Fred Mungo


Deadpan Italian / Milan, London Photography /visual art @futuresphotography artist 2023 On&off resident at @issp_latvia
Here's another fragment of "Familiar Things" . The video is a collection of GIFs. These looping images, showcasing characters whose identity is barely identifiable, present frequently documented / highly cliché moments which are often video-recorded in the course of many family lives: a bride walking to the altar, a child smiling in the pool on holiday, the shaking of hands during a graduation ceremony. While such stereotypical moments of family performativity would not be strikingly obvious in the overall context of a domestic movie, they become so when isolated and compulsively repeated, leaving to the viewer the feeling of “having been there” and unveiling their standardised nature. Zooming on crucial fragments of the body rather than on facial features allows the viewer to project their own history on the fragmented narrative. The video is an extract of a larger series, still ongoing.
2 anni fa
I know you MIGHT have seen this already (hihi) but in case you didn't, here's the video @lorenzopiacevoli and I shot for @infosubmarine at @parisphotofair and @polycopies a couple of weeks ago. 🗼 Thank you again to the amazing people we got the chance to bother, in particular @maisiecousins and @matriioszka cause I'm OBSESSED with your works 🦐 See you next year (I'll get a blowdry first next time🧢)
2 anni fa
Not sure who else could use some joy on a Monday evening but here's Levante and I dancing to folk music this summer in Fribourg. #ilovedog
2 anni fa
The video performance "Semiotics of Baking" is a humorous, conceptual body of work which examines the relationship between the boom of interest towards bread making and social restrictions during the lockdown months. Borrowing the visual language from "Semiotics of The Kitchen" (1975) by Martha Rosler, the performance ironically imagine a parallel between the impossibility to express emotional and tactile needs to others, and the physicality of bread making as a way out to those feelings. It was interepreted by amazing @gretagan ------------------------------ "La video-performance tratta dalla serie "Semiotics of Baking" è un'interpretazione concettuale e teatrale che esamina la relazione tra l'aumento improvviso di interesse verso la pratica della panificazione durante i mesi di lockdown e le restrizioni sociali. Prendendo spunto dal linguaggio visivo di "Semiotics of the Kitchen" (1975) di Martha Rosler, il video immagina un parallelo tra l'impossibilità di esprimere le proprie necessità emotive e sociali tramite il tatto, a causa dell'isolamento forzato, e la fisicità del lavorare il pane come sfogo a questi sentimenti. L'interpretazione è di Greta Antoniozzi” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #conceptualvideo #conceptualart #fineartvideo #quarantineart #lockdown #isolation #digitalart #installationartist #performance #solo #theatreperformance #theatreactress #installation #fineartphotographer #fineartvideography #conceptualphotography #fotoroom #covid19 #newwork #blackandwhiteportrait #pandemic #pandemicart #2021 #storytelling #pandemia #visualsociology #socialphotography #coronavirusitaly #freelance #fredmungo @arcipelago_19 @covid19visualproject @humansofcovid.19
3 anni fa
Throw back to a bittersweet humorous video I shot back in 2016 which still makes me smile, representing how terribly boring and alienating the life of a fashion photography intern can be. SO glad these days are gone. To all the fashion interns: it's going to get better. I guess..? . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. .#video #fineartvideo #fineartphotography #documentaryphotography #fashionweek #fashionintern #fashionphotography #adayinalife #daytripper #fredmungo #ordinarylife #videooftheday #adaptandovercome #isolation #adaptation #londonphotographer
3 anni fa
A short experimental video from "Table For One" project on eating alone. Through this piece I explored the relationship between eating along and living in a metropolis, and what it means in our process of adaptation and isolation. Martha Rosler, in “Semiotics of the Kitchen” (1975), uses the "known format" of kitchen television shows to make a strong statement on the women's position in the spectacularization of food, as she argues: “I was concerned with something like the notion of ‘language speaking the subject,’ and with the transformation of the woman herself into a sign in a system of signs that represent a system of food production, a system of harnessed subjectivity.” (Bright, S.; 2018, p.15). I worked around the idea of using a language to contradict itself. I started recording videos of devices playing themselves cooking videos. When the meta-video technique in the videos would reveal, I was hoping to get the spectator to reflect consciously on something that, from my point of view, is usually performed automatically - like turning on a video while eating. In particular, I shot a video that begins sharing the visual language of some popular cooking video - expert hands working on sophisticated food. Slowly, the frame expands, and reveals that the video is played on a computer screen; as the frame expands further, it shows a person is eating in front of a computer while looking at the beginning cooking video. Even though I am aware of the copyright limits that YouTube imposes, I decided to make a version in which the video in the screen is “The Sound Of Massimo Bottura’s Lasagna,” produced by The New York Times Style Magazine. In the video, the spectacularization of cooking practices we are nowadays used to because of the plethora of cooking videos and programs reaches, in my opinion, its peak. . . . . . . . . . . #eatingalone #adayinalife #photography #healthyfood #photooftheday #videooftheday #phasesmag #broadmag #flashlightfanatic #shoreditchlondon #modernism #fredmungo #adaptandovercome #fineartphotograph #documentaryfilm #documentary #stilllife #foodstory #ordinarylife #documentaryphotographer #documentinglife #TableForOne #cityscape
3 anni fa