Lena Sonne | Cozy Science Fiction author


You will want to live in my worlds! Read 🌍Good people world🌎–my first novel about our happy future 💌Subscribe to get your personal signed e-book👇🏻
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1 mese fa
I published "Good people world" on Wattpad! I want my book to be accessible to everyone, so I decided to publish it not on Amazon, but on Wattpad, where you can read it for free! Though it showed there as "ongoing" now, it's just because I am very slow at publishing it chapter by chapter🙈 Actually it is finished, I just need some time to publish it properly. For now 2 new chapters already scheduled for this weekend! Wattpad doesn't allow to put links inside the book, so I can't share my beautiful playlist, that I created exclusively for this novel. So instead, I put epigraphs in the form of song quotes. And I will share the link to the actual playlist in the stories! I've reworked the structure and chapter titles in favour of a more user-friendly reading experience on Wattpad. I hope you will enjoy new chapter names! The link to the Wattpad version of "Good people world" is in my bio and I'll put it in stories too. Enjoy! And share this great news with your friends! Let more readers discover the Good people world as soon as possible 🤗 #writer #writers #book #scifi #books #bookstore #bookshelf #wattpad #wattpadstory #wattpadbooks #wattpadstories #wattpadrecommendations #freebook #sciencefiction #utopia #solarpunk #future #technology #spacetravel #space #aliens
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Hello, my name is Lena and I am a writer 😎 I write science fiction, urban fantasy and mystical realism. I am a professional software developer and a huge fan of AI, robots and Space 😍 Also I love when my stories are based on science and historical facts and I like to combine them together with my imaginary worlds😉 So far I have a novel and a few short stories published in Russian. And I am going to publish this novel in English by the end of this year. It is a sci-fi, solarpunk book “Good people world” about our perfect future which I hope will become true some day 😇 I would love to tell you more about myself, the novel and my writing process in the next posts 🤗 For now - I am just glad to meet all of you! Tell me more about yourself in the comments👇🏻 #author #writer #scifi #sciencefiction #newauthor #new #book #bookstagram #novel #newnovel
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Let me be honest with you – I am really bad at marketing my book🙈 I’ve already taken several marketing courses and subscribed to some instagram and youtube channels about marketing, but this is still like quantum physics for me🤪 Even worse – I feel like quantum physics would be easier to understand😆 When I try to implement things that I’ve learned in these courses, I can never be sure that they will work as expected. And to be honest – I don’t want to spend too much time on this, I just want to write my books! And of course, a writer without readers - is an unhappy writer😬So the main reason why I am still here (in Instagram) - is because I want to find my readers. No, even otherwise – I want my readers to be able to find me. So let’s do it this way: I will just tell you about my book, and if you’re interested, you will DM me, ok? Or write a comment under this post, or subscribe to my newsletter (via the link in my bio) – choose the way you want to get your personal signed e-book, alright? The book is called “Good people world”. It is the first part of the cozy scifi trilogy about the future we all want to live in: with no borders between countries, no wars, no poverty and no climate problems, but with spacetravel , aliens and the best technologies that help people to cure diseases and live a happy life. I love this story with all my heart. I can’t remember how many times I’ve read it, but every time when I do it (to find a quote or to publish new chapter on Wattpad) I can’t stop😇 Every time I dive into the Good people world, it feels like the first time and I want to stay there forever. And the same goes for my readers, both in Russian and English. Everyone who read this book wrote the words “easy to read” and “I want to stay there right now!” in their reviews🤗 Btw, you can read some of them (which are in English) in my highlights👆🏻 So, if you are one of us, who are tired of dystopias and want to see a GOOD example of the future we WANT TO BUILD, then give this story a try! And I’ll see you in the next post, whenever that may be😉
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4 giorni fa
I never go out of bookstore without new friends 😍 Today found some classics under gorgeous covers😏 ❓What should I start reading first?👇🏻
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15 giorni fa
