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Anne-Marie Curtis


Creative and brand consultant/storytelling/art direction/styling. Founder @thecalendarmagazine :The Sustainable Glossy. Contributing Editor @elleuk
The most beautiful day yesterday remembering and celebrating Oli. Husband to Bec, father to Fritz and Gus, friend to us all. A beautiful giant of a man whose generosity, curiosity, humour and kindness knew no bounds. We were all so lucky to have been in your orbit dearest Oli. You will be missed more than words can say and your unique spirit will live in through your beautiful boys and our darling Bec. Forever and always. ❤️
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21 giorni fa
Happy 22 to our beautiful boy Luca! And apologies for *inserting* myself in photo but is only recent one I have since you've grown out of letting me take your picture. 😂. Camera shyness aside we are so proud of the fine young man you've become. Kind,funny, totally your own person and a deep thinker. So happy to have you back home for a few months too before you head off to Glasgow in Sep for some philosophising and new adventures. We love you to the moon and back. 🎂🎈🥳❤️💯
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1 mese fa
Despite the dismal weather happy to report this years annual Jack in the Green festival in Hastings was as bonkers and brilliant as the previous one. Just a few highlights here captured from the balcony of our house where we were lucky enough to have a prime viewing spot - and stay dry. Bravo to all the intrepid participants though who braved the elements and created a stunning display of creativity, community, folklorian storytelling and some truly weird and wonderful costumes. This town really is something else. 🌿💚😍
0 15
1 mese fa
Full Circle. Thrilled to be 'officially' back with the incredible team at @elleuk led by EIC extraordinaire @kenyahunt in my new role as contributing editor across covers, fashion shoots and sustainability. From my first internship after leaving college to finally returning as Fashion Director then EIC and spending 15 very happy years there, ELLE has always been the enduring soundtrack to my fashion journey - so thank you for having me @kenyahunt and can't wait to be part of the magic making! #elleforever #teamelle ❤️💫
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2 mesi fa
Woo Hoo! It's finally Birkenstocks weather. Or today it is at least. And actually took them off after this and walked barefoot on the beach for first time this year. There's something about doing this that makes me feel like a child again in the best way and definitely one of the upsides to our coastal living adventure. And though have not taken full plunge yet this year on getting back into the water soon I will. 🌊. Am also wearing the perfect 'transitional' item - my vintage red varsity cardigan from @bobbyanddandyvintage that always makes me feel happy when I wear it. And after the beach popped into @thehastingsbookshop another brilliant curated independent store here. Had already mainlined @andrewohaganauthor Caledonian Road which is mind- blowingly good and you know that feeling when you've read something brilliant you feel a bit lost as to what to read next? Anyway, I finally settled on the 'The Shards' by Bret Easton Ellis. Hopefully a good choice - we shall see. Final stop was @soakhastings in George Street to stock up on my new favourite face oil from another locally sourced brand @rockrosebeauty . I love anything rose related 🌹and this is properly good. So a fine morning all round and a reminder to myself that IRL shopping really is so much more satisfying than clicking to buy. And as well as the no brainier that supporting local businesses is a good thing, chatting with real people who have an in depth knowledge of their products and a passion for what they do is an absolute joy. Happy Saturday. 😍❤️
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2 mesi fa
A fabulous and fun day yesterday chairing the Future of Vintage Summit held at @goodwood_house_ . Special thanks to @gracetimothywriter for all your hard work in putting this event together and to the Duke of Richmond and Gordon for facilitating and hosting such an inspiring and thought provoking event. And of course to all the amazing panelist's who made my job so easy and for sharing all your incredible insights. @hillhousevintage @virginiabateslondon @scottwimsett @herbiemensahlondon @knownsource_official @innersanctumvintage @oliver_vintage @kimhersov @violetvincent1 @thesarahbailey1 #thefutureofvintage ❤️
0 29
3 mesi fa
Whoop whoop! Thrilled to be featured in the April issue of @elleuk in their inaugural Green List 24. Honoured to be included amongst such an inspiring and impressive line up of kick-ass individuals and change makers who I admire greatly, and so great to have the work we do @thecalendarmagazine celebrating and amplifying positive change in the fashion industry included in this brilliant initiative. Working towards creating a better fashion industry is all about collaboration, finding the joy and most importantly team work - so thank you to our small but mighty team @evjsells @thesarahbailey1 @chaywardstyle @kerryflowerwellnessyoga @swtravels1 and @wordsbymorgane and everyone else who has supported us in our journey so far. And if you are not following @thecalendarmagazine yet then hit us up now! Bravo and thank you @kenyahunt @lenadecasparis and team ELLE for championing fashion sustainability and change and on another brilliant issue of @elleuk . You rock! 🫶💚💫
