Autism Support and Awareness


GLOBAL AUTISM COMMUNITY ❤️Tag us for a chance to be featured. @autismsupportandawareness #Autism #AutismAwareness #AutismFamily #AutismAcceptance
Congrats to the newly crowned 2024 Miss Texas: Annette Addo-Yobo, who utilized her platform to advocate for autistics. She wrote, "Autism awareness isn’t just a platform, it’s my life story. Being a caretaker and advocate for my brother taught me many things in life that have helped build me into the woman I am today. Yet it also taught me how cruel the world can be to young children who may not be able to advocate for themselves. The Miss Texas crown is much bigger than me. This crown is for every young child, teenager, and adult on the spectrum who felt alienated, abandoned, stereotyped, and unseen because of their different abilities." ~ . . #misstexas #missamerica #misssouthlaketx #autismawareness #autism #autismacceptance #neurodiversity #autistic #inclusion #autismfamily #explorepage #misstexas #misstexasusa #misstexas2024 #blackgirlmagic #blackgirlsrock #blackqueen #autismadvocate
14.2k 568
9 ore fa
💙💙 This graduation ceremony went silent, so a student with autism and sensory issues could receive his diploma comfortably. 📽: @ieautismacceptance #autism #autismfamily #autismmom #autismdad #autismo #autismadvocate #autismparents #autismappreciation #neurodiversity #autismacceptance #asd #autismawareness #specialneeds #inclusion #neurodivergent #graduation
9,779 389
3 giorni fa
Lucy is blind and autistic. She fell in love with the piano at an early age. By placing her hands over her music teacher’s, she feels the position of the keys and listens to their sound, creating beautiful melodies. Her music teacher says, “Playing the piano is how she communicates with the world.” Autism does not mean broken. Although Lucy can not hold a conversation, her musical talent speaks volumes, reminding us all of the unique ways in which every individual can shine. 📽: @channel4 #ActuallyAutistic #autistic #autism #neurodiversity #neurodivergent #inclusion #spectrum #piano #AutismAwareness #autisticmemes #pianist #musician #amazing #autismacceptance #explorepage #inspiration #motivationalposts #autismcommunity #fyp #beautiful #music #pianorecital
5,828 131
8 giorni fa