Erikson Institute


A premier graduate school in child development, Erikson Institute works to improve the lives of young children and their families.
📌Exposure to mathematical concepts is an important part of early childhood development. It all begins with providing opportunities for early math experiences! A great way to learn about these is from one of our favourite resources, the Erikson Institute, Early Math Collaborative. Transform your understanding of exposing young minds to early math from the ground up and find the LINK IN OUR BIO today! #earlymath #eriksoninstitute #earlylearning
7 giorni fa
In our most recent podcast episode of the Attachment Theory in Action Podcast, Jenna is joined by Dr. Linda Gilkerson, the developer of the FAN Model. FAN stands for “Facilitating Attuned Interactions.” Go to the link in our bio to listen to the full episode and hear how this model can help YOU stay grounded as you work with children and families! #mentalhealth #fanmodel #mentalhealthcare #mentalhealthprofessionals #podcast #infantmentalhealth #iecmh #attachment #trauma #traumahealing #traumainformed #attachmentbased
1 mese fa
thx @eriksoninstitute for the extra letters in my name!! Torrie Kay Holst, M.S., CCLS
1 mese fa
The Erikson Institute for Education, Research, and Advocacy of the Austen Riggs Center announces a 2024 Virtual Roundtable Series, Minding the Gaps: Addressing Mental Health Through the Life Cycle.#psychoanalysis #EUPI /news/erikson-institute-announces-2024-virtual-roundtable-series-addressing-mental-health-through-the
2 mesi fa
⏰ SVEGLIAAAA! Si lo so che è sabato ma questa è la lettura perfetta per questi giorni di vacanze pasquali!😏 “Il corpo è docente Sguardo, ascolto, gesti, contatto: la comunicazione non verbale a scuola” È un capolavoro della comunicazione. Il libro inizia parlando dell’accettazione dell’errore poiché sbagliare è un diritto dei bambini, il lavoro immenso da fare riguarda trovare i giusti stimoli a motivarli e stimolarli affinché lo sconforto e la tristezza non prendano il sopravvento. Da qui un’ampia considerazione dei sensi e di quanto poco vengano utilizzati principalmente: la vista (il contatto visivo) e l’ascolto. Al termine di ciascun capitolo dedicato ci sono interessanti esercizi da poter fare con la classe. E poi ancora un’ampia sezione è didicata al rapporto dei bambini con il mondo digitale; le conseguenze dannose m anche i modi intelligenti ed efficaci di gestione di una relazione IO-IO che oggi richiede molta fatica. Alfabetizzazione emotiva, motivazione, empatia, ottimismo e sentimenti. Sono davvero tanti gli argomenti toccati in questo libro che invito a leggere. Le vacanze dopo tutto servono anche a riposarsi sul divano, con un buon libro e una tazza di caffè! ☕️📖 . . . . . . . . . #reading #readingtime #advice #booklover #bookaddict #teash #teashpeople #educazione #scuolainfanzia #scuolaprimaria #books #bookstagram #teaching #sharing #homework #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers #followme
3 mesi fa
Happy March to you all! I’m a couple of days late, but you know your girl is always on time. 💫 Become a Disrupted by subscribing to our page, and you’ll gain access to our monthly newsletter, freebies for educators, and be the first to know about Play Lab events, speaking engagements, and more. 📣 Go to and sign up today🤸🏿
4 mesi fa
SWIPE ⏩ to learn more about six Black elders from across generations that you should know in the movement for children and families during Black History Month!
4 mesi fa
Barbara T. Bowman is a pioneer in the early education field, focusing her work on intergenerational connections and supporting families in underserved communities. We recognize her contributions to the #ece field, as the co-founder of Erikson Institute, which provides professional development opportunities for the child care workforce. #BlackHistoryMonth
4 mesi fa
New colleagues, new friendships 😍. Novas colegas, novas amizades 😍.
6 mesi fa
@ywcachicago 2023 Leader Luncheon Equitable Futures! Honoring #womenleaders #equality
7 mesi fa
How do we create pathways for all children to learn and grow? By lifting research off the page and bringing it into our communities.   The Carole Robertson Center extends a heartfelt thank you to our panel of experts, Mary Beck (@chipubschools ), Cornelia Grumman, Bela Moté (Carole Robertson Center for Learning), Deborah Moroney (@airinforms ), Teresa Ramos (Office of the Governor- Illinois), Mariana Souto-Manning (@eriksoninstitute ), and Albert Wat (@4earlysuccess ), for sharing their insights at our panel discussion, Pathways to Equity, sponsored by the Robert R. McCormick Foundation and W. Clement & Jessie V. Stone Foundation. During this engaging discussion, we delved into critical topics surrounding early childhood education and youth development. The conversations were both enlightening and inspiring, leaving us with a renewed sense of purpose and commitment to our mission.
As we navigate the complex landscape of early childhood education, we are more determined than ever to address the opportunity gap for children from birth to age eight. Our dedication to equity and access has never been stronger. Every child deserves a fair chance to thrive, and it's our collective responsibility to make that a reality.
7 mesi fa