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Mediterranean Yoga Odyssey July 7 -14. Paros, Greece “My experience with the Mediterranean Yoga Odyssey and Connie was phenomenal. I went into the retreat looking forward to the meditation and yoga, but I didn’t expect them to be so rewarding. Connie’s excellence as a teacher and guide is immense, and each day I gained a fuller understanding of not only the importance of yoga for holistic health but also how much yoga as a practice means to me (inspired in part by her example and dedication!). I was sometimes challenged physically and came to a better appreciation of how much I benefit from that kind of exertion mentally, emotionally, and physically. Okreblue itself is an incredible location, with just the right amount of comfort, nature, privacy, and space for sharing and connection. As the group reflected on often, we were lucky to have such a friendly, kind, and open-minded retreat leader, and this made the experience all the more better. In many ways it feels like this opportunity found me, and I’m so very grateful” Webpage: /mediterranean-yoga-o #yogaretreat #yogaretreatgreece #retreatyourself #selfcare #yogatravel #greekislands @60yearoldyogi @okreblueyogaparos