29 giorni fa
I had a very cool one-day action-filled shoot acting in a small role in the upcoming 4th season of Ivalo / Arctic Circle TV series. I loved every second of it. Thank you to Juha Lankinen @lalalanksu for being a brilliant director and thank you to my pro swat team @filmactioncrewfinland . Thank you @yellowfilmtv @elisaoyj @nelonen #ivalo #ivalo4 #ivaloseries #arcticcircle
22 giorni fa
22 giorni fa
21 giorni fa
Max Payne ?
20 giorni fa
Max Payne if his family didn’t get murdered
20 giorni fa
Where can i watch this?
19 giorni fa
Now I want to see this specific episode 😍
15 giorni fa
It’s Max Payne! GET HIM! Years go by and I can’t still forget it. Great job, Sami, keep true to yourself:)
14 giorni fa
Another Sam. The sea of night is endless, it seems
13 giorni fa
5 giorni fa