Greta Thunberg


Autistic climate justice activist Born at 375 ppm
30.8k 1,030
12 giorni fa
Week 303. Today youth and activists from all over the world protested outside the UN climate talks in Bonn to highlight the links between fossil fuels and violence like the ongoing genocide in Palestine. There can be no climate justice without social justice and liberation for everyone, and accountability for those responsible. We need to defund genocide and kick big polluters out! #ClimateJusticeNow #FreePalestine #FreeCongo #FreeSudan #ClimateStrike 📸:David Tong
55.7k 2,298
26 giorni fa
Week 302. This week we are standing outside Europahuset - the European Commission’s representation in Sweden - to highlight the EU election. Making your voice heard cannot only be during elections, in a democracy this must apply for every hour of every day. The EU has an enormous responsibility, both in the climate crisis and other humanitarian crises around the world. If we don’t hold them accountable, no one will. That is our duty as citizens and as humans. We who have the privilege of being able to vote have a responsibility to do so. When you vote, vote with empathy and solidarity - and think of others who are not as fortunate. But remember that voting alone will not be enough, especially when no political party are acting in line with what science says is needed to prevent the worst consequences of the climate crisis and then save countless human lives. You are needed on the streets and on the barricades. Because the people united will never be defeated ✊🏽📢
29.4k 998
1 mese fa
SHARE THIS 🚨 Shell are afraid of us telling the truth about their crimes in the Niger Delta: make sure everyone knows. For years, they have poisoned millions of people across the Niger Delta with oil spills and gas flaring. These communities have a life expectancy of just 46 due to Shell. Shell know that the court cases coming for them in the UK courts this year could financially ruin them. As the Niger Delta rises up to demand justice, Shell are trying to sell off their assets and run. I went to Shell’s AGM to share a message on behalf of @wtpnigeria comrades. My hands were shaking, tears fell from my eyes as security surrounded me, but nothing there was even close to what our siblings in the Niger Delta are forced to experience as a result of Shell’s extraction. It was an honour to share their words and stories. Shell will fall, the Delta will get justice. I believe that we will win. ❤️‍🔥
190k 714
1 mese fa
Climate Strike Week 300. Today we strike outside Exportkreditnämnden (EKN) in solidarity with Congo together with @hope4kinshasa . We demand that EKN stops the collaboration with companies and mines committing human rights violations in DRC. Climate justice means social justice. The people and nature of Congo are experiencing massive exploitation so that the companies responsible can make huge profits, and so that the rest of the world can buy electric cars and other electronic devices. Today, a large majority of the world’s cobalt comes from the Congo. A result of this is that people – including many children – are forced to work in slave-like conditions. This exploitation also leads to severe deforestation of the Congo rainforest, the world’s second largest rainforest. Even countries like Sweden are complicit, since actors like EKN finance and make it possible for the situation to continue. They must take their responsibility, EKN must stop their collaborations with these companies! The climate crisis cannot be solved by technical “solutions” based on inequality and exploitation of people and nature. No one is free until everyone is free! Justice for Congo! #ClimateJusticeNow #FridaysForFuture #StopGreenwashing #ClimateStrike #JusticeForKongo #JusticeForCongo #PeopleNotProfit #FreeCongo
25.1k 790
1 mese fa
Today, we went to @equinor ’s AGM to confront their CEO and its majority shareholder, the Norwegian government. The people in this room are responsible for the UK’s biggest undeveloped oil field - Rosebank. This one oil field would produce more CO2 than 700 million people in the Global South do in a year.  Despite knowing the devastating impacts of new fields like Rosebank, Equinor wants to squeeze as much profit out of oil and gas as they can. They can’t see past their greed. So we are no longer pleading for them to stop this field.  We’re letting them know that we will stand in their way.  We will stop this oil field and Equinor’s violent oil & gas expansion across the world. Take action via @stopcambo ’s link in bio. #StopRosebank #StopEquinor
117k 3,332
1 mese fa
Students all over Sweden are today joining the global student uprisings and are now occupying universities in Sweden, against the genocide in Palestine, for a permanent ceasefire and an end to the occupation. We are currently at Stockholm University, who have failed to cut ties with israeli academia and not even published a statement in solidarity with Gaza and the Palestinian people. The Israeli military are actively targeting and bombing Palestinian universities and institutions of higher education, as well as the basic societal infrastructure. There is no safe place in Gaza. We demand that the Stockholm University administration cut all ties, agreements and collaborations with the genocidal, apartheid state of Israel, be they university- wide or brokered by individual institutions at Stockholm University. We cannot be neutral or silent in a genocide. Refusing to take a stance is in itself a political stance. We urge all students and teachers who can to join us! More info at and @encampmentsweden #FreePalestine #StandWithGaza #StandWithPalestine #AllEyesOnRafah #JusticeForPalestine
106k 4,493
1 mese fa
Week 299. Malmö says NO to genocide! People from all over Sweden are gathering in Malmö this week, where Eurovision is taking place, to protest against Israel’s participation in the competition and to demand a #FreePalestine and #CeasefireNow ! Yesterday we were tens of thousands people flooding the streets of Malmö. We will not accept that a country currently committing genocide is allowed a platform to artwash themselves. The world cannot remain silent in a genocide. Everyone who can must use their voice and speak up against Israel’s crimes and occupation. #AllEyesOnRafah #StandWithGaza #StandWithPalestine #ClimateJusticeNow #BoycottEurovision
265k 10.0k
1 mese fa