Sarah Green


Cats & New England Travel🏳️‍🌈Happy to share travel location advice within the US
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19 giorni fa
Presenters can now apply! /call_for_speakers/rr1uNzwH075vXwbMJHUVUADn6cUuapgmCQVnpaCGQyhvyNlEa8e5PNUq3lztotnu/
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27 giorni fa
Rox and I out in Shelburne Falls, 1.1 miles for the Mutt Strut raising money for the Trevor Project. (She only barked at 2 dogs today!)
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1 mese fa
Todays luxury problem. No vehicle so my grocery options are limited. I’m blessed to be able to walk to two different grocery stores. Drawback is that this is all $100 will buy. The objectives were to reduce plastic consumption (failed with strawberries), and be conscious of heart health (hence advocado, and banana), also don’t forget Vitamin C… This is not a post asking for help, I am aware that I live in an affluent area and have a decent job. But today, I still had to ask myself, what I was not going to spend money on. Food, electric bill or rent.
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1 mese fa
A half dozen of my favorites. Working up the courage to ask about showing in some of the local gallery’s.
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2 mesi fa
I have a mason in my head who’s bitching about how I’m laying bricks.
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2 mesi fa
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2 mesi fa
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2 mesi fa
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2 mesi fa
Nicole, Village Stop just entering Jacksonville, VT. 1.75 for 16oz coffee, 1.50 12oz, 3.44 regular gas. Do you know what brand coffee they are brewing?
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2 mesi fa
Morning Stretches
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2 mesi fa
Louisa’s Whisker’s
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2 mesi fa