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Centre for Contemporary Art, Graz Next exhibition: WILD SPOTS 07.06.–03.08. + 26.08.–19.10.24
WILD SPOTS Enforesting Ourselves in the Urban World Exhibition opening: Friday, June 7th 2024, 18:00 – 24:00 Opening ceremony: 20:00 Participating artists: Francesca Aldegani (@thespacearound.me ) • Kateryna Aliinyk (@aliinyk.co ) • Nayari Castillo (@nayaricm ) • Forest Encounters (@forest_encounters ) • Anita Fuchs (@anitafuchs_ ) • Lena Gätjens (@lena_geht_jetzt ) & Christina Helena Romirer (@christina.helena.romirer ) • Simon Goritschnig (@simon.goritschnig ) • Christoph Grill • Kitti Gosztola & Bence György Pálinkás (@wildgardenutopia ) • GUKUBI MATO (@gukubimato ) • Markus Hiesleitner (@hiesleitner ) • ILA (@ilailarus ) • Isa Klee (@endangeredspeciesadvocacy ) • Marianne Lang (@langmarianne ) • Consuelo Méndez (@mendezconsuelo2 ) • Clara Oppel • Gernot Passath (@gernotpassath ) & Miro Schober (@scho.miro ) • Nicole Pruckermayr (@nicole_pruckermayr ) • Coline Robin (@colinegraphic ) • Marina Stiegler (@marina_stiegler ) • Helene Thümmel Curated by: Anton Lederer, Magarethe Makovec The exhibition traces the natural in the urban and follows the trails of vitality and wilderness. The latter is not limited to the “official wilderness areas”, writes Gary Snyder, but can rather be found everywhere; it surrounds us. And Baptiste Morizot speaks of ‘enforesting ourselves’ to cultivate “a new kind of relationship with living territories”. The artists link their works in the exhibition space with specific locations in Graz and visualise stories from and in the ‘wild spots’. They follow birds, foxes, bats, worms, neophytes, wild herbs, seeds, etc., which move at different speeds and are at home in different spheres of the city. This exhibition features a mapping of The Green Belt in Graz, a superordinate network project that connects green, natural, vital, wild places and their inhabitants—from the Leechwald forest to the Plabutsch mountain, right across the city. Several art and cultural institutions based along this ribbon and other partners invite you to join a meandering search for trails, a leisurely stroll, a wild transition. Duration of the exhibition: 07.06.–03.08. + 26.08.–19.10.2024 Free admission! Cover image: Simon Goritschnig, 2024
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1 bulan lalu
WILD SPOTS Enforesting Ourselves in the Urban World Exhibition opening: Friday, June 7th 2024, 18:00 – 24:00 Opening ceremony: 20:00 Participating artists: Francesca Aldegani (@thespacearound.me ) • Kateryna Aliinyk (@aliinyk.co ) • Nayari Castillo (@nayaricm ) • Forest Encounters (@forest_encounters ) • Anita Fuchs (@anitafuchs_ ) • Lena Gätjens (@lena_geht_jetzt ) & Christina Helena Romirer (@christina.helena.romirer ) • Simon Goritschnig (@simon.goritschnig ) • Christoph Grill • Kitti Gosztola & Bence György Pálinkás (@wildgardenutopia ) • GUKUBI MATO (@gukubimato ) • Markus Hiesleitner (@hiesleitner ) • ILA (@ilailarus ) • Isa Klee (@endangeredspeciesadvocacy ) • Marianne Lang (@langmarianne ) • Consuelo Méndez (@mendezconsuelo2 ) • Clara Oppel • Gernot Passath (@gernotpassath ) & Miro Schober (@scho.miro ) • Nicole Pruckermayr (@nicole_pruckermayr ) • Coline Robin (@colinegraphic ) • Marina Stiegler (@marina_stiegler ) • Helene Thümmel Curated by: Anton Lederer, Magarethe Makovec The exhibition traces the natural in the urban and follows the trails of vitality and wilderness. The latter is not limited to the “official wilderness areas”, writes Gary Snyder, but can rather be found everywhere; it surrounds us. And Baptiste Morizot speaks of ‘enforesting ourselves’ to cultivate “a new kind of relationship with living territories”. The artists link their works in the exhibition space with specific locations in Graz and visualise stories from and in the ‘wild spots’. They follow birds, foxes, bats, worms, neophytes, wild herbs, seeds, etc., which move at different speeds and are at home in different spheres of the city. This exhibition features a mapping of The Green Belt in Graz, a superordinate network project that connects green, natural, vital, wild places and their inhabitants—from the Leechwald forest to the Plabutsch mountain, right across the city. Several art and cultural institutions based along this ribbon and other partners invite you to join a meandering search for trails, a leisurely stroll, a wild transition. Duration of the exhibition: 07.06.–03.08. + 26.08.–19.10.2024 Free admission! Cover image: Simon Goritschnig, 2024
