vera amberg


bookings: @ambach_festival @bliss6000 @polysonic__
VERA AMBERG | SCHWING UND STAMPF FESTIVAL 2024 @veraamberg ist längst keine Unbekannte mehr hinter den Decks von Schwing und Stampf. Mit einer Verspieltheit und Energie, die ihresgleichen sucht, entführt sie ihre Zuhörer*innen auf eine elektronische Reise, bei der sie geschickt die Grenzen der Musiklandschaft auslotet. Ihre DJ-Sets sind eine klangliche Entdeckungsreise, die ein breites Spektrum an Genres wie Breaks, House, Elektro und sogar härtere Klänge abdecken. Das Resultat ist ein mitreissender Mix, der jeden in euphorische Bewegungslust versetzt. In den angesagtesten Venues wie dem Kauz oder dem ehemaligen Hund in Zürich, dem Neubad Klub oder der Kegelbahn in Luzern ist Vera inzwischen regelmässig anzutreffen. Letztes Jahr begeisterte sie zudem mit einem energiegeladenen Set auf dem Sumpf-Floor des renommierten AmBach Festivals, wo sie nicht nur als DJ, sondern auch als Teil des Organisationsteams aktiv ist. Dieses Jahr kommt Vera aber nicht alleine ans Schwing und Stampf. Zusammen mit der aus Zug stammenden @zelev_mp3 spielt Vera ein 2-stündiges power back-2-back, welches garantiert für den ultimativen Samstagnacht-Turnup sorgen wird. Wir freuen uns ganz fest und dehnen uns schon Mal für eine 2-stündige, wilde Tanzeinlage ein. 🤸🏽‍♀️💃🏼🔊💖✨🪩 #schwingundstampf24 #festival #veraamberg
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2 bulan yang lalu
when music and design unite in a project, in my perspective it’s like a dream come true. my latest work involved creating the DJ booth design for @kioskluzern . it feels like a special job because as a DJ I know well, the pulsating heart of the club, is not just a functional piece - it stands as a monument. this project emerged through a collaboration with my dear friend @dominikstaeger . his profound experience in club requirements have been fundamental in creating the design. the result was a blend of form and function. the final draft was executed by the skilled hands of Tomi Hurtic. Tomi’s expertise and and close attention to detail created an outcome, that was beyond our expectations. the booth’s monumental aesthetics, paired with the historic energy of the club, create a truly vibrant atmosphere. if you haven‘t been @kioskluzern , I warmly recommend you to do so by any next chance. for more design insights check out my website
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8 hari yang lalu
london on camera captured by @maurizio_zulli_
59 4
1 bulan lalu
I had so much pleasure playing the second slot of the night from 01:00 - 02:30 am @kioskluzern , where I blended some of my favorite bouncy tunes into an energetic mix 🥁 I’m incredibly proud of our first event series of @polysonic__ and the excellent sets delivered by my friends @sven.mueh @zelev____ and @123dinodino 🤍 link in bio 🔗
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1 bulan lalu
I had the pleasure of recording my first podcast for @komrad.net_ radio. the series, curated by @lukaverse_ , is named melodreamia. this mix showcases my love for different genres and creates a musical landscape that listeners can lose themselves in. I was delving into the realms of dreamy house music, atmospheric breaks and acid basslines. the result is a sonic journey that delivers a dynamic and engaging listening experience. relisten to the mix on soundcloud. link in bio 🤍
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1 bulan lalu
easy home/studio dj booth idea by me materials used: - two IKEA Omar units (size: 92x36x94cm) - wooden board (size: 195x40cm, I used 19mm MDF) - U-profile 75mm (length: 185cm) - cable ties - screws use the cable ties and wall mounts that come with the Omar shelves to fix the U-profile. to attach the wooden board, use at least two screws. insert the screws vertically through the wooden board and into the plastic lid of the iron stand. happy building 🔨
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3 bulan yang lalu
new press pics outstanding work by @phasewas love the result 🤍
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5 bulan yang lalu
one week ago, I had the opportunity to play a 3-hour opening set at kauz club. to prepare myself I made an extensive tracklist and wrote a script outlining the desired moods and energies I aimed to create throughout the mix. this allowed me to have a direction in mind as I went trough this journey. I started my set in an empty room and by the end, I was sweating so much, I could barely see anything. I blended a selection of extraordinary grooves, that were challening my mixing skills but I am still happy with the outcome. special thanks to the kauz team for handling everything so professional and making me feel like home. the support from my fellow DJs and friends, including @adri.frenzi , who made all the way from Valais, meant so much to me. I still brings a smile to my face when I think of that night 🤍 setlink in bio 📷 @phasewas
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6 bulan yang lalu
it is truly inspiring to witness the power of collaboration when passionate individuals come together to create a living utopia 🦚 @ambach_festival s/o to my incredible team, Maria, Fabia, and Maggie, whose unwavering dedication and all-female strength brought the kiosk to life once again photos @ynk.roo @legoe
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10 bulan yang lalu
very grateful that I could play this special slot @ambach_festival on friday afternoon. I’ve been blending some of my rare treasures and personal edits, making it an unique ride and easy to stay present in the moment. at the end of the set, seeing the smiling faces of the crowd almost brought me to tears. my mix is online on soundcloud for you to enjoy 💛✨ photos @ynk.roo video @mariiakos
130 4
10 bulan yang lalu
some snippets of my latest set @neubadluzern listen to the full version on soundcloud photo @alain.noguez
119 8
1 tahun lalu
spring collection
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4 tahun yang lalu