Did you know that I translated my book "Good people world" by myself? The original novel is written in Russian, but I wanted to share this story with more people, so I decided to translate it into English. Of course, at first it was just a draft with mistakes, and it was hard to read. Besides, my English was not that good when I started, so this translation was a kind of training for me. After I finished with the first version of the English draft, I had the help of my friend, who is a professional translator, and a native English-speaking editor. They helped me to enhance the text, so it would be as easy to read as the original version. But still I am so proud of the result! After this exercise, I've improved my English and now I am ready for more translations! I have some of my short stories in mind to start with. This is a big step for me as a writer. People read English books all over the world, so now I am not limited to a few countries. The whole world can read "Good people world"! The translation process was challenging and exciting, and I want to share some behind-the-scenes stories about how I made it happen, what was the most difficult, and what was the easiest. I will do this in my future posts under hashtag #translation _backstage . I hope you will like it! #writer #author #englishwrite #books #englishbooks #englishbook #translation #translations #authorscommunity
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28 giorni fa
I finished reading "Project Hail Mary" by #AndyWeir ! OMG, this is AMAZE-ing 🤗! The perfect ending of the perfect #scifi book! The story is true hard #sciencefiction , but with the author's signature humor and not-boring scientific experiments and calculations that look like all of them are real☺️ Author speculates with ideas about evolution, gravity and how biological species could look like, and this is so exciting to read! Although the story is about the single man on a big spaceship who has to save Earth, the book has some other characters besides the main one. And my favorite is Rocky, of course 😍. He is so cute and smart and kind and talented! I would love to meet him in real life🙈 I like that the people in all of Andy Weir's stories are so kind. In the face of great trouble they unite to solve the problem and forget all previous disputes. I would love to live in this world! As one of the reviews said – this story is an ultimate page-turner! Even if you know that Andy Weir’s books always have happy endings, you still worry about the characters until the very last page, because happy ending can be different and things might not end well for everyone😬 Anyway, I’ve said enough. If you liked “#TheMartian” , you will love “#ProjectHailMary” even more! And Andy Weir becomes officially my favorite #scifiauthor🤗 P.S: and only after I finished the book, I realized why it has this cover! All the details make perfect sense when you know how the story ends🤩 #bookreview #review #space #Amazon #kindle #goodreads #bookrecommendations
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1 mese fa
I started to think about writing biographies 🙈 People have always inspired me, especially those who surround me in real life. Fellow writers, colleagues, my own family. Everyone’s life is unique and beautiful, because it has made that person who they are. I am inspired by how people overcome obstacles, even the impossible ones. How they never lose hope, even in the face of fatal illnesses, and how they can make their loved ones laugh no matter what. How they choose their own, unique path even knowing that no one will support them in this. I am amazed by the painted veil of life that makes people meet each other in impossible ways, that no writer could imagine. I love to hear how soulmates find each other even when they come from different countries and have mix of cultures, religions, education, languages and backgrounds. Sometimes I catch myself listening to someone’s life story and writing down all it’s most interesting parts in my mind, seasoning them with beautiful epithets, “signs of destiny” and a little bit of magic. And now I am thinking – would anyone read such kind of biography? Not the “normal” non-fiction, which describes only chronological facts, but more artistic story, with a plot, filled with deep meaning. ❓Would you? #author #writer #authors #writerscommunity #writing #iamawriter #biography #people #peoplearoundtheworld #goodpeople #booksbooksbooks #books #bookstagram
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I'd like to open a series of posts about my book, Good people world, with a short description of it's Universe and what you can expect and what you shouldn't expect to find in the book. If you are an optimist like me and believe that we have a happy technological future ahead of us, but you miss it and want to see it sooner – then my book is for you. In it, you'll find other optimists who admire technology and you will see what our world could look like in the future. If you are a pessimist and have long been disappointed in humanity and do not believe in any bright future for us – then my book is for you too. It will show you an alternative point of view or at least allow you to immerse yourself in a world where all the best dreams of mankind have come true. Maybe you will get a couple of ideas from the book about how we can