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1 bulan lalu
WILD SPOTS Enforesting Ourselves in the Urban World Exhibition opening: Friday, June 7th 2024, 18:00 – 24:00 Opening ceremony: 20:00 Participating artists: Francesca Aldegani (@thespacearound.me ) • Kateryna Aliinyk (@aliinyk.co ) • Nayari Castillo (@nayaricm ) • Forest Encounters (@forest_encounters ) • Anita Fuchs (@anitafuchs_ ) • Lena Gätjens (@lena_geht_jetzt ) & Christina Helena Romirer (@christina.helena.romirer ) • Simon Goritschnig (@simon.goritschnig ) • Christoph Grill • Kitti Gosztola & Bence György Pálinkás (@wildgardenutopia ) • GUKUBI MATO (@gukubimato ) • Markus Hiesleitner (@hiesleitner ) • ILA (@ilailarus ) • Isa Klee (@endangeredspeciesadvocacy ) • Marianne Lang (@langmarianne ) • Consuelo Méndez (@mendezconsuelo2 ) • Clara Oppel • Gernot Passath (@gernotpassath ) & Miro Schober (@scho.miro ) • Nicole Pruckermayr (@nicole_pruckermayr ) • Coline Robin (@colinegraphic ) • Marina Stiegler (@marina_stiegler ) • Helene Thümmel Curated by: Anton Lederer, Magarethe Makovec The exhibition traces the natural in the urban and follows the trails of vitality and wilderness. The latter is not limited to the “official wilderness areas”, writes Gary Snyder, but can rather be found everywhere; it surrounds us. And Baptiste Morizot speaks of ‘enforesting ourselves’ to cultivate “a new kind of relationship with living territories”. The artists link their works in the exhibition space with specific locations in Graz and visualise stories from and in the ‘wild spots’. They follow birds, foxes, bats, worms, neophytes, wild herbs, seeds, etc., which move at different speeds and are at home in different spheres of the city. This exhibition features a mapping of The Green Belt in Graz, a superordinate network project that connects green, natural, vital, wild places and their inhabitants—from the Leechwald forest to the Plabutsch mountain, right across the city. Several art and cultural institutions based along this ribbon and other partners invite you to join a meandering search for trails, a leisurely stroll, a wild transition. Duration of the exhibition: 07.06.–03.08. + 26.08.–19.10.2024 Free admission! Cover image: Simon Goritschnig, 2024
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1 bulan lalu
GARDEN OF MOVING TIMES Artistic garden project and open air learning space Location: HLW Bad Ischl After three years of preparation, the »Garden of Moving Times« was officially opened on 27 June. The following people were actively involved in the opening ceremony as part of the European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl Salzkammergut 2024 programme: Ines Schiller (Mayor of Bad Ischl), Elisabeth Schweeger (Artistic Director of Salzkammergut 2024), Wolfgang Schlag (Co-initiator of the project), Daniela Brasil + Sophie Krier (Artists), Rainer Posch (Director), Sophie Jaros, Brigitte Kendlbacher, Barbara Vockenhuber, Lisa Zeitler (Teachers), Leona Kirchner, Flora Kolanek (Students), Josef Spitzer (Retired teacher), Günther Brucker (Stonemason), Beatrice Hoheneder (Wildfloraexplorer), Anton Lederer (< rotor >), GiZiKoGla + Andaka (Music), and many more students and teachers of the HLW Bad Ischl. Thanks to all! Credits The »Garden of Moving Times« was artistically realized by Daniela Brasil & Sophie Krier and created in close cooperation with dedicated