Yvon Teysslerova ACK


Director of Photography, Prague
Dekuju za duveru a prilezitost natocit letosni spot pro PRAGUE PRIDE FESTIVAL @prague.pride a vsem, co nam s nim pomohli…. Rezie, strih: Tereza Kozakova @jqbernis AD: Karolina Cejkova @neplakej Kostymy: Anna Marie Krusinova @marie_je_anna
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1 tahun lalu
This photo was one of my small but long-standing dreams, to capture the moonlight falling through the roof window into our bathroom. There were countless trips to the night toilet, but each supplement painted new pictures. I was too lazy to get up and set up a long exposure in the middle of the night. Viva la iPhone 13…
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1 tahun lalu
This winter was very special. I had a lack of work and was stressed about it, but on the other hand I spent over thirty days on my beloved mountains. Their spikes never let us conquer them and that's what's so fascinating about them. I was trained by the Krkonose for the first time this year, when we underestimated the time and weather. For the first time in my life, I experienced a real fear of an avalanche. I will never forget the sound of them cracking. I thank my friends for always coming back to the mountains with me... #photography #blackandwhitephotography #blackandwhite #mountain #alpen #friends #love #skitouring #avalanche #snow #snowboarding #shredded #ski #powder #life #freeride
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1 tahun lalu
My soul… Moje duše… …. Nemuzu uverit, ze tohle vyslo. Kulka, ktera mirila na tohodle divocaka mi prosvistela kolem nohy. Myslivec ho netrefil, ale ja jo…magie analogu, kterou miluju…. . I can't believe... The bullet that was past my leg. The hunter didn't shoot him, but I did...a analog magic that I love... #ilford #ilford400 #pentax #analog #analogphotography #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #czechrepublic #nature #naturephotography #lovemyjob #wildlife #wildlifephotography #wildanimals
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1 tahun lalu
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1 tahun lalu
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1 tahun lalu
Na konci roku 2021 jsme s režisérkou Zuzanou Kirchnerovou točily dokumentární film, který považuji za nejdůležitější, který jsem dělala. Naše hrdinky v nich s neuvěřitelnou otevřeností mluví o bolesti, která není vidět, trvá, těžko se s ní bojuje a je nepřenosná. Pevně doufám, že tenhle projekt někomu pomůže. Díky všem za fantastickou spolupráci. Premiéra v České televizi na pozdim 2022. @_marie_klara_ Péče o duši Dir.: Zuzana Kirchnerová Prod.: Česká televize Director Zuzana Kirchner and I shot a documentary film, which I consider to be the most important one I ever shot. Our heroines talked with incredible openness about pain that is not visible, is difficult to fight with and is non-transferable. I hope that this project will help someone. Thanks to everyone for the fantastic cooperation. Premiere at Czech television in autumn 2022. #peceodusi #documetaryfilm #ceskatelevize #czechtelevision
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2 tahun yang lalu
And suddenly I am lost…. #light #trees #photopoetry #longtimenosee #magic
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2 tahun yang lalu