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3 mesi fa
The Marylebone neighbourhood in London - or Marylebone village as it is now called holds a special place in my heart. I lived there for a hot minute in the late 90s before I moved to NW London where I then spent the best part of two and a half decades living and raising a family. Wonderful as it was to experience central London living , there weren't a lot of options then for dining let alone shopping. And aside from a ludicrously expensive convenience store I did most of food shopping at Selfridges. Yes I know - but in my defense it was the 90s and was travelling so much with work I somehow convinced myself I could justify it. 😂🤷‍♀️ Fast forward a few years and my children started school at a very sweet church primary on St Vincent St. Granted it wasn't that convenient given we lived in Camden but with a mix of local and International families, it was a properly multi-cultural school with a wonderful social and cultural ethos and just a special place all round. By then the area had already changed beyond recognition. A local branch of Waitrose, upscale boutiques and a plethora of eateries and bouji deli's - it was squarely on the map as a destination neighbourhood whilst managing to hold on to its village-y atmosphere. So when was asked if I would like to do an overnight stay at @hotelmarylebone and a explore the area with a particular focus on the sustainable shopping offerings, I jumped at the chance. My hotel room exceeded all expectations- as well as a beautifully designed bedroom/ living room set up a huge terrace with views out over central London and beyond was a revelation. The hotel also has impressive eco-credentials so a big yes from me all counts. Then after a tour of the area where took in the local stores with a sustainable ethos including @oska_uk @toast and @o_pioneersuk , I was joined by my dear chum @rebeccalowthorpe and we headed off for dinner at @kima.restaurant.london - a Greek themed fish restaurant with a zero waste ethos where had some of the best food have ever eaten. So thank you @marylebonevillage @sisterlondon_ for the opportunity experience my old neighbourhood through fresh eyes #prstay #marylebonevillage
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3 mesi fa
Very lucky to have my mother still here and thriving at almost 87. And also of course to be a mother to my beloved children Cecilia and Luca. But am also thinking of mothering as an action rather than a state of being or identity. There are so many ways to *mother* within our friendship groups, work circles and wider communities and all of us are mothering (and muddling through!) one way or another. So here's to mothering as a verb, to taking care of one another whatever that might look like for you and Happy Mothers Day one and all. ❤️❣️💫
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3 mesi fa
Yes I know fashion month not *quite* done yet - but my top 10 looks/moments/shows from the season here in no particular order. At a time when no question there are way too many clothes out there, these all felt either relevant,innovative or just made me 'feel' something which frankly is what fashion at its best should do. 1. - Quite possibly Jonathan Anderson's best outing for @loewe yet? And those florals. 2. @driesvannoten always sublime colour palette and vision of womanhood never fail to make me feel joy. And this one was a masterclass in both. 3. @prada doing what Prada does - and some. Also the hats! 4. Fluidity and modernity at @newbottega . 5. The unbearable lightness of @noirkeininomiya 6. This look from @isseymiyakeofficial is perfection -also quite Romeo Gigli which is IMO a very good thing 7. @stellamccartney oversized knits in pillar box red made me smile and also for her continuing to trail-blaze a sustainable path where there is a woeful lack of it elsewhere. 8. The @chloe girl is back and she's looking mighty fine. 9. @erdem ode to Maria Callas and this excellent tweedy knit ensemble. 10. @paolocarzana poetry in motion. And woven through with sustainability - all the emotions. 💫
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3 mesi fa
So happy I *finally* made it to the excellent 'Bring No Clothes: Bloomsbury and Fashion' exhibition @charlestontrust yesterday. And made even more enjoyable having @fionamckenziejohnston as my viewing companion and generously sharing her deep and insightful knowledge of the Bloomsbury group. And bravo @thecharlieporter on a brilliant and thoughtful curation. So many takeaways and only wished had visited earlier so could have had a return visit. Last day tomorrow so if you can get over there! It is so worth it. #artandfashion #bloomsburystyle #bringnoclothes
0 14
4 mesi fa
Happy 24th birthday to our darling, beautiful,one of a kind girl @cecilia.ccollins . So good to spend the day with you today lunching and mooching around Soho. And thank you for letting me post this shot of you even though you hate pretty much every single photo I take of you but *allowed* this one through if I put it in b&w. And you were right of course ...as you almost always are. 😂. I love seeing the world through your (very discerning) eyes and unique take - and we love you to the moon and back and always. ❤️🥰🎉💫
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4 mesi fa