teachers, students of the HLW Bad Ischl and numerous experts and project partners from the region and beyond. The project was initiated by Birgit Lurz, Anton Lederer, Margarethe Makovec, Rainer Posch, Karl Rossmann, and Wolfgang Schlag, and was produced by <rotor> Centre for Contemporary Art in the framework of European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl Salzkammergut 2024. Photos from the opening: Pia Fronia (@pia.fronia ) @rotor.contemporary @brasil_daniela @fieldessays @hlwbadischl @salzkammergut.2024 @wildflorie @elsatriebaumer @wild.floraexplorer @bundesforste @gizikogla @missandaka #gardenofmovingtimes #salzkammergut2024 #kulturhauptstadteuropas2024 #hlwischl #badischl #criticalpedagogies #analemma #cosmologicalgarden #learningspace #outdoorlearning #care #earthtime #gardentime
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5 jam yang lalu
NATURAL MONUMENT Tour to fallow lands with Helene Thümmel Tuesday, July 9th 2024, 16:30 Meeting point: Historischer Wasserturm, Waagner Biro Straße/ Ausgang Hauptbahnhof, 8020 Graz The artist Helene Thümmel invites you to join a walk to selected ruderal areas. During this walk, we will examine these fallow lands for edible plants, indicator plants, stages of ecological succession, soil conditions, various inhabitants and potentials. With her contribution “Natural Monument” in the exhibition “Wilde Spots,” Helene Thümmel highlights the loss of open spaces and biodiversity, soil sealing, the disappearance of natural water reservoirs, and the importance of fallow land in the city. It is time to rethink the concept of a natural monument. Until now, only trees have been given this status in Graz. In times of dwindling land resources, limited access to green spaces and wilderness, urban heatwaves, and especially the scarcity of fallow land in the city, the artist is placing these areas under protection with a new symbol. Duration of the tour: 2 hours ► Everyone is welcome to participate. ► Registration is requested but not obligatory: rotor@mur.at, 0316/688306 In the frame of the current exhibition WILD SPOTS Enforesting Ourselves in the Urban World Duration of the exhibition: 07.06. - 03.08.2024 + 26.08. - 19.10.2024 Opening hours: Mo–Fr 10:00–18:00, Sa 12:00–16:00 Wednesday till 22:00 Closed on Sundays and public holidays Free admission! Photo credit: Helene Thümmel
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2 hari yang lalu
UPROOTED Smart City Walk from the perspective of house sparrows, wall lizards, vines and coltsfoot Smart City Walk with Isa Klee (@endangeredspeciesadvocacy ): Saturday, July 6th 2024, 15:00 – 17:00 Meeting Point: Historischer Wasserturm, Waagner Biro Straße/ Ausgang Hauptbahnhof, 8020 Graz How can we shape the city together as a biophilic habitat? How much space are we willing to give to other species and how can we build relationships with these species? At the beginning of 2024, artist Isa Klee and her congeners took part in a days-long collective rescue operation to save plants, animals, soil, infrastructure and humus from the Green Lab fallow. This area is currently being built on and sealed, meaning that the creatures living there have lost their habitat and the objects used have lost their usefulness. The rescued plants, insects and objects have now found a precarious new home in the nearby industrial area between concrete and warehouses - the Stahl-Eberhardt-Garten. The endangered industrial site turns out to be a habitat for sparrows and a last refuge for endangered species in the new Smart City district. The discursive walk leads to places of urban development in Smart City Graz and allows visitors to participate in current processes of displacement and change. It raises the question of space utilisation and urban planning from a (more-than-)human perspective: To what extent do humans, sparrows and wall lizards have the same needs and demands for space? In the frame of the current exhibition WILD SPOTS Enforesting Ourselves in the Urban World Duration of the exhibition: 07.06. - 03.08.2024 + 26.08. - 19.10.2024 Opening hours: Mo–Fr 10:00–18:00, Sa 12:00–16:00 Wednesday till 22:00 Closed on Sundays and public holidays Free admission! Photo credit: Isa Klee, Uprooted - Habitat, Stahl-Eberhard Garden, 2024
