In My House Baleal


🏡 Guesthouse | Retreat Venue ✨Retreat 2024 28/6-2/7 @hittheroadbylalindaa 19-25/10 @elementwater.thestudio Book🏄🏽‍♀️🧘🏽‍♀️👩🏻‍🍳 💆🏽‍♀️
Grateful 🙏🏻☀️🌊 @hittheroadbylalindaa @in_my_house_baleal
1 giorno fa
my safe place
2 giorni fa
2 mesi fa
a jump into my last week 1. Non ho resistito 🧢 2. Neanche qui 🫶 3. Persi nel bosco, ma felici 4. Mi sveglio felice tutte le mattine 5. Dimmi, cos’è la felicità? 6. >> le cassette, ed i 25 anni fa . Ah. 7. Bronchite al tramonto 🌅 8. Buongiorno a te Vale 🤍 9, E a te.
2 mesi fa
Fotogrammi del mio ultimo mese. 🇵🇹 1. Non è mai abbastanza 🏄‍♀️ 2. HTR continua. Splendide anime 🤍🌸 3. Quel ramo del lago di Nazar… ah no. 4. Seppur tempesta, c’è sempre la luce. Del faro. 5. Surfer watcher PRO. 6. I giochi belli e indimenticabili. 7. È sempre l’ora dell’aperitivo. 8. Ho trovato una nuova sorella lungo il cammino, la Vale 9. La vita che vorrei é qui. Ora. 10. Zoom è casa. Hit The Road continua … @hittheroadbylalindaa 🌸
3 mesi fa
Ci stiamo autosabotando. Hai mai sentito parlare di microplastica? Son rimasta sconvolta della quantità presente in spiaggia. La microplastica, invisibile ma pervasiva, si accumula nei nostri mari, contaminando gli ecosistemi marini e finendo per entrare nella catena alimentare, con potenziali rischi per la salute umana. Ignorare questo problema significa danneggiare direttamente il nostro ecosistema, compromettendo la nostra stessa sopravvivenza e quella delle future generazioni. È tempo di assumere responsabilità e adottare comportamenti più consapevoli per fermare questo ciclo di autosabotaggio e proteggere il nostro pianeta. 🌏🌼🌿 W/ @lam_valentina @ocean.patrol @oceansisters_community @in_my_house_baleal @hittheroadbylalindaa
3 mesi fa
Element Wasser Surf and Yoga Retreat 19-25.10.2024🌊💙 I cant wait, to enjoy in our beautiful community, a week in full freedom, close to the ocean at @in_my_house_baleal 🥰❤️ 
YOGA Start every day with meditation and breathing exercises to strengthen your inner peace. Followed by a 1h Hatha class to pay full attention to your health and move your body with love and well-being. 
Every afternoon there is a gentle Yin Yoga class, with lots of rest and relaxation. 🧘🏼🩵 SURF
It is a beginner and intermediate friendly level. 
I cooperate with @surftaxipeniche to be able to match your level. 🏄🏼🧡 
FOOD Our private chef @_namelessjourney_ will cook every night for us, using the local product of his family business @menadapraca 🥬💚 
3 mesi fa
✨ Courage is the compass guiding one’s journey to seize control of their life’s narrative, navigating through uncertainty with unwavering determination and the audacity to redefine destiny. Embracing courage means stepping boldly into the helm of one’s existence, casting aside the shackles of doubt and fear to sculpt a future defined by choice, resilience, and unwavering self-determination. It is the audacious act of authoring one’s own story, painting the canvas of life with strokes of boldness and unwavering resolve, transforming dreams into tangible realities and aspirations into triumphant victories. Come with us, escape to a place of serenity and self-discovery at our retreat, where the gentle embrace of nature beckons weary souls to rejuvenate, reconnect, and rediscover the essence of inner peace. Nestled amidst breathtaking beaches along the ocean, our haven offers a refuge from the chaos of everyday life, inviting guests to embark on a transformative journey of healing, mindfulness, and personal growth. ✨Join us as we embark on a voyage of renewal, where each moment is a precious gift, and every breath a reminder of the boundless potential that resides within 🙏 LINK IN BIO
4 mesi fa
✨ Courage is the compass guiding one’s journey to seize control of their life’s narrative, navigating through uncertainty with unwavering determination and the audacity to redefine destiny. Embracing courage means stepping boldly into the helm of one’s existence, casting aside the shackles of doubt and fear to sculpt a future defined by choice, resilience, and unwavering self-determination. It is the audacious act of authoring one’s own story, painting the canvas of life with strokes of boldness and unwavering resolve, transforming dreams into tangible realities and aspirations into triumphant victories. Come with us, escape to a place of serenity and self-discovery at our retreat, where the gentle embrace of nature beckons weary souls to rejuvenate, reconnect, and rediscover the essence of inner peace. Nestled amidst breathtaking beaches along the ocean, our haven offers a refuge from the chaos of everyday life, inviting guests to embark on a transformative journey of healing, mindfulness, and personal growth. ✨Join us as we embark on a voyage of renewal, where each moment is a precious gift, and every breath a reminder of the boundless potential that resides within 🙏 LINK IN BIO
4 mesi fa
🧘🏽‍♀️ Embrace the power of meditation! 🪷In today’s fast-paced world, finding moments of peace is essential for our well-being. 🪷Meditation offers a sanctuary for our minds, allowing us to cultivate clarity, reduce stress, and enhance our overall sense of happiness. 🪷From improved focus to better sleep, the benefits are profound and far-reaching. 🪷Take a moment each day to connect with yourself and unlock the transformative power of meditation. 🐚Meditation can be practiced in various ways, but here’s a simple guide to get started: 1) Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down. 2) Close your eyes or keep them softly focused. 3) Take a few deep breaths to relax your body and mind. 4) Choose a focal point for your attention, such as your breath, a mantra, or a specific sensation. 5) Gently bring your focus back to your chosen focal point whenever your mind starts to wander. 6) Continue this practice for a few minutes to start, gradually increasing the duration as you become more comfortable. 7) Be patient and compassionate with yourself, understanding that thoughts will arise – simply acknowledge them and return to your focus. 8) After your meditation session, take a moment to reflect on how you feel and carry that sense of calmness with you throughout your day. 9) Commit yourself to this practice even 10 minutes every day and enjoy the change of your well-being ✨ #Meditation #Mindfulness #SelfCare #loveyourself #loveyourbody #loveyourmind
5 mesi fa