2 mesi fa
Hi!!! Hi!!! Hey!!! I’m Talia, I am a vintage gems and jewels curator who lives in Niagara with my 2 pups (Moseby and Faye) and fiancé (Matty). I’ve been living in Niagara for almost my whole life (Matty only like 4 years). Naked. started as an obsession with jewelry that turned into a business when Matty got diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in 2023. We thought, why not take the risk and follow our dreams of being entrepreneurs? Life is short, have fun, follow your dreams. Vintage and antique jewelry was the obvious choice as it has always been such a big passion of mine. Naked. has grown and I have learnt so much this past year, but not without the love and support from all you beautiful gems that we’ve met along the way. As we continue to grow we just want to thank each and every one of you for joining us in the love of vintage and antique jewelry and helping us continue to fill hearts with gems and jewels for years to come.
2 mesi fa
Omg I love you y’all !! I’m so happy I get to yap with you at markets 🩷🩷🩷
2 mesi fa
2 mesi fa
Hii Talia!!! 😍 i agree with everything u said! 💯🔥 This is such a cool supportive place and all this is fun as fuck. 🥴 Sending lots of ♥️♥️♥️ to Matty
2 mesi fa