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6 hari yang lalu
NEEDLE MEDITATION A Participative Canvas for Nesting Coexistence Workshop by Francesca Aldegani (@thespacearound.me ): Wednesday, July 3rd 2024, 18:00 – 20:00 Location: Zentralgartenbüro / Forum Urbanes Gärtnern, Schörgelgasse 27/1, 8010 Graz For the Graz Forum for Urban Gardening (@zentralgartenbuero ), artist Francesca Aldegani has developed a new project that involves working together on a piece of canvas by applying interesting found objects from community gardens to it. The small objects can also come from other green spaces and "wild spots" of the city. Everyone is warmly invited to bring their own objects and work them into the canvas during a joint session. The inspiration for this work came to the artist during a walk through Graz, which took her past the Botanical Garden, where a handkerchief tree (Davidia involucrata) was in full bloom. Here she collected some fallen "handkerchiefs" from the sidewalk and later pressed them. Francesca Aldegani intends to start the new canvas with one of these findings, under the title "Needle Meditation, a Participative Canvas for Nesting Coexistence." Throughout the summer, the canvas will be passed from one community garden in Graz to another. Francesca Aldegani is an Italian artist living in Vienna. Her artwork frequently incorporates textile materials and she often invites others to participate in the creation process. Everyone is welcome to participate. Registration is requested at rotor@mur.at but not mandatory. In the frame of the current exhibition WILD SPOTS Enforesting Ourselves in the Urban World Duration of the exhibition: 07.06. - 03.08.2024 + 26.08. - 19.10.2024 Opening hours: Mo–Fr 10:00–18:00, Sa 12:00–16:00 Wednesday till 22:00 Closed on Sundays and public holidays Free admission! Photo credit: Francesca Aldegani
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8 hari yang lalu
GARDEN OF MOVING TIMES Artistic garden project and open air learning space Official opening: June 27th 2024, 15:00 Location: HLW Bad Ischl, Kaltenbachstraße 19, 4820 Bad Ischl From a kitchen meadow to a green classroom: Starting in 2022, students at HLW Bad Ischl have been working with the artists Daniela Brasil and Sophie Krier as well as numerous experts to develop a garden on the school grounds in the framework of the European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl Salzkammergut 2024. The »Garden of Moving Times« is particularly concerned with establishing a healing relationship to time in school, in social structures, in nature, our own bodies and even in cosmic dimensions. A previously unused spot became a place of biodiversity, and will be both a place to learn and a place to chill out. Opening ceremony with: Ines Schiller (Mayor of Bad Ischl), Elisabeth Schweeger (Artistic Director of Salzkammergut 2024), Daniela Brasil + Sophie Krier (Artists), Rainer Posch (Director), Sophie Jaros (Teacher), Leona Kirchner + Flora Kolanek (Students), Beatrice Hoheneder (Wildfloraexplorer), Anton Lederer (< rotor >) a.o. Participating artists, students, teachers and experts provide information on the various elements of the garden. Music: GiZiKoGla, Andaka Buffet and drinks from the school restaurant Credits The Garden of Moving Times is artistically realized by Daniela Brasil & Sophie Krier and is created in close cooperation with dedicated teachers, students of the HLW Bad Ischl and numerous experts and project partners from the region and beyond. The project was initiated by Birgit Lurz, Anton Lederer, Margarethe Makovec, Rainer Posch, Karl Rossmann, and Wolfgang Schlag. Selected photos from the building phase in spring 2024: P.Fronia, D.Brasil, S.Bscheiden, B.Voggenhuber, S.Jaros, < rotor >, wildflorie @rotor.contemporary @brasil_daniela @fieldessays @hlwbadischl @salzkammergut.2024 @wildflorie @elsatriebaumer @wild.floraexplorer @pia.fronia @bundesforste @gizikogla @missandaka #gardenofmovingtimes #salzkammergut2024 #kulturhauptstadteuropas2024 #hlwischl #badischl #criticalpedagogies #analemma #cosmologicalgarden #learningspace #outdoorlearning #gardentime
