14 giorni fa
Even for a race distance as relatively short as a 5k ("short" compared to the half or full marathon, for example) it's still a long-distance event, which means it has a significant aerobic component and it's important to have a big aerobic base to help you sustain your fast running over the whole distance! Many runners think that training for a fast 5k is ONLY about speedwork... but that's not true! If you're looking to run a faster 5k, you need speed AND aerobic development (i.e. easy running) in your training! ☝️Looking for a 5k training plan? Downloadable and app-base programs available, and check out the FREE 8-WEEK "FIRST 5K!" PROGRAM for new or returning runners!! 5K FUN FACTS: a 5k race is 3.107 miles, or 5 kilometers, long. This race distance is called a "5k" race when contested on the road, but a "5000m" race when contested on the track! The current men's world road 5k record is 12:49 (Berihu Aregawi), and the current women's 5k world record is 14:13 (Beatrice Chebet) 🏃‍♀️𝗙𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝗺𝗲 for more of the WHAT HOW & WHY of running! Training plans, coaching, education, and more for ALL runners! ☝️
5ks are tough: run hard, run fast, don’t die.
14 giorni fa
Last of many 5k races on thursday before going to training camp for october marathon 😎
14 giorni fa
Love this! 👏 My whole right arm goes numb sometimes in that last quarter mile 😂 but then it’s over!
14 giorni fa
timely as I have a 5k tomorrow...
14 giorni fa
What’s a realistic heart rate for this 5k run? Max?
14 giorni fa
That ending is so hard! The last time I PRd at a 5k, I had to try very hard not to throw up after I was done! 😬
14 giorni fa