Carlotta Valenti


🧜🏻‍♀️🌞 Yoga Social Media Manager 📍Srilanka
“It is only when we realize that life is taking us nowhere that it begins to have meaning.” - P.D. Ouspensky
23 1
5 giorni fa
La mia nuova morning routine :) -Nadhi Shodana: respirazione a narici alternate. Ha molti benefici tra cui ridurre lo stress e tensioni, ha un’azione depurativa, bilancia la pressione sanguigna e migliora la qualità del sonno. - Kapalabhati: favorisce la digestione, fornisce energia al tuo corpo e purifica le vie nasali. -Meditazione: riduce lo stress, maggior consapevolezza di sè, aiuta la concentrazione, ti fa stare bene e tanto altro. . My new morning routine :) -Nadhi Shodana: alternate nostril breathing. It has many benefits including reducing stress and tension, it has a purifying action, balances blood pressure and improves the quality of sleep. - Kapalabhati: promotes digestion, provides energy to your body and purifies the nasal passages. -Meditation: reduces stress, greater self-awareness, helps concentration, makes you feel good and much more. #yoga #yogi #pranayama #meditation #nadhisodhana #kapalabhati #breathing
35 2
8 giorni fa
Follow the flow 🍃☀️
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15 giorni fa
💚 THE POWER OF NATURE 💚 #yoga #yogateacher #asia #yogi #asana #thai
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20 giorni fa
Chiang Dao - Chiang Mai 🇹🇭
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22 giorni fa
🕉️ MOVEMENT IS MEDICINE 🕉️ #yoga #asana #yogateacher #asia #thailand #yogapractice #yogi #yogilife
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25 giorni fa
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27 giorni fa
Puoi rimanere a guardare il mare da un balconcino affacciato sugli scogli e capire che avevi già tutto quello che cercavi. Bastava solo trovare un posto che ti aiutasse ad ascoltarlo. . You can stay and watch the sea from a small balcony overlooking the rocks and understand that you already had everything you were looking for. All you had to do was find a place that would help you listen to it. #thailand #kohphangan #yoga #yogatraining #yogateacher #yogaalliance
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29 giorni fa
I made it!!! Officially I’m a yoga teacher 🌸✨🙏🏻 What a beautiful jorney. “When the five senses are stilled, when the mind Is stilled, when the intellect is stilled, That is called the highest state by the wise. They say yoga is this complete stillness In which one enters the unitive state, Never to become separate again.” - The Katha Upanishad 3.10
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1 mese fa
Gentle and soft morning hatha yoga class. 🌸
33 1
1 mese fa