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10 hari yang lalu
GARDEN OF MOVING TIMES Artistic garden project and open air learning space Official opening: Thursday, June 27th 2024, 15:00 Location: HLW Bad Ischl, Kaltenbachstraße 19, 4820 Bad Ischl With: Ines Schiller (Mayor of Bad Ischl), Elisabeth Schweeger (Artistic Director of the European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl – Salzkammergut 2024), Daniela Brasil and Sophie Krier (Artists), Rainer Posch and Sophie Jaros (Director and teacher at HLW Bad Ischl), Involved students (HLW Bad Ischl), Beatrice Hoheneder (Wildfloraexplorer), Anton Lederer (< rotor >) and others. Music: GiZiKoGla, Andaka „Everything has its time“ (Karl Rossmann) The garden is growing. It began with a two-year, collaborative and participatory process involving many hands, minds and hearts: human & more-than-human. First parts: 1. Ahead of winter solstice 2022 CHECK-IN and TREASURE HUNT 2. Spring 2023 SOIL ANALYSIS 3. After summer solstice 2023 RAISED BED and SUNDIAL 4. Ahead of equinox, late summer 2023 HARVEST FESTIVAL and DESIGN FORUM Credits The Garden of Moving Times is artistically realized by Daniela Brasil & Sophie Krier and is created in close cooperation with dedicated teachers, students of the HLW Bad Ischl and numerous project partners from the region and beyond. The project was initiated by Birgit Lurz, Anton Lederer, Margarethe Makovec, Rainer Posch, Karl Rossmann, and Wolfgang Schlag. Project partners: Upper Austrian Education Directorate, Austrian Federal Forests, Eder Flowers Horticulture, wildflorie Photos: Pia Fronia, Sophie Jaros, Barbara Vockenhuber, HLW Bad Ischl @rotor.contemporary @brasil_daniela @fieldessays @hlwbadischl @salzkammergut.2024 @wildflorie @wild.floraexplorer @pia.fronia @bundesforste @gizikogla @missandaka #gardenofmovingtimes #salzkammergut2024 #kulturhauptstadteuropas2024 #hlwischl #badischl #criticalpedagogies #analemma #cosmologicalgarden #learningspace #outdoorlearning #care #earthtime #gardentime
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15 hari yang lalu
PARTICIPATIVE PERFORMANCE 2nd Tree Procession - from the series A TREE COULD BE STANDING HERE! By Nicole Pruckermayr (@nicole_pruckermayr ) Friday, June 21st, 15:00 – 16:30 Meeting point: Metahofspitz - Metahofgasse 30, 8020 Graz People transform into trees where trees are missing. In a series of tableau vivantes, people occupy the Eggenbergergürtel with geometric set pieces starting from the Annenstraße intersection. The highly abstracted ”branches” are used to explore potential public spaces for tree planting by making them directly visible. In this pose of self-empowerment, the environment is actively co-created. ► Limited number of participants, please register at winkler@rotor.mur.at In the frame of the current exhibition WILD SPOTS Enforesting Ourselves in the Urban World Duration of the exhibition: 07.06. - 03.08.2024 + 26.08. - 19.10.2024 Opening hours: Mo–Fr 10:00–18:00, Sa 12:00–16:00 Wednesday till 22:00 Closed on Sundays and public holidays Free admission! Photo credit: Nicole Pruckermayr, 1st tree procession 15.10.2021 (Photo: jmz)
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17 hari yang lalu
