Rooster Teeth


21 years of working together to bring laughter & joy to the Internet. Thank you for being with us on this journey. 2003 - 2024 ❤️💙
Thank you for “just playing” with us for the last 21 years, we wouldn’t want to have it any other way ❤️ …It’s not a good bye if we don’t say it, right? 🥹
41.5k 1,288
2 bulan yang lalu
We used to wonder ‘why are we here’, but the answer couldn’t be more obvious. Thanks to the best fans for an incredible journey. 2003 - 2024. ❤️💙 Art by @ag_nonsuch 🐤
23.4k 478
1 bulan lalu
Thank you all for 21 years of fun and games. We could not have done it without the support of our loving community. ❤️ Please join us on RTTV live tomorrow at 4pm CT as staff come together for the first of many chats during this wind down period.
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3 bulan yang lalu
One last Reel for old times sake 🥲
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1 bulan lalu
Gavin’s always lookin’ on the bright side!
27.2k 241
1 bulan lalu
We’re just glad we were here with all of you ❤️💙 Red vs. Blue: Restoration is available now, on digital. No tears allowed <3
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1 bulan lalu
11.5 years ago, we released the RWBY Red trailer at the end of the Red vs. Blue season 10 finale. It was impossible then to imagine what it would become! We’re so proud of all we’ve accomplished since then. Thank you all for joining on the journey! We’ll be back with some very exciting news soon so make sure to follow the OfficialRWBY X & FB for some upcoming news! ❤️🤍🖤💛
14.6k 191
1 bulan lalu
We couldn’t have done it without you all. Thank you ❤️💙
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1 bulan lalu
May the chaos of Rooster Teeth live on forever 🫡
4,655 60
1 bulan lalu
What will me miss most? That’s easy. All of you ❤️ Thank you for everything 🥹
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1 bulan lalu
Could that moment bee any more perfect? 🐝😭
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1 bulan lalu
Time to find out why we’re here after all of these years. 🥹
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1 bulan lalu