improve our world and bring it at least a little closer to such a future? In the Good people world you will find: – kind aliens who have never fought humans, and all races have met each other peacefully; – future technologies that help humans and aliens live their best lives; – environmentally friendly colonisation of planets; – a better version of humanity that cured all deadly diseases and "fixed" global warming by switching to renewable energy sources; – cute, cuddly characters you want to be friends with. You will NOT find these in the Good people world: – A main villain who wants to destroy everything; – unbearable pain and impossible challenges; – hopelessness and desperation; – fear of death. If you want to take a break from the hardships of modern world and see how happy people live, then you should visit the Good people world. I don't promise complete absence of challenges and sufferings, but I promise you a real Happy End with a hint of continuation. #goodpeopleworld #scifi #sciencefictionbook #sciencefiction #technology #future #utpoia #solarpunk #brightfuture
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I love the #circle _of_art when one talented person inspires others to create their own masterpieces. I created "Good people world" universe while playing @masseffect and listening to @poetsofthefallband . The Poets themselves have recently released an album of songs written specifically for the game #AlanWake2 , and this album by an imaginary rock band from the imaginary game world became the real best-selling vinyl album of 2023 in our real-world Finland! And @samlakewrites , the director and writer of @alanwakeofficial game, was inspired by Stephen King's books to create the story and the main character. Last year I gave the copy of #GoodPeopleWorld to the #Poets , so hopefully it will inspire them too one day 😇 In the meantime, it inspires my readers to create beautiful art like this one 🤗 Thank you! 😍 #masseffect #potf #AlanWake #poetsofthefall #oldgodsofasgard #writersbackstage #author
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3 mesi fa
Did you know that #AndyWeir (bestselling author of The #Martian ) is a software engineer? For years, writing was just a hobby for him. He did not even sell his stories, but uploaded them to his own website, where readers could read them for free. Until one day they asked him to place his novel on #Amazon . He started selling this book by $0.99, and eventually it became a bestseller. I think you already guessed that it was “The Martian”. It was in 2014. 10 years after Andy Weir has “only” 3 published novels: In 2017 he published a #scifi thriller #Artemis And in 2021 #ProjectHailMary (which I am reading now). Hollywood film studios were immediately interested in both novels, and Ryan Gosling even wants to produce and star in the movie Project Hail Mary. Andy Weir doesn’t write a few novels in 1 year like other popular authors do, he writes 1 novel in several years. But they are so good, that he can make living only by writing them. For me, this is the best motivating example of a successful writer ever. ❓What do you think? ❓Have you read Andy Weir’s books? #sciencefiction #hardsciencefiction #scifibooks #author #writer #scifiauthor #scifiwriter
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4 mesi fa
I wrote my best stories when I was not competing with other authors or trying to be like them. I was driven by pure inspiration and the desire just to tell the story that was stuck in my mind. Whenever it was in my school days or a year ago, I felt the same when I wrote that way: I felt happiness 😍 I started to lose this feeling when I read too many books and studied too many courses about how a writing can be your career🙈 There are too many rules in this business. And everyone who makes these courses or writes these books about “how to be a successful author” are trying to tell you, that if you do something wrong (= not like others/them) you’ll lose. You will not find your readers and you will not make money from your books. But the writing is not about the money! I mean, it’s a dead end if your only goal is royalties 🤷‍♀️ Because there are plenty of professions where you can get paid a lot easier😄 Writing – is about express something in your soul, that wants to get out, that you cannot keep inside. And of course, it will be nicer if you get paid for it. But even if not – the goal is to share it with your readers. And like my friend ones said: even if 99% of the people on Earth won’t like your book, you will still have 80 million fans 😏 So after all this studying I just want to relax and get back to what I love the most: writing. I want to plan my bigger books, write short stories in 1 day if I inspired enough, and record my dreams. (Oh, I will tell you about my dreams in the whole different post!) Wanna see where it will lead me? Then stay tuned, I will tell you all about my writing journey in detail 🤗 #writing #writer #writersblog #author #authors #authorlife #mywritingjourney #iamwriter
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