@rotor.contemporary WILD SPOTS Enforesting Ourselves in the Urban World Duration of the exhibition: 07.06.–03.08. + 26.08.–19.10.2024 Markus Hiesleiter work @rotor.contemporary : Mobile Wilderness Plants, wire, field soil, soy plants, plant lamp, 2024 The work that Markus Hiesleitner has designed for the atrium borrows from the steppe rollers, which are also known as Tumbleweed and are a classic motif from wild west films: The wind blows the spherical shapes through the area and thus promotes the spread of the plant. The Mobile Wilderness project refers to the idea of spreading wilderness in urban areas. Lois Weinberger’s Wild Cubes are a reference to this, one of which can be visited in the Joanneum Quarter in Graz. Markus Hiesleitner’s wickerwork is formed from plants, most of which he has harvested along the River Mur and in other places in and around Graz. The objects occupy places and thus also prevent direct human access; they have the potential to give nature some space to grow wild. In the spherical mesh on the windowsill facing the atrium, the artist has grown the cultivated plant soy, for which large areas of wilderness are cleared, particularly in South America. WILD SPOTS Curated by: Anton Lederer, Magarethe Makovec Participating artists: Francesca Aldegani (@thespacearound.me ) • Kateryna Aliinyk (@aliinyk.co ) • Nayari Castillo (@nayaricm ) • Forest Encounters (@forest_encounters ) • Anita Fuchs (@anitafuchs_ ) • Lena Gätjens (@lena_geht_jetzt ) & Christina Helena Romirer (@christina.helena.romirer ) • Simon Goritschnig (@simon.goritschnig ) • Christoph Grill • Kitti Gosztola & Bence György Pálinkás (@wildgardenutopia ) • GUKUBI MATO (@gukubimato ) • Markus Hiesleitner (@hiesleitner ) • ILA (@ilailarus ) • Isa Klee (@endangeredspeciesadvocacy ) • Marianne Lang (@langmarianne ) • Consuelo Méndez (@mendezconsuelo2 ) • Clara Oppel • Gernot Passath (@gernotpassath ) & Miro Schober (@scho.miro ) • Nicole Pruckermayr (@nicole_pruckermayr ) • Coline Robin (@colinegraphic ) • Marina Stiegler (@marina_stiegler ) • Helene Thümmel
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17 hari yang lalu
WILD SPOTS Enforesting Ourselves in the Urban World Today we want to share some impressions of our opening last week, on June 7th of 2024. Thank you to all the dear guests and lovely artists who shared this evening with us, to Thomas Wolkinger (@wolkinger ) and Isa Klee (@endangeredspeciesadvocacy ) for the wonderful introductions and Stirnbänd (@stirnbaend ) for the honest rap music with animals! Participating artists: Francesca Aldegani • Kateryna Aliinyk • Nayari Castillo • Forest Encounters • Anita Fuchs • Lena Gätjens & Christina Helena Romirer • Simon Goritschnig • Christoph Grill • Kitti Gosztola & Bence György Pálinkás • GUKUBI MATO • Markus Hiesleitner • ILA • Isa Klee • Marianne Lang • Consuelo Méndez • Clara Oppel • Gernot Passath & Miro Schober • Nicole Pruckermayr • Coline Robin • Marina Stiegler • Helene Thümmel Curated by: Magarethe Makovec The exhibition traces the natural in the urban and follows the trails of vitality and wilderness. The latter is not limited to the “official wilderness areas”, writes Gary Snyder, but can rather be found everywhere; it surrounds us. And Baptiste Morizot speaks of ‘enforesting ourselves’ to cultivate “a new kind of relationship with living territories”. The artists link their works in the exhibition space with specific locations in Graz and visualise stories from and in the ‘wild spots’. They follow birds, foxes, bats, worms, neophytes, wild herbs, seeds, etc., which move at different speeds and are at home in different spheres of the city. This exhibition features a mapping of The Green Belt in Graz, a superordinate network project that connects green, natural, vital, wild places and their inhabitants—from the Leechwald forest to the Plabutsch mountain, right across the city. Several art and cultural institutions based along this ribbon and other partners invite you to join a meandering search for trails, a leisurely stroll, a wild transition. Duration of the exhibition: 07.06.–03.08. + 26.08.–19.10.2024 Free admission! Sound credit: @stirnbaend
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22 hari yang lalu