

Lover of kindness. I love to hug and to hike. One with nature 🌿 📍Baleal Happy owner of 🏡 ⬇️ VITA Retreat 🧘🏽‍♀️⬇️
Following my heart to do what makes me feel fulfilled and open minded. I decided to draw this message. “Spiritual but not religious” From an early age we were taught doctrine and to understand signs from religion. But as we well know, religion is also a source of wars and diversity. I have always felt strongly about seeking meaning in the only thing that unites us, nature and animals, ancient souls that can teach us profound spiritual lessons. They embody qualities such as resilience, intuition, and harmony with the environment. Observing the natural world encourages us to live more mindfully, respect the interconnectedness of all beings, and find a deeper connection with the universe. . . #drawing #markers #spiritual #unityconsciousness #interconnected #universe
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9 giorni fa
A place of peace of mind 🤍🦋🌸🌿 . . . #studio #drawing #playing #expression #experiment #goodvibes
56 4
1 mese fa
It’s never too late….
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1 mese fa
🌿 What’s the purpose of life? I understood that is the journey itself, is to follow your instinct, that we have all the answers inside of us. 🌸 For me is to follow the signs and feeling how I feel in front of that and move accordingly, as we are not suppose to know if it’s right or wrong, and yes and no move parallel is space and time. 🦋 Flowing is the best choice, cause be there to find a reason to everything make you just overthinking and be in the same loop. To live is to flow accordingly to your essence cause energy cannot lie 🤍 . . #life #journey #flowing #staytruetoyou #essence #followthesigns
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1 mese fa
mushin [mu-shin] | Japanese | Zen Buddhism “no-mind” a state of mind free from attachment, preconceptions, and distractions of the ego. It represents a state of clarity, presence, and spontaneous action. 🧘🏽‍♀️
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1 mese fa
Enjoying the process 🫀 . . Every day we have the opportunity to redefine who we are and what we want from life. By taking a step beyond the familiar, we open ourselves up to new experiences and perspectives. The comfort zone might feel safe, but it can also be limiting. I’m learning to trust the process, even when I don’t have all the answers. The journey of embracing my true self has taught me that authenticity is a superpower. When we allow ourselves to be real, to make mistakes, and to explore our creativity, we unlock doors we never even knew existed. Here’s to taking risks, embracing change, and celebrating the beauty of growth. 🌱The most amazing things happen when we step into the unknown with open hearts and minds. . . . #trusttheprocess #embracechange #comfortzone #creativity #growthmindset #beyourself #transformationjourney #innerstrength #takearisk #embraceyourjourney #growthandchange #authenticity #exploretheunknown #creativevibes #unleashyourpotential #bebrave #liveyourtruth #personaltransformation #believeinyourself #opentonewchallenges #personalgrowth #findyourpath #liveauthentically #steppingintotheunknown #selfacceptance #findyourpassion #growbeyond #newbeginnings #lifewithoutlimits #embracethejourney
38 10
2 mesi fa
Touched by grace ✨ I knew this eclipse was bringing some creativity and I did this, maybe I wasn’t drawing since the college, and I’m so happy of the result, I draw what I feel in this moment of my life ✨ There’s power in finding yourself. Knowing yourself. Recognizing your worth. Without Waiting on anyone to introduce you. I’m the greatest project I will ever get to work on. I Take my time. Create magic. I’m willing to evolve beyond who I think I am. I have the permission and capacity to step into the new. Nothing I accept about myself can be used against me to diminish me. I am blooming whether you water me or not. Whether you offer me light. Whether you stand next to me or not. I am at peace like I’ve never been before.✨ . . . . #selflove #selflovejourney #selfdiscovery #lovingmyjourney
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2 mesi fa
Take time for yourself 🌲Taking time for oneself while walking in the woods means allowing oneself a break from the daily hustle and bustle to fully immerse in the beauty of nature. 🌿It means dedicating time to reflection, contemplation, and resting the mind, setting aside worries and stress to connect with one’s inner self and rediscover a sense of calm and balance. . . . #reflectioninnature #timeoutforyourself #foresttherapy #mindfulwalking #innerpeacejourney #natureretreat #serenityseeker #quietcontemplation #soulfulstroll #natureconnection #mindfulnessinnature #tranquiltrails #self care Sundays#natureescape #embracethewild #forestmindfulness #zenwalks #nourishyoursoul #findyourbalance #refreshandreflect
30 6
2 mesi fa
And you’re thriving even inside the chaos - even with all of the moving parts, people, and things around you that are in a slightly chaotic orbit at this time... you’re finding your own clear pathway to thrive… …you must stay on your own path at this time; your own not wander onto anyone else’s. Right now may be a great time to differentiate where any energetic entanglements have occurred… …choose to own your power in such a powerful way that nothing in your environment can make you feel less powerful than you truly are. 🦋🤍🌸 . . . #mylifeismymessage #thrivinginchaos #ownyourjourney #embracethechaos #clearpathforward #innerstrength #powerfulpresence #findingyourway #stayonyourpath #navigatechaos #embraceyourpower #energeticbalance #selfempowerment #riseabovechaos #strengthwithin #empoweryourself #innerpeace #mindfulthrive #ownyourpower #chaostoclarity #thrivingmindset
68 3
2 mesi fa
Embrace your Inner Dreamer It’s time to celebrate the magic of imagination and the power of chasing our dreams. ✨ Being a dreamer isn’t just about envisioning the impossible; it’s about having the courage to pursue those visions with unwavering determination. 💪✨ In a world filled with limitations, being a dreamer means daring to defy the odds, believing in the beauty of your aspirations, and striving to turn your dreams into reality. 🌈✨ So let the imagination soar, let the creativity flow, and never let anyone dull the sparkle of your dreams. 💫✨ Every great achievement started with a dream and every journey began with a single step. 💖✨ So keep dreaming, keep believing, and keep chasing those stars. 🌠✨ Your dreams are the fuel that ignites your soul and propels you towards infinite possibilities. 🚀✨ #DreamBig #ChaseYourDreams #NeverStopBelieving #trusttheprocess #trusttheuniverse #dreamchaser #stargazing #believeinyourself
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3 mesi fa
✨ Courage is the compass guiding one’s journey to seize control of their life’s narrative, navigating through uncertainty with unwavering determination and the audacity to redefine destiny. Embracing courage means stepping boldly into the helm of one’s existence, casting aside the shackles of doubt and fear to sculpt a future defined by choice, resilience, and unwavering self-determination. It is the audacious act of authoring one’s own story, painting the canvas of life with strokes of boldness and unwavering resolve, transforming dreams into tangible realities and aspirations into triumphant victories. Come with us, escape to a place of serenity and self-discovery at our retreat, where the gentle embrace of nature beckons weary souls to rejuvenate, reconnect, and rediscover the essence of inner peace. Nestled amidst breathtaking beaches along the ocean, our haven offers a refuge from the chaos of everyday life, inviting guests to embark on a transformative journey of healing, mindfulness, and personal growth. ✨Join us as we embark on a voyage of renewal, where each moment is a precious gift, and every breath a reminder of the boundless potential that resides within 🙏 LINK IN BIO
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4 mesi fa
You know? I’m good 🌵 . . . . . #ifeelgood #ifeelfree #ifeellove
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4 mesi fa