

Salsiccia? Per chi mi hai preso?! Tempeah! Grazie ai ragazzi di @margherita_pizzeriabra per averci dato la possibilità di sperimentare con il tempeh! . . #tempehmakers #tempehlover #tempeh #tempehrecipes #tempehpizza
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2 mesi fa
Commentate voi che noi siamo senza parole. (Se non lo fate significa che lo siete anche voi) . . #tempeh #tempehmakers #tempehlover
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2 mesi fa
BE THE CHANGE, BITE THE CHANGE. A seguito delle numerose richieste, e gli ottimi risultati ottenuti, eccoci pronti con un nuovo batch. Ordinate presto il vostro blocco prima che finisca! Contattaci via DM o al +39 347 997 3250. . . #tempeh #tempehrecipe #tempehmakers #tempehlover #tempeh
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3 mesi fa
🌱 Exciting News! Following our success in Valencia, our new batch of Fava Beans Tempeh is arriving on February 8th! Each 200g block is a savory delight waiting to elevate your meals. Your support means the world to us as we continue crafting delicious tempeh. Be tempted by tempeh! 🌿 For more information: +39 347 997 3250 or dm us @eat_tempeah ! — 🌱 Pronti, partenza, via! Dopo il grande successo a Valencia, il nostro nuovo lotto di Tempeh di Fave arriverà l’8 febbraio! Ogni blocco da 200g sta aspettando solo voi per assicurarvi il massimo del gusto ad ogni boccone. Il vostro sostegno significa il mondo per noi e noi ci impegneremo a creare altri deliziosi tempeh. Be tempted by tempeh ! 🌿 Per maggiori informazioni: +39 347 997 3250 o inviaci un dm @eat_tempeah ! #tempehmakers #tempehlover #tempeh #vegan #tempehrecipe
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4 mesi fa
Il 16 novembre abbiamo avuto l’opportunità di passare un pomeriggio insieme ai @cosamangiamooggi e di condividere con loro il nostro Tempeh di fave e il nostro Ragù di Tempeh attraverso la realizzazione di un workshop presso il @unisg_pollenzo_foodlab . Ringraziamo l’Università di Pollenzo (@unisg_official ) e Giano e Franci per il tempo passato insieme 🌱. — On 16 November we had the opportunity to spend an afternoon together with @cosamangiamooggi and to share with them our fava beans Tempeh and our Tempeh Ragù through the realization of a workshop at the @unisg_pollenzo_foodlab . We thank the University of Pollenzo (@unisg_official ) and Giano and Franci for the time spent together 🌱. — #plantbased #tempeh
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6 mesi fa
To the giant check that didn’t pass airport security, we’ll always remember you 🌱. Thank you @eitfood_education , @unisg_official and @unisg_pollenzo_foodlab for the opportunity and to all of you who have supported us. Be tempted by tempeh! #tempeh #eitfood #vegan #healthyfood
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7 mesi fa
Just like your "bolognese", but plant-based! Savouring the first bite of our fava bean tempeh ragout, a true 'Tempeh-tation #01 ' that harmonizes tradition with innovation. With roots in ancient culinary wisdom and a fresh, sustainable twist, it's a symphony of flavours that bridges the best of both worlds. Join us on this culinary journey, where every dish is a taste of our passion. 😋🌱 #tempeh #tempe #tempehlover #tempehrecipes #tempehbenefits #tempehtime #tempehtastic #vegan #veganrecipes #healtrecpies #vegetarianrecipes #veganday #plantbased #sustainable #crueltyfree #govegan #Tempehtation #tempeah #healt #healteating #favabeans #ragoût
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8 mesi fa
👩‍🔬👨‍🔬 Putting Our Product to the Test! 🔍🫛 We couldn’t have done it without the students from the University of Gastronomic Sciences (@unisg_official ) who participated in our sensory test! Your invaluable feedback is helping us make our product even better. A heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you for your time and insights. A special thanks also to @_lcrp who captured these moments on video.
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8 mesi fa
We are Tempeah, a circular start-up helping vegetarians, vegans, and healthy eating seekers find genuine and easy-to-prepare products, by creating fava beans and pea tempeh rich in flavour, proteins, and fibers, good for you and the environment🌿. #tempeh #vegan #plantbased #veganfood #healthyfood #tempe #spentbeergrains #vegetarian #govegan #tempehrecipe #healthylifestyle #veganrecipes #foodie #whatveganseat #proteinavegetal #probiotics #healtyfood #circularproducts #circulareconomy #fermentos #italy #favabeans #tomatoskins #spentgrains #veganfoodshare #foodporn #fermentacion #fermentation #macrobiotica #alimentacionbasadaenplantas
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9 mesi fa