9 mesi fa
It’s time for my money to make money. I am a travel RN. Been a travel RN since 2017 after hurricane Irma tore through Florida. Didn’t know or care at the time where travel nursing would take me. Fast forward to today, I live in beautiful Hawaii. And I just bought my first of many properties overseas. The first location in the Philippines. I will get into specifics later. I am a creative and resourceful woman, so I tend to think outside of the box a lot. I saw the value in this investment, so I jumped on it. What brought me to this point? I’m done with bedside nursing mentally. I’m done with the politics, the favoritism, the gossip, the racism (blatant and not so blatant), the pandemic, the short staffing, etc. Don’t get me wrong, I love nursing. I love helping people and I love traveling. But all that other crap, yall can keep. I’ve formed Shakti K Enterprises, LLC last year. Like completely formed from the virtual address to the D&B number. Then this is what I do, take a travel assignment and forget about my dreams, my goals. Then I get mad at myself because I didn’t do anything for my business. I deal with some of the same scenarios each travel nurse assignment too. Then I get angry at that. Well this time around, while on assignment; I said to myself enough. It’s now or never! I just got approved for a few net30 accounts for my business and I bought this first property. I am at the point in my life that I no longer get angry at things I can’t control, like racism on the job for instance. I’m just done with it. It’s time to cut my own checks. I won’t speak on anything else right now. But I will show y’all when I there. If you’re in the same boat. Just do it. Do it while you’re working. Do it silently. But it’s NOW OR NEVER! This is also the reason why I don’t post like I used to. I’m grinding on my dreams and goals. #propertyowner #enterprenuership #unemployable #travelnurse #retiring
Yes!!!! Congrats!!! ❤️❤️🔥🔥🎉🎉
9 mesi fa
Congratulations 🎉 Revel in your accomplishments!!! 🙏✨
9 mesi fa
The curses are eating you alive 😂
9 mesi fa
Congratulations ❤️❤️AWESOMEEEE❤️❤️
9 mesi fa