanks @dimaphase for creating the artwork! Check full tracks on YT, SoundCloud, Discogs etc.
320 39
1 bulan lalu
Sharing Ableton project with 15 beats inside. The idea is to show that sometimes you can do pretty nice and interesting things with a super simple elements and tools. Use it as an inspirational source, finish them as your own tracks , combine patterns and so on. Link to download in bio. #ableton #musicproducer #livetutorial #abletonlive
150 11
3 bulan yang lalu
Hard-9 - project of @paul.isko and @romankhropko . Which marked their deep philosophical, spiritual and artistic friendship. All works were created during two short sessions in Kyiv, in January and February 2022. Link to SoundCloud in bio.
164 17
4 bulan yang lalu
The track "For Whom The Bell Tolls" was written on the night of 23-24 February 2022. Coincidentally, the track "Tension" was created also during the day. But in a year, on February 24, 2023. Download link in bio.
235 14
6 bulan yang lalu
The EP "Present" is a debut collaboration between the electronic music producers Roman @romakhropko and Anton @brooht . Two authors, two tracks, two days of joint improvisations, understanding each other without words and polishing the created material. One composition per day. "Story 1" is a first collaboration that blends the skills, visions, and techniques of Roma and Anton. The experiment proved to be successful. And its result will definitely be interesting and pleasantly familiar to long-time listeners and all dance floor conquerors. But "No Tomorrow" is already a way beyond the established musical and stylistic framework. Attempting to capture the essence of the present moment with utmost depth. Therefore, indeed, that is why the title of the press release. The final composition is a story about the desire to return to the old peaceful life. Maintaining the essence of reality. Hope for a better future. PS: Authors are extremely thankful to Pavlo Isko @paul.isko for his insightful thoughts and ideas that helped us bring our musical concept to life. Link in bio. /// Міні-альбом "Present" - перша колаборація продюсерів Роми Хропко та Антона Брухта. Два автора, два треки, два дні спільних імпровізацій, розуміння один одного без слів та відшліфовування створеного матеріалу. По композиції на кожен з днів роботи. Story 1 - дебютний експеримент з поєднання навичок, візій і технік Роми і Антона. Експеримент виявився успішним, а його результат точно буде цікавим і водночас приємно звичним для давніх слухачів і усіх покорителів танцполів. А ось No Tomorrow - це вже вихід за усталені музично-стилістичні рамки та спроба якомога глибше передати настрій сьогодення. Звідси, власне, і назва релізу. Фінальна композиція - це історія про бажання повернутись до старого мирного життя, не втратити відчуття реальності. І, звісно, ж про надію, що скоро все знову буде добре. Особлива вдячність Павлу Ісько за думки та творчі ідеї що дозволили чіткіше наблизитись до нашого музичного задуму. Лінк на треки в профілі.
273 24
7 bulan yang lalu
Glad to become a part of this release and be in a company of such cool, interesting and talented musicians! Check all the works on @vector.kyiv Bandcamp page, you should definitely find something for yourself there. Link in bio!
242 12
10 bulan yang lalu
Almost forgot to tell you that I have recently released another record. I've been waiting for it so long and even had a mishap with it twice: the pressing plant printed it with other people's works on one side instead of my tracks. It happens sometimes, even twice in a row. But fortunately, the workers at the factory were more attentive the third time. And after almost two years, it was released. I'm happy to share this record with the great composer @_riccardorizza_ . I hope that our creative paths will cross many more times. And many thanks to @tonton__b and @ystca for their trust and work to help our music to reach the audience.
261 23
1 tahun lalu
Three years ago, I accidentally came across the record from @roofrec_is . I don't remember why, but I couldn't buy it. But I remember thinking that the guys from this label knew what a powerful sound was. And that it would be great if they listened to my works, finding something similar there. A little time passed, and now I can say that the dream has come true. I'm happy that the guys did not shift from their vision of music. And they chose for the release a few of my secret tracks that have proven themselves in my numerous sets. Thanks to @lucio.rag and the label's team! I'm glad that everything worked out so well! And of course I was so happy to hear that such a powerful combination from @iamzolaa and @shch.uka.ryba on last video. 🌻🇺🇦
985 62
1 tahun lalu
My third record was released on an Italian label @club_vision . Very happy and honored to be a part of it. There is a cute story behind the release. My girlfriend @annyrock_ was asked to record a mix for this label. And I decided to write some compositions to complete her story. In a few months after the mix was released @simi.giletta (one of the label owners) asked id’s of some tracks. Tracks that he was interested were mine. And now you can hear them on this vinyl. Thanks a lot for invitation my friends @simi.giletta & @giletta_gg ! Hope to see you soon!
227 21
1 tahun lalu
Here is the new record where you can find my two works and another two tracks of my new mate from Tunisia . Was a great pleasure to work with guys from @quinoa.experience label. Thank you @andreiokolokoulak & @chri_sto_pisto for cool cooperation, hope to meet you all soon! Vinyl as usual will be available very soon on (link in bio). I also hope there will be good times again soon in my homeland and this record will fit and resonate much better in mood with my countryman.
190 15
1 tahun lalu
The first record from bunch of upcoming, that should be released in the next few months. The process is not usually fast so some of them I’ve already been waiting for year and more. This time my good mate @denis_orbit took some of my works to his cozy label. I am really glad that this happened, thank you! All the necessary links to find the release and so on are as usual in bio 😊
209 15
1 tahun lalu